A Special Giveaway! Win a Copy of Sewing School 2 by Amie Petronis Plumley & Andria Lisle!

Sewing for kids is something we here at Fabricworm are passionate about.  But sewing WITH kids is a whole other story, but something we feel is extremely special and important.  We as crafters have the ability to pass our skills down to our children, which is great for the kids in so many ways!   We are just so thrilled that authors and sewing extraordinaires like Amie and Andria, have created materials like their newest book, Sewing School 2, to inspire kids to get sewing!

As I was chomping down on my morning breakfast, I was lost in all the fun projects contained inside Sewing School.  My daughter Sophie is only 4, but I'm thinking that's old enough to start getting her excited about sewing.

The brightly colored pages are a blast, and the photography is just amazing!  What cute kiddos!

The difficulty of each project is clearly rated for kids.  I just know that kids who can sew their way through this book, will feel comfortable and proficient in their sewing skills to follow lots of other patterns too!

There are lots of photos, for clear and easy directions.

We love the adorable and handy ruler on the inside back cover.  How convenient!

The Secret Message Pillow, has to be the cutest project ever!

Even teenagers will find a project that suits them!  

Are you all geared up for the release of Sewing School?  Enter below to win a copy of this great gem of a book yourself!  Winner's will be chosen by Random.org through Rafflecopter!

Giveaway ends Friday 9/13 @ 9pm PST.


Your Fabricworm Gal,


Kristie saidā€¦
I got my daughter the first Sewing School book when she turned 5. We've made several of the projects together. She's about to turn 7 and she has her own sewing machine. Sewing School 2 would be the perfect present for her. I know she would love it. Thanks!
Rebecca saidā€¦
This book would be great for my two oldest girls, and my GEMS girls group.
Anonymous saidā€¦
I hope I'll have a daughter to share this book with! :)
Christie saidā€¦
I'm just starting to teach my ten year old to use the sewing machine. This book will be a perfect Christmas gift for her!
scottylover saidā€¦
I would love to share this with my friend Stella and her two kids.

Sandy A
Judith saidā€¦
I have Sewing School 1, and we've really enjoyed making the projects. I'm sure volume 2 would be just as much fun. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.
Misformilk saidā€¦
Wow! Looks like a great book. Thx!!!
Alison saidā€¦
My kids love Sewing School - they've made almost all the projects (and oh, I love it too!). We'd love to move on to Sewing School 2!
Laura saidā€¦
My 7yo is doing some basic hand-sewing and my 4yo some embroidery. I have Sewing School on my wish list for them and am excited to hear there is a second one coming out!
Anonymous saidā€¦
My seven year old is so eager to use my machine!
Adrienne saidā€¦
I can't wait to teach my kids to sew when I have kids!
Marian C saidā€¦
My 3 1/2 granddaughter was in my sewing room playing with fabric and scraps and saying how "bootiful" all the fabric was...I realized that I have an up and coming sewist. This would be a great book to have on the bookshelf for when she's ready for her own little sewing machine.
rsteussy saidā€¦
My son will love this!
Marian C saidā€¦
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Nicole Gagnon saidā€¦
Both my son and daughter will love this book. I cant wait to share it with them!
Alexlovestoshoot saidā€¦
I'd love this book for my girl!
Amy saidā€¦
My daughter is only 4 right now but she already loves to "sew" with me with her sewing cards and shoelaces. She can't wait to be old enough to really sew with mommy!!
Eulalia saidā€¦
My daughter who is 8 years old and is looking forward to use my sewing machine.
Eulalia saidā€¦
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown saidā€¦
My 5 year old granddaughter loves to spend time with me in my sewing/craft loft. I sell fabrics and notions on Etsy, so I have a large inventory. She has begun searching through the fabrics and trims, then coming up with her own ideas. I'm not sure I can keep up to her, but we're having fun sharing the sewing/design bug! She would devour this book!
nancy saidā€¦
this would be great for my daughter,and potential use in our charter school after school enrichment program!
Jenn Zegowitz saidā€¦
My 6 year old daughter wants to learn to sew and she loves to take my fabric scraps and make stuff for her dolls. She would love this book. Thanks.

Unknown saidā€¦
I teach sewing at a school in Memphis, Tennessee that serves a low income, high needs area.
Lise saidā€¦
I'd love a chance to win this book. Thanks so much!
Natasha Johnson saidā€¦
my daughter!!! she loves to help mommy make things
Cassie saidā€¦
I would love to share this with my 7 year old son who has recently become interested in sewing.
Margaret saidā€¦
Looking forward to helping my daughter with some projects as she learns to sew.
Monica saidā€¦
My 9 year old daughter enjoyed their first book - and I know she'd love this!
rosewendy saidā€¦
What fun projects to encourage a young sewer
Carmen N saidā€¦
I want to use this book with my daughter
genkimari saidā€¦
My 8 year old has her fingers (and toes) crossed!
neubiewaters saidā€¦
I have 2 daughters that are dying to start sewing...since i now have my "big girl" sewing machines, I can let them learn on my Janome that I had for a long time. Would love to win!