Cloud9 Organic Delivers Stockbridge | Bonnie & Camille Wovens For Moda
Designer Feena Brooks who is inspired by childhood memories of London, travels as a young girl, fairies, dreams, and wonderful, quirky England brings us Stockbridge. All of her designs are named after places, mostly in Britain, and many are places that hold special memories. Lovely artwork makes lovely fabric!
Bonnie & Camille love plaids, dots, and stripes, but don't we all? On their own or mixed with our favorite prints, our new woven collection adds texture and dimension in a refeshing way. Mix them with your past favorite Bonnie & Camille collections from your stash or clear off your design wall and whip up something new.
Kylie & the Machine Labels
What is Slow Fashion?
The opposite of fast fashion. Made with intention, with thoughtful fibers and materials, made ethically without the use of sweat shops or slave labor, and made to last for your handmade items and makes.
These Slow Fashion labels were created specifically to be used on the outside of your clothing & hopefully spark interactions for you with people who haven't heard of this concept.
Find all of our stocked labels.
What is Slow Fashion?
The opposite of fast fashion. Made with intention, with thoughtful fibers and materials, made ethically without the use of sweat shops or slave labor, and made to last for your handmade items and makes.
These Slow Fashion labels were created specifically to be used on the outside of your clothing & hopefully spark interactions for you with people who haven't heard of this concept.
Find all of our stocked labels.
Find all of our stocked labels.
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