Announcing an Exciting Giveaway!

This Mother's Day we will be giving away a $50 gift certificate to our store! Keep it for yourself or give it to your mother! Everyone has a chance to win, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post answering the question below and you will be entered to win.

The giveaway will end at 2pm PST, Monday, May 14th. The winner will be chosen by and announced later that day!

We want to know...
What is your fondest memory of sewing/crafting/designing with your mother?

But don't forget you get 3 bonus entries by doing the following:

1. Tweet the giveaway! Copy this:
Fabricworm $50 gift certificate Mother's Day giveaway! @fabricworm#giveaway #fabric:
Then make sure to add an additional comment to this post with your twitter ID

2. Facebook the giveaway! Copy this:
Fabricworm $50 gift certificate Mother's Day giveaway! @fabricworm:
Then make sure to add an additional comment with your facebook ID

3. Join the mailing list by submitting your email address on our homepage where it says: "sign up" and post an additional comment that you joined the mailing list.


Carrie said…
My mom taught me to sew when I was preteen - I think one of the fondest memories I have of sewing with her was in high school, when she made a dress for me to wear to a banquet.
Jan said…
My Mom taught me to crochet when I was about 7. She guaranteed herself a ready supply of potholders.
L said…
I fondly remember starting sewing with that plastic canvas and yarn
MC said…
My mom doesn't sew or knit, but we did have a fun weekend of painting and wallpapering when she bought her current house.
MC said…
I'm on the mailing list!
I'm on the mailing list
k_l_turner123 at yahoo dot com
Kate said…
I remember in the 80's when my mom used to sew her club clothes. Once she had a shiny metallic leather bustier (crazy, I know) and she helped me make a matching one for my Barbie!
I remember the sewing machine humming along at all hours from when I was about 5 or 6. When I was older, I got to help her clip apart and trim chains of potholders and baby bibs; more and more as I grew older, I was consulted about color and fabric choices for the things she created, and that made me feel proud and included indeed. I also designed one or two potholder appliqués too, as I recall.
My fondest memory is of my mom sewing me the most awesome Halloween costume ever! I wanted a rainbow brite costume for so many years. She made this killer costume (wish I had the picture here). It had tons of rainbow colors and layers and it looked IDENTICAL to rainbow brite's outfit. I loved it so much that I still talk to her about it. (plus I got my daughter hooked on the show -- too bad the costume was lost in a flood, cry.)
mjb said…
My mom was the first to teach me how to use a sewing pattern!
I subscribe to your newsletter!
stacysews said…
My mom didn't sew much, but when I went away to college she did make me several things for my dorm room.
K_L_Turner123 at yahoo dot com
Lisa England said…
When I was in junior high school my mom used to sew clothes for me and my sisters. I used to "help". Most items were made of polyester doubleknit fabric so I'm not sure if this is a good memory or not! Sadly my mom died before I started quilting -- I know she would have been my biggest fan!
Lisa England said…
I'm on the mailing list.
Alli said…
I remember when I ran for class vice president in elementary school -- my mom was awesome helping me make posters and bookmarks! :)
eleyne said…
sewing halloween costumes with my mom - I had this set of blue-spotted pyjamas and one year she made me a hood and tail to go along.... I swear that she finally "lost" that set so that I would stop wearing them to school, the park, the zoo, walking the dog....
Alli said…
I subscribe to the mailing list. Thanks for the chance to win!
EG said…
My mom is a sewist and she had a drapery making business when I was a kid. But I clearly remember making an outfit for a Girl Scout's badge. It was a skirt and sleeveless (I think) top. The fabric was a white ribbed knit (apparently my mom was feeling brave) with puffy teddy bears on it. Awesome.
Amber said…
When my mom taught me how to sew an Amish doll, her clothes and a matching quilt for a 5th grade project. I was so proud of what I made!
Amber said…
On the mailing list.
EG said…
I tweeted! I'm vt_ellen
EG said…
I'm already on the mailing list!
Anonymous said…
I was in high school and mom and I made matching outfits.
Katie B said…
I have fond memories of my mom teaching me to cross-stitch.
DianeY said…
My mom wasn't very crafty, but it was my grandmother who taught me how to crochet while we were on a 2 week road trip when I was 6. I think she had an endless supply of yarn!
Corine said…
My mom thaught me how to sew when I was 12 years old. I practised a lot by making clothes for my barbie!
Rebecca S. said…
My mom isn't a crafty person, we always did craft projects with my dad!
Beth said…
My mom didn't craft but I have very fond memories of making chocolate chip cookies together.
Anonymous said…
My mom gave me my sewing machine and some sewing lesson while I was pregnant with my first child. And I never stop since that! What a wonderfull gift! :)
robin said…
I remember my mom teaching me the very basic basics of knitting when I was maybe 12 or 13. Breast cancer took her when I was 17.
Like some girls, I saw my mom sewing for years before I ever expressed any interest whatsoever. My favorite sewing memory has to be when I decided to make a baby quilt for a friend and told my mom I would like her to teach me. She was so excited and, in turn, so was I. We whipped up that baby quilt together and I've never looked back, except to say that I wished I had started sooner.

Happy Mother's Day!
robin said…
Linda said…
robin said…
I'm on the mailing list! Thanks for the chance!
Charlotte said…
My mum is a seamstress but as a child I had very little interest until I hit teenage years and suddenly discovered fashion! I used to draw up designs and get my mum to make them. Years of watching her really helped when I went off to Uni to study fashion and textiles.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Linda said…
La Petite Mango said…
My mom gave me her sewing machine after I had my son and it started a hobby that helps keep me sane :P She also signed me up for sewing lessons when I was little. She didn't teach me to sew but she made sure I got the help I needed.
Chelsea said…
I don't remember crafting with my mom, but I do remember sewing with my grandmother.
Charlotte said…
I just tweeted, I'm on there as LawsonandLotti
My fondest memory is feeling the floor rumbling as my mother sewed into the early morning in her sewing room right under my bedroom. Who knew I had actually caught the bug from her all these years later.
My mom taught me to sew in a time I didn't want to learn how to sew. During one summer vacation my mother "made me" sew a pajama. The truth is I did it and now, 20 yards later I am glad I did. Nowadays I sew with the same machine, my mother gently gave it to me when my interest in sewing re-borned last year.
Linda said…
AnnieK said…
Mama and I were always making things together...she was very creative, and a wonderful artist. I think my fondest memory, though, is the year that my oldest girls were starting first grade and kindergarten, and the budget was tight. She drug out all her boxes of fabric, and we spent a whole week of her helping me sew them adorable little skirts, blouses and jumpers, even with matching fabric hair bows. My mother was AWESOME!!
FB'd you!
AnnieK said…
I'm on your mailing list. :-)
Natasha Johnson said…
i was raised by my grandma and i remember she used to try to teach me to crochet. i never really got it untill i was older and got a book and tought myself the rest. but it makes me happy to know that i can do something she gave me the fundamentals for
FB'd you again!!
Natasha Johnson said…
tweeted this giveaway via @lkystrcreations
Bonnie said…
My mom doesn't sew but she is so creative. I have very fond memories of her helping me with my school projects and id often win contests because of her help! I love her!
Emily. said…
My mom used to draw simple little pictures on muslin for me to learn how to embroider on when I was really little.
Unknown said…
My mother and I LOVE LOVE LOVE sewing together! thennagin
Bonnie said…
I'm on the mailing list!
Unknown said…
Yay! now all my FB buddies know about your wonderful site!
Teri Kennedy
Bossymamma said…
Wobbling on a table while she was trying to mark the hem of a skirt I was making. I was so terrified of heights I couldn't even stand on a table!
Unknown said…
I am on the mailing list too!
Jo C. said…
My mom made the best Halloween costumes ever...she made wigs, everything for them, i think Raggedy Ann was my favorite!
Natasha Johnson said…
facebooked this.
Pat V. said…
My mom made most of my clothes. I remember being her cheerleader when I wanted her to make something more complex than she was comfortable with (You can do it, Mom! It's easy! -- said the girl who couldn't sew a stitch!)
Natasha Johnson said…
joined your mailing list to!
Jo's Corner said…
I remember sewing felt heart pillows for Valentines Day. We also embroidered the words I Love You on them. LOVE the Memory!
jomoseley57 at gmail dot com
Jo's Corner said…
I Tweeted this Giveaway here:!/peasandluvfrmJO/status/200696949333180416

jomoseley57 at gmail dot com
Amy said…
My mom would take me to Northwest Fabrics in Ankeny, Ia to look at patterns and fabric. She used to make a lot of my clothes when I was a little girl. I am the last of 6 kids, 4 of which are girls, and she taught all of us girls to sew! It is something that we all have in common to this day. We miss my mother and she would love to know that we are all still sewing and quilting.
Liz said…
My mom can't sew - at all. But she does weave, and as a kid, I'd help pick out yarns and watch her thread the loom.
Liz said…
I'm on the mailing list!
April said…
I'm on the mailing list!
Jo's Corner said…
Shared on my facebook profile:

jomoseley57 at gmail dot com
Amy said…
Sharing this giveaway too on my facebook page! FB ID~ Amy Krohn Hoskins
Jo's Corner said…
I'm already signed up for your newsletter!
jomoseley57 at gmail dot com
April said…
I think that my favorite was my senior prom dress that we made together. I picked out this super shiny and nearly impossible to sew with fabric and my mom and I nearly killed one another during the project but the dress turned out exactly like I pictured it would!
Amy said…
Joining the mailing list! I have my eye on some fabrics!
Jo's Corner said…
Ooops, I meant to say that I'm already signed up for your Mailing List!
Little Ella Lu said…
When I'm at a complete loss for how to do something when I'm sewing I can always call her and talk it out.
Kasia said…
Am already on the mailing list for a while now...
Kasia said…
Liked and posted your link on my Facebook for all my friends....don't know my Facebook ID but likely kasiaboslaugh.
Kasia said…
My fondest memory is two fold...when I was little less than 8 yrs old, I remember cutting up my moms fabric scraps while she would sew..second, recently, when my baby boy was born and we needed curtains in our entire house, she brought her machine down and we both whipped out a ton of curtains!
Ellie Roberts said…
My fondest memory is the clothes my mom used to make for my as a child. I look back on the pictures and now being a sewer myself realize the work, effort, and love it took to make them. Love you Mom!
Ashley said…
My fondest memories were listening to my mum sew in the room next to my bedroom late at night while I was going to sleep and lying on her bed watching her sew. I'm so thankful she taught me how to sew. :-)
Karin said…
When I was in grade school my mom taught me to sew by helping me make some clothes for summer camp. I especially remember designing a red short-sleeved shirt with a mesh fabric on the shoulders. So cool.
Karin said…
I'm on your mailing list.
~Michelle~ said…
Sadly, not everyone learns to sew from their mom! Some moms are tomboys who had their sisters sew their high school home ec projects... But thankfully, my mom recognized my interested and utilized my aunt and a family friend to teach me!
Angie said…
My mom and I used to make Christmas ornaments for my teachers every year. We still make them now for my sister's teachers :)
Kasey said…
When i was about 5, my mom made me a purple flouncy dress. I remember watching her sew it, having her try it on my several times (and only pinning me once!), and eventually I got to wear it. I wanted to wear it every day after that! I still have that dress, hanging in my closet.
~Michelle~ said…
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Anna said…
I remember when I was about 7 my mum made me a grey plaid woollen dressing gown. It buttoned up and she had beautifully piped all the seams with red interlock so that they didn't scratch. I was so proud of all that piping on the inside! And I remember clearly how lovely the red looked with the grey. It was yoked and the buttons were big. My mother was always unpredictable and difficult to live with due to mental illness, but I appreciate a special memory like this because it shows how she did love me, even though I often felt like she didn't.
heartsease54 said…
My fondest memory is of picking out patterns & fabrics for all of our high school formals, (me & my sister). All of our formals did double duty as we were also in Rainbow Girls and used the formals for those occasions too.
heartsease54 said…
I'm on your mailing list.
Gemma said…
Mum and I go to the Knitting and Stitching show in Harrogate each year for a day of crafting together.
SuzyMcQ said…
On the mailing list, too!
Gemma said…
I am on the mailing list.
WandaFish said…
My mum didn't sew very often but she worked very hard at the things she made for me and they were always special! The red taffeta dress for my 17th birthday was just perfect :)
Thanks for the giveaway.
WandaFish said…
I'm signed up to your mailing list :)
SuzyMcQ said…
My mom and I did lots of crafting, but I recall working on Halloween costumes and making a jester one from some old diamond patterned curtains! Really!
colesworth said…
Pinning/basting my first quilt with her. Wish we lived in the same city so she could help me baste all my quilts!
colesworth said…
I'm on the mailing list!
Ali said…
Well er...we cut a shirt out never made it - I wish I had better memories of the subject! She never taught me anything about the subject, she says she's not good at teaching. She IS very into sewing and embroidery and crafts, and I like how she throws herself into stuff, even when I don't like her tastes.
Ali said…
I left a tweet on twitter, @gibbylet
Ali said…
I am subscribed to your newsletter, and the blog on RSS for good measure. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!
Jessica said…
My mom didn't do much sewing, so the only memories I have are sewing buttons.
Jessica said…
I'm on the mailing list.
Leigh said…
My right-handed mum 'tried' to teach me, her left-handed daughter, to sew, knit and chochet around age 10. Endless frustration for both of us but it couldn't have been too bad - 25 yrs later we often sew side by side on my dining table!
Leigh said…
I'm on the mailing list too!
Sallie said…
Choosing patterns and fabric with my mom. Thanks for the giveaway!
Sallie said…
I'm on the mailing list.
Johanna said…
My Mom made tons of stuff with me when I was a child but when I had to go to a ball at age 15 she stayed up with me late for two weeks to make sure my ball gown got finished in time.
Johanna said…
I am on the mailing list
Cindy Sharp said…
My fondest memory would be one of the times that we went shop hopping and didn't get "lost". It is always an adventure. We get laughing so hard the driver has to pull over.
Christie said…
My mother would take me to meetings of her quilt group when I was a teenager. I didn't know much about quilting then and I wasn't very good at it. Now we make regular trips to fabric store and I introduce her to patterns I find online.
Lee Ann L. said…
We were both avid cross-stitchers. And, loved a variety of crafting. She never taught me how to sew though. I taught myself years later! :-)
Lee Ann L. said…
I tweeted!
Christie said…
I already subscribe to the newsletter
♥Duff said…
My mom used to darn my grandfather's socks and I'd watch in amazement. Then she taught me how to sew straight lines--I remember having my hands next to my cheeks as I peeked up onto the sewing table and then she lifted me onto her lap and let me help.
My mom and I did a sort of "roll reversal". I taught her how to Then we both signed up for a quilt class, that's when our LOVE for fabric all started! I'm hoping to teach my girls one day and we can all sew together! :)
Lee Ann L. said…
I a newsletter subscriber! :-)
Diann said…
I was in 5th grade and decided to give my sister a blouse I made for Christmas. My mom helped me make it every step of the way since I was new to sewing. I was very proud of the result.
Emily said…
When I was first learning about quilting while in college my mom and I went to a local quilt show together. Neither of us had ever been to one and didn't know what to expect. We were totally blown away! I became a quilter, and while she did not, we still try to go to the show together every year to admire the quilts.
Michele T said…
My mom taught me to knit and crochet - we spent many hours and nights working on projects for family gift or for the church bazaar!!
Emily said…
I jut signed up for your newsletter :-)
Michele T said…
I tweeted @mimistarquilter!!
Michele T said…
I posted the giveaway on facebook
@ michele wielgosch-timms
Michele T said…
I am already on the mailing list - thanks!!
Al said…
My favorite memory is when my mom and I were making a dress and I kept running off with the pieces trying to put them on.
Al said…
I'm on the mailing list!
Al said…
Tweeted! @Allegorical
Alice in WV said…
When I was about four, I made a little figure out of junk I'd taped together. I took it to my mom and asked her to "Make a Santa suit for my Santa." The next morning when I got up, she'd outfitted this thing with a red felt coat and pants, with white trim and a black belt. It was about three inches high. I still have it, and I still don't know how she managed to do it.
abengel (at) zoominternet (dot) net
Kristy said…
It wasn't funny at the time, but while at a mother daughter sewing class, when I was 7, my mom traded me to another mother. I ended up using an entire spool of thread on a tiny tube skirt and swore of ever touching a sewing machine! Which explains why my mom about fell of her chair when, at 19, I asked her to help me make a quilt for my best friend's wedding gift. I've been quilting ever since and have taught my mom how to quilt. You just won't find me constructing garments....I leave that to mom!
Anonymous said…
my mom did not craft but I had fond memories of cooking with her.
Alice in WV said…
I'm on the mailing list.
abengel (at) zoominternet (dot) net
Anonymous said…
I posted about the Giveaway on my Facebook (Craftsbytc)
Anonymous said…
I'm on the mailing list.
susan said…
My Mom taught me to see when I was 5.We made doll clothes. I still have the Singer toy machine and its boxd after over 50 years!
Paskiaq said…
My fondest memory is making baby items with my mom for my first baby and my mom's first grandchild :)
Paskiaq said…
I subscribe to the newsletter
Anonymous said…
Unfortunately the last time I sewed with my mother it was during my middle school home ec class. We made beanbags (for homeless people...yeah...still doesn't make sense to me 20 years later) and I couldn't finish mine in class and had to take it home. It was a weekend full of tears (on my part) and frustration (on my mothers). Now we both sew, but separately. Wish I could sew with her, but she lives too far away!
kate said…
Also I signed up for the newsletter!
susan said…
I posed on FaceBook
Deana said…
I never did any of that stuff with my mom. She was a single mom and didn't have time for that stuff. However last summer my mom got sick and I had the opportunity to make a quilt for her (the first quilt I ever made) to take to the hospital with her. I really enjoyed making it.
Bettina said…
My mum knitted me a draught excluder out of lots of yarn left overs I got to pick out of her craft box and it was in the shape of a snake with an evil grin and forked still lives with me 30 years later:)
Bettina said…
and I am on the mailing list:)
Mom taught me to cook, crochet and sew while I was in elementary. I was quite active in 4-H so I was always making things during the summer... Mom of course always complained about how much work it all was. Now, we just have a grand time finding projects and sending pictures of our creations to each other (and we both are glad we don't have to impress a judge!).
Charlotte E said…
I remember my mum teaching me to knit just a few years ago when my daughter was a newborn. It was a winderful bonding experience but I never was any good at the knitting part :-)
Charlotte E said…
I'm signed up to the newsletter
Kristy said…
I'm on the newsletter.
Unknown said…
My mom does sew... or craft... or design... but she's always been encouraging of my love of sewing... crafting... designing... anything! She's always been so supportive and encouraging. That has always meant a great deal to me.
Audrey said…
Mom was the best at sewing and taught me to make clothes when I was in high school. Last winter she said I have surpassed her but that's not true! I have her old Singer 301.
Audrey said…
I am on your mailing list.
~Kelie~ said…
I am on ur mailing list! Thanks for the awesime giveaway!
Caroline said…
When I was pregnant my mother and I made and smocked bishop dresses and bonnets for my daughter. We had a great time, and I saved the clothes for my daughter to use if she has a little girl one day.
~Kelie~ said…
My best memory of crafting with my mom was when I was about 7 I remember her trying to teach me how to crochet.... I did a chain and couldn't figure out how to do anything matter what she told me. I made a chain taller than me! Thanks their the chance to win!
Tong said…
My favourite sewing memory was learning how to sew with my grandma and my mom.
Tong said…
I tweeted the giveaway @tingtongnthings
Tong said…
I'm already on the mailing list, thanks for the giveaway!
Caroline said…
I signed up for the newsletter. I am looking forward to reading it!
Lynne said…
My Mom dyed a pair of long underwear reindeer brown so that I could be Rudolph in the kindergarten Christmas program.

She cursed the whole time. :)

Mom=not a crafter.
Marcia W. said…
My mother is my quilting mentor. She is 81 so any day that we can quilt together is a great day! Today she was lap handquilting her quilt as I was handsewing hexies for my seven year project of a GMFG quilt. Thanks for the giveaway. If I am so fortunate as to win, then will "go shopping" with her at fabricworm.
Marcia W. said…
I already subscribe to your e-newsletter.
My mom taught me to sew as a tween. It probavly isn't the fondest of times because we would butt heads a lot. But I'm glad she persisted! :)
Melinda said…
I learned to hand sew and crochet from my mom and had "follow-up" from my aunt and grandmother who kept me, my sister and cousins after school while my parents worked. I also remember my mom sewing on her sewing machine.
Anonymous said…
My mom isn't a crafter at all - I'm not sure she even knows how to run a sewing machine. But I enjoy making things for her and know that she appreciates the work I put into them!
Anonymous said…
I tweeted the giveaway - my handle is @tolmema
Anonymous said…
I shared the giveway on my facebook page. My username is:
Libby said…
My mom taught me to sew when I was 12. Thanks mom! <3
Anonymous said…
I joined the mailing list!
Libby said…!/libstress/status/200743856768159744

Libby said…

Libby BLoom Hunt
Libby said…
on your mailing list!
Samantha said…
My mom helped me rip all of the seams out of a blouse I was trying to make when I was in 8th grade and then she helped me read the pattern correctly to put it all back together again.

I did more sewing with my Grandmother than with my Mom but I will always remember how patient she was ripping all of those seams out. I hate seam ripping to this day but luckily I have a daughter who volunteers to do it for me whenever she sees I'm ripping seams apart. :D
Samantha said…
I'm on the mailing list also. :D
Tiara said…
I used to love just watching my mom sew clothes for my dolls. They were so perfect even in minature. I hope one day I have a daughter to share some special moments with.
Tiara said…
I'm on your mailing list!
jenna said…
When I was 11/12 my mom bought me my first sewing machine and materials to get me started making yarn bunny dolls. She even helped me sell a bunch.
Waverlee said…
When my Mum helped me make my first quilt :)
Waverlee said…!/Waves81
Waverlee said…
I'm on the mailing list
scottylover said…
Wow that was a loooonnngggg time ago! :) Mom was left handed, so it was hard for me to learn from her. I do remember one Girl Scout project that was a stamped cross stitch of lemons that had "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade" on it. We used yarn instead of embroidery thread, so Mom helped me figure out which direction the "X" should go and taught me how to do the stem stitch. Don't know where it is now, and don't even remember if I finished it! :P

Thanks for the memory!
Sandy A
ELNM said…
My mother is not a sewing/crafting person. I actually got my interest in sewing from my grandmother. She sewed my Mom's clothes until she was a teenager and sewed a lot for herself. Thanks for the chance to win!
Miss Jean said…
Sharing fabrics for projects. We are both chronic savers.
ELNM said…
I'm on the mailing list - thanks!
Deana said…
I shared on facebook :)
Deana said…
Ièm on the mailing list :)
Liz Jimenez said…
My mom and I got the bright idea to make my winter "formal" dress when I was a sophomore in high school. It was an absolute disaster, but thankfully we were able to laugh it off pretty quickly.
Liz Jimenez said…
Already subscribed to the newsletter!
Deana said…
I tweeted about the giveaway :)!/4littlecupcakes
cassandra said…
My mother was a quilter. I remember stapling together doll pillows made from her fabric scraps while she sewed doll clothes and blankets for me. She died before she could teach me to sew, but I have her quilts, sewing machine and memories to keep me company when I do my own sewing now.
Snoodles said…
I'm already signed up for the newsletter - love to see it pop into my inbox!
Snoodles said…
My mom was good about getting me supplies for my crafts and sewing but she didn't really get into making things with me. I could always count her to give me good advice tho, and to compliment my efforts! Thanks for the chance to win!
CARU said…
My mom sew to me a FLAMENCO DRESS, with dots for school, It was red con black dots, really beautiful, y put the half the dots sewing by hand.
cassandra said…
I am on the mailing list!
Snoodles said…
Added your giveaway to my Facebook page!
Thanks for the chance to win!
CARU said…
I'm on the mailing list
-amy said…
Mom was not a crafter at all. Barely remember her sewing on buttons. But lve her just the same!
My Mother was not a sewer, crafter or designer as she was busy raising us nine children. I do remember receiving a whole shoebox of clothes for my babydoll for Christmas one year that were designed and sewn by my Maternal Grandmother though. I still have a few of them and she was amazing.
I receive the Fabricworm newsletter.
Pinspot said…
My mom is not crafty. Her mom was an amazing seamstress, and made her rip out a zipper twelve times when she was in junior high home ec. I'm afraid that turned her off to sewing forever!
Pinspot said…
I subscribe. Thanks for a generous giveaway!
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