Fabricworm Giveaway! Bonnie & Camille Vintage Modern!

Hey Fabricworms,
This week we will be giving away the trending Bonnie & Camille Vintage Modern Fat Quarter Bundle in Aqua and Red. Everyone has a chance to win, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post answering the question below and you will be entered to win. The giveaway will end at 2pm PST, Monday, June 4th. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced later that day.

This week we wanna know:
What is your favorite duo color combination?

But don't forget you get 4 bonus entries by doing the following:
  • 1. Tweet the giveaway! Copy this:
Check out the @Fabricworm Giveaway! #giveaway #fabric: http://bit.ly/KeSAU9
Then make sure to add an additional comment to this post with your twitter ID

  • 2. Facebook the giveaway! Copy this:
Check out the @Fabricworm Giveaway! #giveaway #fabric: http://bit.ly/KeSAU9
Then make sure to add an additional comment with your facebook ID

  • 3. Join the mailing list by submitting your email address on our homepage where it says: "sign up" and post an additional comment that you joined the mailing list.

  • 4. "Pin" your favorite bundle or fabric on your Pinterest Board. Just click "add" on your Pinterest account. Then add the link to, and add "Fabricworm" as the description.


Hi, I'm liking grey and most shades of blue. Thanks for the chance!
posted on FB
Eu gosto de azul e verde.Obrigada.tiacarminhapezzuto@gmail.com
Bonnie said…
I love pink and grey together! Great fabrics!
Bonnie said…
I'm on the mailing list! :-)
MC said…
Currently I am loving orange and pink
tweeted as well https://twitter.com/liberalsprinkle/status/208045426035798016
MC said…
I'm on the mailing list
Jan said…
I like lots of color, and I've been thinking of doing a mustard and raspberry quilt, with lots of neutrals thrown in.
Jennie P. said…
I like pink and green or yellow and pink!
Sheila said…
Teal and purple is my favorite combo.
Jennie P. said…
I am on the mailing list.
Reader Owl said…
I'm playing with green/blue/yellow lately. Thanks1
Melanie said…
I love red and aqua together. Thanks for the chance!
Jon and Jolie said…
Oh, right now, loving yellow and grey.
Jon and Jolie said…
just posted to fb. . . @jolie klassen
Jon and Jolie said…
just pinned some bundles. :)
Mom2RyandSis said…
I love anything with grey! :)
Mom2RyandSis said…
I'm on the mailing list! Thanks for the chance to win!
B Greene said…
I am loving orange and gray right now - never thought I would say that about orange!! Thanks for the chance to win some Vintage Modern!!
B Greene said…
Tweeted the Giveaway.
B Greene said…
I am a newsletter subscriber.
B Greene said…
Still love the Arctic bundle of Curious Nature -- http://pinterest.com/pin/243616661062949820/
I love muslin and blue(any shade).
Jessica said…
I love grey and red
cherie godbey said…
Right now my favorite is gray and yellow!
Jessica said…
I'm on the mailing list
mokkakissa said…
Looove! Turqoise and red combined and separately!
natalita said…
I love green and aqua! thanks!
CarlaK.be said…
yellow and lightgrey
Kathrynn said…
I love pink and aqua
Kathrynn said…
I'm on the mailing list
Samantha said…
I've been using a lot of Red and Black lately so I'll say red and black. :D

Thanks for this giveaway, that fabric is gorgeous and would go with the red and turquoise stuff that I just bought!
Samantha said…
I'm a member of the mailing list. Thanks again. :D
Cass said…
I love pink and green.
Or grey and yellow. :)
Sharon Wheet said…
What a gorgeous collection! and thank you for the chance to win it! I have 'pin'ned the give-away bundle. To answer this week's question: my favorite color duo is pink and brown. I just love the look. Feminine and elegant. to me this color duo is versatile: shabby, elegant, neo, classic, feminine, etc.
Unknown said…
Teals and greys right now are catching my interest.

Thanks for a chance.
Sharon Wheet said…
I've signed up to receive your newsletters.
thanks again!
Unknown said…
Just tweeted about this lovely give-away. ---https://twitter.com/KristenSchubach/status/208068479226626049
Unknown said…
Love being on your mailing list.

Thanks for the chance.
Martina said…
I love blue and white together. But at the moment I am a huge fan of red and aqua. Looks just so fresh!
Martina said…
I am already on your mailing list!
Dawn said…
I'm on your mailing list.
Dawn said…
Red and turquoise! :)
Jeanne said…
Thanks for the chance to win this awesome fabric! I currently love the reds/blues. I do love this Vintage Modern.
~LilOlFrankie~ said…
I love the combination of the co-ordinated pink and grey Puttin on the Ritz at the moment :o)
~LilOlFrankie~ said…
Am on the mailing list :o)
Kathy MacKie said…
I Love purple and lime green!
Anonymous said…
I like brown and white
Ebeth said…
I'm on your mailing list. Woot!

Lwghosts at yahoo dot com
Ebeth said…
I'm combining a bright, almost lime green with bright blues right now.

Lwghosts at yahoo dot com
~Kelie~ said…
I have so many color combos that I'm liking right now! It's hard to choose just one! Yellow & grey, brown & pink, brown & blue, auqua & red, and alot more!!! I love this line!!! Thanks for the chance to win!
Oooo great giveaway!! My fav colour combon at the minute is green, grey and white. But I also love red and white and fushia (weird, I know).... Turquoise is a good colour with almost anything....
krista said…
I love gray and yellow together.
Sunnybec said…
I have so many! Pink and green, red and yellow, red and aqua, I could go on, mine changes all the time! Thanks for the giveaway. Linda
andri. said…
Black and red!:)
Unknown said…
I adore pink and orange together, it reminds me of summer.
shel704 at aol dot com
Unknown said…
Tweeted @auntiethesis

shel704 at aol dot com
Unknown said…
Facebooked: Michelle Hudak

shel704 at aol dot com
Unknown said…
email list subscriber
shel704 at aol dot com
Unknown said…
Pinned the Grisley Homestead Fat Quarter Bundle

shel704 at aol dot com
Audrey said…
Greens with aquas are my favorite range.
Audrey said…
I'm on the mailing list.
Eva said…
I love green and aqua, I don't seem to get tired of that one.
Siobhán said…
I'm a sucker for red and aqua.
Siobhán said…
I'm already on your mailing list (siobhanxs@yahoo.com)
Dulce said…
I'm obsessed with pinks/corals and aqua! They're just so refreshing :D
Dulce said…
I tweeted about the giveaway!

Dulce said…
Im signed up with the newsletter

Glenys said…
I like the colour green and pink.
Glenys said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Glenys said…
I'm in the mailing list too.
Jenny said…
really want to work with brown/gray right now! thanks!
Kara said…
I always love yellow and grey together.
kgibson said…
I love pink and navy!
Mike Pearson said…
I tweeted! @amateurquilter
Mike Pearson said…
I get your newsletter!
Mike Pearson said…
Turquoise and yellow!
Cokie K said…
My favorite color combo is orange and aqua (teal). I love the warm and cool together. Thanks for the give away.
I love teal and Orange at the moment.
I love teal and Orange at the moment.
jenna said…
Love yellow and grey together.
Tanya said…
Turquoise and green is my favorite right now!
jenna said…
Pinned it! http://pinterest.com/pin/274156696036625981/
boomie said…
Either green & purple, or turquoise & orange, depending on my mood!
boomie said…
And I'm on the mailing list!
Jodie said…
My favorite would have to be white and anything bright. That is what I seem to make constantly. Thanks for the chance to win.
Jodie said…
here is my Facebook entry. https://www.facebook.com/jodie.keachsmith
Kelly said…
oh man...that's a hard one. i don't feel like i've found my one favorite combination - i have so many! but right now, i'd say pretty much anything with gray. orange and gray, teal and gray, green and gray, etc.
Kelly said…
i'm on the mailing list.
Kelly said…
i pinned the "pack your bags" custom FQ bundle to pinterest - http://pinterest.com/pin/60587557457336967/.
cynthia said…
Purple and green is my favorite combo.
SewSuzie said…
I tend to favour blues and greens however these acqua and reds may run a close second.
cynthia said…
I am signed up for the newsletter!
Kim said…
Right now I love gray and aqua. Thanks for the chance to win :)
Kasey said…
I love pink and orange- even used them for our wedding colors three years ago.
Kim said…
I get your newsletter - thanks again!
Kasey said…
I'm on the mailing list- thanks for a chance to win fun fabric!
giddy99 said…
any vivid/bright color with white, lately
Jo C. said…
I'm really liking citron and grey..working on a string quilt in those colors right now. Thanks for the giveaway, beautiful!
giddy99 said…
I posted on my Facebook! Giddy Stokes (aka giddy99)
RavenzTarot said…
i posted on fb Ravenztarot
I still love the blue and red...but also love greys and corals...
RavenzTarot said…
i tweeted RavenzTarot
RavenzTarot said…
I follow ! and get your newsletter!
RavenzTarot said…
i pinned my bundle! ravenztarot on my sewing info board!
giddy99 said…
I'm a newsletter subscriber! :)
giddy99 said…
I've pinned a bundle here: http://pinterest.com/pin/260997740875489682/
hueisei said…
I love grey and green :)
hueisei said…
Tweets via @ hueisei
hueisei said…
I'm in the mailing list
halfstitched said…
I'm liking orange and blue.

halfstitched said…
I'm a subscriber too
Purple and green for me please :)
AT the moment I am liking grey and lime green, or grey and yellow... Pretty similar really :)
pinned http://pinterest.com/pin/155092780888033536/
Marcia W. said…
I already subscribe to your mailing list and newsletter.
I'm on your mailing list!!

Rah1515 at aol dot come
Marcia W. said…
fave color combo - aqua with blue, purple, and green
My favorite color combo is anything with gray!


Rah1515 at aol dot com
works4me said…
What a nice group of fabrics. Thanks for the chance to win it.

My favourite colour combo is black plus anything vivid.
Sarah said…
My favorite color combo right now is turquoise and brown!

Thanks for the great giveaway!
Sarah said…
I posted on Facebook!

Sarah Waller Norman
Sarah said…
I signed up for your newsletter!
Sarah said…
I pinned a bundle to Pinterest!
Vio said…
I love purple and green in almost any shade.
Vio said…
I'm on your mailing list.
Tammy said…
I love this combo, turquoise and red. But also love pink and orange.
Tammy said…
I PINed on my Pinterest.
Tammy said…
I am already on your mailing list
Katie B said…
I'm always a fan of gray and green?
These days I'm loving purple with light turquoise blu.
I'm in your mailing list.
SuzyMcQ said…
Pretty collection and colors......I'm really liking turquoise with just about anything, but love it paired with navy blue. Thanks for the giveaway!
The Thompsons said…
Currently is Purple and Gray.
Allison C said…
I am on the mailing list!
I like aqua, yellow, grey...so many beautiful colors to choose from
Patti said…
Right now I am into red and white quilts. Thanks for a chance.
BeeSewSweet said…
Gorgeous fabric! One of the color duos I really like is pink and orange. Thanks for the chance!
BeeSewSweet said…
I'm on the mailing list.
Nancy said…
starting a new yellow/orange and white quilt....
lindagw said…
I love orange and aqua together.
Andrea said…
I'm loving gray and purple right now.
Kristine Hanson said…
I am loving orange and gray right now :)
My favorite current combo is bright aqua and orange!
I am receiving the mailing list!
sapdo9ghn said…
Orange and Turquoise!
Hmmm. Right now I am digging orange and grey!
Kasia said…
Love all three of the bundles! What a fun giveaway! I'm a member of the mailing list...
Ali said…
turquoise and orange this week!
Ali said…
Im on your mailing list, thank you for the giveaway!
Rebecca said…
Aqua and grey... really aqua and anything! Thanks for the chance to win.
Bonnie said…
Red and Aqua, all the way!!
Bonnie said…
I just posted on Facebook!

Bonnie said…
I also just tweeted about it! (Can you tell I REALLY want to win?)

Bonnie said…
I just signed up for your mailing list, too!
Alli said…
Aqua and grey! :)
Alli said…
I subscribe to your mailing list (with my hotmail account). Thanks for the chance to win!
Kate said…
Right now I'm loving orange and pink.
steeplechaser29 at yahoo dot com
Bonnie said…
Do we leave a comment saying we've "pinned" our favorite bundle as well?
eleyne said…
deep grey and a bright orange is my current favorite, although sub in a bright green for the orange and you have a close second :)
hollymade said…
I love gray and green. Peaceful.
Waverlee said…
Funnily enough, at the moment it's red and aqua! I do also like purple and grey.
Waverlee said…
I'm on the mailing list
Waverlee said…
Pinned the Ghastlies bundle :)
Anonymous said…

Anonymous said…

Anonymous said…

drmithome said…
Orange, grey and yellow
Pinned to Pinterest!

Rah1515 at aol dot com
Unknown said…
I'm loving pink and gray together right now. Thanks for the giveaway!
Mike Pearson said…
I pinned the Superhuman custom fat quarter bundle!
katie@stvital said…
I love blue and grey. I find it very peaceful.
barbara woods said…
i love pinks and reds
barbara woods said…
i signed up for your newsletter
Tough one! At this very moment, a tangerine and pink combo. In 5 minutes, it might be a blue and purple combo.
April W. said…
Right now I am liking grays and reds.
Joelle said…
Well, youare showing my favorit combo- aqua and red with some white thrown in.
Marga Barrio said…
I love tangerine and greens.
Marga Barrio said…
I'm on your mailing list.
Beth said…
Teal and brown
marci sinfisi said…
im liking very much aqua and red :) like the fabrics youre giving away! i hope i win!
Gill said…
Red and aqua of course!!!
Gill said…
I'm on your mailing list!
marci sinfisi said…
i recieve the newsletter!!
Shannon said…
Love, love, love their fabrics!
Alexandra P. said…
I like teal and purple.
But also mustard-gray, red-aqua, orange-brown, ...
Alexandra P. said…
And I'm on your mailing list. Thanks for the chance!
Erin said…
black and white is actually a current fave. Back to classics!
Renee said…
I love grey and blues, greens, purples!
Renee said…
I'm on the mailing list!
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