Fabricworm Weekly Giveaway! Aneela Hoey Fat Quarters!

This week we have a special treat for you! We are giving away the new Aneela Hoey Little Apples in Aqua. These 8 Fat Quarters are filled with memories of playing outside during Autumn! Everyone has a chance to win, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post answering the question below and you will be entered to win. The Giveaway will end at 8:30am PST, Monday, September 26th. We will announce the winner later that same day. (The winner will be chosen by random.org)

This week we wanna know:
What is your favorite childhood memory?

But don't forget you get 3 bonus entries by doing the following:

  • 1. Tweet the giveaway! Copy this:
Comment for a chance to win this weeks giveaway at @Fabricworm #giveaway #fabric: http://bit.ly/

Then make sure to add an additional comment to this post with your twitter ID
  • 2. Facebook the giveaway! Copy this:
Comment for a chance to win this weeks giveaway at @Fabricworm:http://bit.ly/

Then make sure to add an additional comment with your facebook ID

and post an additional comment that you joined the mailing list.

Please no more than 4 comments/entries per contest post. Also leave an email or account ID so we can contact you when if you are a winner.

Happy Sewing!
The Fabricworm Girls


Bonnie said…
Omg I must have this!! My favorite childhood memory is going to visit my dads family every summer. We always did so many fun things... went to the beach, went to baseball games, visited NASA, I even enjoyed a silly summer fling lol Ahh memories!
Bonnie said…
I'm already on the mailing list
SuzyMcQ said…
My favorite childhood memory was living on a farm in PA. We weren't farmers but my dad had always wanted to have a farm for his kids. The place had been an old chicken farm so there was a huge barn with a concrete floor that, at one time, had been heated to keep the chicken's feet warm, I suppose. Anyway, it was a long structure and made the best all-season place to ride bikes, play hopscotch and create musical productions!
SuzyMcQ said…
I'm on the mailing list, too!
Stevens Family said…
I love that fabric! My favorite memory is growing up the youngest of 8 and taking long family road trips from the east coast to the west.
Stevens Family said…
I'm on the mailing list!
DianeY said…
We usually went on a lot of road trips during the summer & that is my favorite memory-but not the times spent at Ford dealerships in various small towns waiting on car repairs!
Stevens Family said…
Shouting the news on Facebook!
Robin said…
My fav childhood memory is a 6-wk long trip we took across the US visiting all the National Parks. I'll NEVER forget it! THanks for the chance!
Robin said…
I'm on the mailing list.
Rebecca said…
My favorite childhood memory is visiting my grandparents' farm!! thanks for the giveaway :)
Rebecca said…
I'm on your mailing list :)
Alli said…
My favorite childhood memory (today) is of my grandparents driving my sister and me the one minute from my elementary school to the Safeway parking lot near Japanese school, parking under a tree so we could have our afternoon snack, and then driving the fifteen seconds from the parking lot to Japanese school to drop us off. :D
Lisa said…
My favorite childhood memory is riding my bike to the beach every day in the summer. It was only a mile away so bike there in the morning, bike home for lunch, bike back to the beach and then bike home in time for dinner.
Alli said…
I'm on the mailing list (with my hotmail account). Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite childhood memory is having my two older brothers buckle me into a hammock strung between two trees in the back yard and then push me until it swung all the way over the top!!
Lorri said…
My favorite family memory is drive in the country with my family, picking wild asparagus.
Melanie said…
My favorite childhood memory is baking with my mom! Now, I love to do it with my kids. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Melanie said…
I'm on the mailing list.
Mom2RyandSis said…
I'm on the mailing list!!
Lynn Brown said…
I have so many, but I would have to say playing outside with my neighbor friends until it was dark out.
Lynn Brown said…
I'm on the mailing list already.
Mom2RyandSis said…
My favorite childhood memory is playing in the backyard with all the kids my mom watched!! She had an in home daycare and it was so fun to have a lot of kids around all the time!!
Lisa said…
Apple cider donuts.
stephmabry said…
Favorite childhood memory...definitely long summers out of school, spent with my grandparents - fishing, learning to sew, and doing a lot of reading. Oh, to have that much free time again!

Thanks for the chance to win!
Anonymous said…
My favorite childhood memory is a week @ Ocean Park Maine (where we'd go every summer) and finding shells early in the morning on walks with my grandfather. And nightly lobster dinners!
stephmabry said…
I tweeted the giveaway @stephmabry
drmithome said…
Favorite childhood memory-going to the beach with my family.
Probably riding in the tractors and combine with my dad...and baking with my mom. These are still favorite things for my kids to do when they visit...everything is homegrown & homemade. (very different from the city life my kids have now)
aly said…
when i was two and three my grandpa would take me along to run errands and hang out with the guys. he was a truck driver. i remember meeting lots of enormous men, some of them covered in grease, most of them smelly. they were also the kindest most good humoured people i'd met in my life thus far.

they taught me about driving and poker. there'd be 6 huge men jammed in a booth eating pancakes. if you looked a bit closer there'd be a tiny girl somewhere among them being dared to eat a whole stack. i remember falling asleep in the car and waking up to one of the most spectacular sights to a toddler. fireworks. in actuality, they were sparks, we were entering an auto repair garage that belonged to one of my grandpa's buddies.

those were the days!

also! it's my birthday on monday the 16th. wouldn't some lovely fabrics be a nice gift for a still very tiny albeit wise-beyond her years 22-year-old!?
aly said…
i'm on the email list too!
burgerlog said…
looking for those big black furry caterpillars in the anise plants. they smelled so good.
Oh my so long ago it has to be the old tire swing on the ancient apple tree in the center of the orchard.
I am already on the mailing list.
Martina said…
My favourite childhoodmemeories are the hykes we did as family in the mountains. These were such great times!
Martina said…
I am already on your mailing list!
Alison said…
Playing "poo sticks" with my dad when we used to travel in the RV. :)
Tiffany said…
What is your favorite childhood memory?

That is a hard one... I'd say all the backyard fun I had with my friends, my family, my dogs - throughout all years of school I can remember A LOT of good times in our 1/2 acre back yard :)
Tiffany said…
I get your wonderful newsletter!
Parsley said…
Fav childhood memory? Swinging on my papa's arm.
Laura said…
I love that line! My favorite childhood memory is when my mom took me to Disney on Ice...and I was chosen out of the audience to ride in the boat with Cinderella. I was the most euphoric little girl in the entire world.
LauraL444 at yahoo dot com
Laura said…
I'm on the mailing list!
LauraL444 at yahoo dot com
Liz Jimenez said…
Hmm, does high school count as "childhood?" I'm going to have to say my first concert with my youth orchestra. It was a huge turning point for me.
Liz Jimenez said…
Tweeted! (@lizinprogress)
Liz Jimenez said…
And I'm already on the mailing list. (Twice, in fact!)
Indianna said…
I fell in my friend's fish pond and had to be taken home dripping wet and rather smelly!
Barb said…
Favourite memory? Skiing at Whistler with my family every weekend...with lots of stops for hot chocolate.
Melinda said…
My aunt and grandmother kept me, my sis, and my cousins when we were little. They were our 'after school program'! They taught us to crochet, to embroider, and to cross-stitch. I'm probably the only one of the lot who still does any of it, but we all remember it fondly!
Indianna said…
I'm on the mailing list.
valerie boudier said…
My favourite childhood memory is camping holidays at Otautu on the Coramandel peninsula. Lovely days of beach and sea
valerie boudier said…
I have shared this on Facebook
Indianna said…
I tweeted the giveaway @IndiannaDreams
katie@stvital said…
Love the colour! My favourite childhood memory would be life at the lake. We spent most of the summer at our cabin on the lake. Swimming in the lake is still my happy place.
AnnieK said…
We used to spend weekends up in the mountains, near Payson, AZ, when I was little. It was so wonderful to get away from the city heat and ramble around with my parents and cousins, looking for arrowheads, catching trout, and listening to stories about when THEY were kids around the campfire at night.
Jessica said…
Going to my grandma's and sewing with her scraps!
Rebecca said…
We did a family trip to Disneyland when I was 10, I really want to be able to take my kids one day too :)
Rebecca said…
I tweeted (ourbusybunch)
Rebecca said…
I'm a newsletter subscriber :)
iris said…
im on mailing list
iris said…
my favorite memory is my grandma...
Snoodles said…
My fav memory is being at my grandparents' house, and spending time outside in the garden, and fishing, and riding the pony, and feeding the chickens....well, you get the picture!
Snoodles said…
I'm on the mailing list --- love to see it hit my inbox with lovely fabric to drool over! LOL
Molls said…
One of my favorite childhood memories is hanging out with a bunch of my cousins at their pool and doing lots of silly things. Conveniently, we had a camcorder to record some of our funny exploits, so my memory is regularly jogged.
Emily C said…
i've never seen the little apples in this color way set. i really like it!! thanks for sharing.

as for the giveaway, my favorite childhood memory is playing hide-in-seek in the sugar cane fields behind my grandparents house in the summer.
Simply EC said…
What beautiful fabric! This would be perfect for making a quilt for my baby's mini crib that we'll be transitioning him into this fall!

My favorite childhood memory, I had a pretty good childhood so I have more than a few. When I was 4 my grandma made me a Snow White costume and I got to wear it to Disneyland. At that time they had a Snow White themed boat ride and because I was dressed as Snow White, I got to sit on top of the housing of the boat, which wasn't actually a seat but made me feel SUPER special. On that same trip I got separated from my parents' temporarily and I ran into Cinderella and she actually CALLED me Snow White, I was totally shocked.
Sallie said…
I'd say playing in the sprinkler in my grandma's backyard. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Joelle said…
I think my favorite memory is sliding down the hill behind our house on pieces of carboard with the wind sailing through my hair.
Sallie said…
I'm already on the mailing list. Thanks!
Lindsay Conner said…
Summer trips to an amusement park with my family
Favorite childhood memory is going to disney world with my family! So much fun, I'm still a disney kid.
Annmarie said…
One of my favorite childhood memories is making a tent out of chairs & blankets in the backyard & playing cards in it for hours with neighborhood friends!
Annmarie said…
I already subscribe to the FabricWorm newsletter. Thanks for the chance to win some fabulous Little Apples!
Simply EC said…
Tweeted as @arimethia
Simply EC said…
Shared on Facebook at Erin Compton Design!
Simply EC said…
I am already on the mailing list!
Quiltin' Sandy said…
I love remembering my Dad mowing the grass with his old push mower, then raking up the cut grass into a big pile and I would run and jump into it. I didn't care that I would get sooo itchy later, and I still love the smell of fresh cut grass. :)
Quiltin' Sandy said…
I am on your mailing list. :)
My favorite memory growing up was just living everyday out in the country on our ranch, spending time exploring, playing with my animals, riding my horse when ever I wanted to. It was great. I miss it very much.
Sharon Pernes said…
My favorite memory is anytime I spent on our sailboat.
Sharon Pernes said…
I tweeted this. @shapernes
My favorite childhood memory is of camping out in the backyard in the big canvas tent with my Dad barbecuing hot dogs :D
Thanks for the opportunity to enter your great giveaway!
Jessica said…
Spending time in NC with my grandmother.
Lisa England said…
I loved playing on the swingset and monkey bars that my dad (a plumber) had built for us out of plumbing pipe.
Vio said…
I'm on your mailing list.
Vio said…
There are so many!! But I guess one of my favorites is any time we visited extended family in Culiacan, Sinaloa and Tepic, Nayarit in Mexico (where my parents are from). It was especially great when we were there for Christmas! :o)
Paula Lemos said…
My favorite memory was spending the vacations at my grandparents' house. My brothers and I had so much fun there! Thanks for the giveaway, I love Little Apples :)
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Paula Lemos said…
I tweeted @ap_lemos
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Paula Lemos said…
I posted at Facebook (Paula Lemos)
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Paula Lemos said…
I'm already on the mailing list
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Great giveaway! I'm on your mailing list. My favourite memory is spending time with my grandpa in our garden. He passed away at 96, when I was 5 years old.
Cindy said…
Many to chose from! One of my favorites is sitting with my grandmother at the kitchen table eating spoonfuls of jelly together!
Randi said…
Hmm.. i think my favorite memory was playing on the floor of my mom's sewing room. I would fall asleep and she'd continue on forever. It might have been until 9pm, but it felt like forever.
megan said…
Tree climbing :) No single tree, but just the awesome fun of trying to climb every tree I could!
Kristin said…
Love the fabric!! My favorite memory is building sheet hammocks on the swing set with my sister.
megan said…
And I'm on the mailing list.
Kristin said…
I am on the mailing list
Mama Mel said…
My favourite memory was riding my big pink bike around Yamba every holidays, and the jasmine blooming is a close second!
Michele T said…
My favorite childhood memory is spending several weeks during one summer in France with my mom and brother.
Michele T said…
I tweeted your giveaway @mimistarquilter
Michele T said…
I'm on the mailing list!!
floribunda said…
must put my name in the hat for this set -- they're too cute! My favorite childhood memory is having long summer days with nothing to do but read...
Jody said…
Sun Beach and Barbies
The Christmas holidays in Australia!!
Tracy O said…
So cute - love the blue!! I just signed up for the newsletter! Thanks for the chance to win!
Lisa E said…
I already subscribe to your blog through Google Reader.
Jan said…
Camping with my family. Wonderful times.
Jan said…
I'm on the mailing list, too!
Mrs. Butler said…
My favorite childhood memory is riding bikes with my brother in our driveway and up and down the street. We would draw chalk "road" lines down the driveway with a turn lane out to the road and everything! When it was time to come in, of course we had to park our bikes--right in the parking lot we drew at the end of the sidewalk at the front door!
Lisa E said…
My favorite childhood memory? Waking up really early, driving 3 hours, and crabbing. We'd be in the sun for hours and catch dozens of crabs. We wore shoes, so the crabs wouldn't pinch our toes. What great memories!
Anonymous said…
My favourite childhood memories are always about summer, rather than fall (which meant school!), and mostly about travelling. My favourite travelling memory was going up to northern Manitoba with my grandparents and camping at this place with massive rocks the size of small houses that you could climb (I want to say it was Flin Flon, MB, but it's been so many years I don't know if I'm remembering right). I was a rock obsessed kid, so it was brilliant.

(email: clumsy(dot)chord(at)gmail(dot)com)
Anonymous said…
Also: I'm on the mailing list.

Patty said…
One favorite memory is watching Sunday night tv like wonderful world of Disney.
Paskiaq said…
My favourite memory is definitely eating ice cream with my grandfather. :)
Tong said…
Going to the summer beach house with my grandparents was my favourite thing growing up. I learned to swim in the ocean, built sand castles, and attended the vegetable garden.
Paskiaq said…
I'm on the mailing list
Tong said…
Just tweeted the giveaway @tingtongnthings
Tong said…
I'm already on the mailing list!
Vanesa said…
i'm on the mailing list!
Vanesa said…
my fav childhood memory: the smell of my mom's cooking! especially thanksgiving dinner :)
Adele said…
It's almost too long ago to remember, but probably the big holiday parties with everyone around the piano singing and having a good time.
Unknown said…
My favorite childhood memory was going to Rockefeller Plaza in NYC during Christmas time.
mcteri said…
My favorite childhood memories are playing out side all day and just eating stuff out of the garden and off the trees so we didn't have to go in!
Paula said…
My favorite childhood memory....when I was 6 years old, my dad and mom woke me and my two sisters up at 5am and without telling us where we were going, bundled us up in the car and took us to the local airport where we got to see, pat and talk to the REAL LASSIE! It was amazing and my absolutely favorite alltime childhood memory! If I win, I'll post a picture of this incredible early morning more than 40 years ago! Thanks for a chance to win!
Paula said…
you are already on my google reader!
mcteri said…
I am now on the mailing list and I posted to facebook!
Debbie D said…
I would have to say, visiting my grandparents every spring in Kelowna,BC. It was always green and flowers were in bloom,and no snow!!!
Debbie D said…
I,m already on your mailing list
Em said…
So sweet. So delicious. What a wonderful treat this will be for the lucky winner!
Em said…
I'm on your mailing list!
JustPam said…
I tweeted the giveaway.

JustPam said…
One of my favorite childhood memories is spending time with my grandfather.
JustPam said…
I am on your mailing list
Lee said…
I loved my family summers in the UP in Michigan. So fun camping and visiting with relatives! thanks.
Lee said…
i am on fabricworms mailing list! thanks again!
So many to choose from! The winner would have to be making a replica of Michael Jackson's glitter glove with my grandmother. Hours of entertainment form the whole family!
Beth said…
Favorite memory? A weird one, but appropriate for a bookish girl. I remember eating a plum, reading a book, with our dachshund by my side. (I also remember being very happy that we were sitting by a fire hydrant, because I liked the shiny, rubbery feeling of its many layers of paint. Yep, weird.)

I love Aneela's designs, and am especially hoping to win this week.

wordygirl at earthlink dot net
Marcia W. said…
My favorite childhood memory is when the cousins would go to Georgia to spend time with my grandmother at her lake cabin on the farm. We would fish for bream in the ponds and then my grandmother would fry them for our breakfast -- and make eggs, bacon, grits, and biscuits.
The aquas of little apples are gorgeous. Thanks for the chance.
Beth said…
I'm on the mailing list.

wordygirl at earthlink dot net
Marcia W. said…
I'm on your mailing list
Kelsey said…
I don't think i have one specific childhood memory that is a favorite, more just a great appreciation for all the little moments I got to spend with my parents who made me feel so loved without question.
Kelsey said…
I already subscribe to the newsletter.
Kelsey said…
I tweeted from @kprantis.
Mom C said…
I subscribe to the newsletter.
Mom C said…
Favorite childhood memory---I had a great childhood. One of my favorite summertime things was when all the neighborhood kids would gather in the evening and we would play night games; kick the can, hide and seek, red rover, or just talk and talk and talk.
scottylover said…
Wow, lots of childhood memories, but the one that sticks out the most right now is picking purple hull peas one summer weekend with my grandma. We never knew what we would be getting in to when we went to visit and one time she had a friend who needed her peas picked. It was hot & sticky and I had one of those "handkerchief" sleeve tops on that were all the rage (dating myself here) and Grandma kept wiping her sweat on my sleeve! :)

Thanks for the memory!
Sandy A
Garilyn S said…
A favorite childhood memory would be going to my grandparents for a week or two in the summer. I loved spending time in the country.
blessed.mama4 at yahoo.com
Garilyn S said…
Garilyn S said…
posted on fb- Garilyn Sponseller
blessed.mama4 at yahoo.com
yorkie mom said…
My favorite memory is riding in the car with my parents. I was in the back seat laying down reading a book (no seat belts then!) Listening to them talk, knowing we were going some where fun.
Natalya H said…
My favorite childhood memory is huckleberry picking at the crack of dawn when it wasn't yet too hot. We would race to see who could fill up their container first.
Kate Quilts said…
My favourite childhood memory is sitting in the apple tree in our backyard, legs dangling, reading books suck as Nancy Drew and Anne of Green Gables. I'm from a large(ish) family and that place was my peace and quiet, where I could just be alone to read. Something I enjoy to this day, though I don't climb apple trees any more. lol

I'm already on the mailing list and have shared this on FB. :)
Sarah Craig said…
My favorite childhood memory? Spending the summer at my grandmother's house, learning to sew, playing with all my cousins, and going to the beach! Such fun times!!
Sarah Craig said…
And of course I'm on the e-mail list! Thanks for the chances to win!!
Heather said…
One of my favorites associated with fall is jumping in the pile of leaves my dad had just raked!
Heather said…
I am on the mailing list.
Laura said…
I'm a follower :)
Allison C said…
Spending a week each summer at my grandmother's farm...without my siblings. She always spoiled me and we baked whatever I wanted. Plus there were always kittens at the farm for me to play with (or more likely irritate...those poor wild kittens).
Allison C said…
I posted this on FB facebook dot com / alibear167
Allison C said…
I get the newsletter! (under same email name, but yahoo account)
I love all of Aneela Hoey's fabrics. Cute, whimsical and brings back great memories.

My favorite childhood memories are riding bicycle with my sister to the shops and buying ice-cream!
Unknown said…
Swinging. I love to swing.
The Thompsons said…
The Childhood memories I love the most deal with crazy family vacations that always had something go wrong during them. They all bring a smile to me now.
kristinorth said…
Love these fat quarters! My favorite childhood memory is playing outside on our swingset!
kristinorth said…
I'm on your mailing list!
Sel said…
Favourite childhood memory? Playing in the backyard with my teeny tiny cabbage patch dolls (they were plastic) and making them go on adventures and building houses for them and all kinds of stuff!
bec said…
Favourite childhood meneory is Barbie dolls! Making their own clothes, of course! One entry is fine rebeccabarrett35@gmail.com.au
MollyP said…
I receive your newsletter.
Marlene said…
My favorite childhood memory was spending time with my grandmothers who taught me how to sew.
MollyP said…
My favorite memory is swimming with all my buddies in the summer. I've always been a water rat and we had the only in-ground pool in the neighborhood, so our house was always full of friends and fun times.
Anonymous said…

Anonymous said…

Anonymous said…

Jen S said…
I remember summer vacation at my dad's boss' cabin in Wisconsin. We just loved Exploring the stream in the backyard and catching crayfish!
WoolenSails said…
Since it is fall, it reminds me of when my family went to the picnic area at the falls. We would spend the day and make leaf piles, run around the paths and enjoy the falls.

WoolenSails said…
I love this fabric and I am on the mailing list.

Pamela Kieffer said…
My favorite childhood memory was my Dad teaching me to swim. He died that same year so the memory is really special.

I love this aqua fabric and hope one day to make a quilt using these colors
Jo said…
My fav childhood memory is of summers spent at a lake in New Hampshire with my parents. My dad would put this old rowboat in the water and we would go out in it every evening.
Jo said…
I recieve your news letter
Pilgrim Days said…
washing dishes with my grandmother. i loved beingin the kitchen with her and my mom wouldn't yet allow me to wash dishes. love this fabric, btw!
Pilgrim Days said…
joined the mailing list
Teresa said…
Love the fabrics. I remember in the beginning moving alot and lovint it. By the time I was 6 I was in my 8th house. Then it all stopped.
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches
Camille said…
I remember playing in my grandma's garden and losing all her spoons. I also remember going to her quilt club and getting random scraps and needle and thread and make my own "quilts".
Tamie said…
My favorite memory is of a family vacation- four weeks- in a motorhome cross country trip- all five of us.
Tamie said…
I'm on your mailing list.
Jean said…
My favorite memories are the road trips we would take every spring and fall. No dvd players then but somehow it never seemed too long :)
Jean said…
I'm already on the mailing list
My favorite childhood memory is going to Virgina Beach with my family on vacation. We had a blast. I really want to take my kids there one of these days!!!
I am already signed up for the mailing list.
Ella said…
Sitting under a lilac bush listening to the bees.
Jennyroo said…
My favourite childhood memory is being able to ride bikes around the neighbourhood without supervision or restriction! As long as we came home when the street lights came on, our parents didn't fuss or worry. I wish I could give my kids that kind of freedom!
Jennyroo said…
And I'm on the mailing list!
Jennyroo said…
And I tweeted the giveaway! @Jennyroo1
risashoebox said…
My favorite childhood memory is being able to bike down to my Gramma's if my brother and I wanted to visit her since she lived so closely.
risashoebox said…
I'm on the mailing list also!
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