Fabricworm Giveaway! Sheri McCulley Studio!

Hey Fabricworms,
Check out this adorable bundle of Fat Quarters by Sheri McCulley Studio! You can win this bundle of Woodland Tails in Pink. Everyone has a chance to win, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post answering the question below and you will be entered to win. The giveaway will end at 8:30am PST, Monday, March 19th. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced later that day.

This week we wanna know:
What's your favorite woodland animal?

But don't forget you get 4 bonus entries by doing the following:
  • 1. Tweet the giveaway! Copy this:
Check out the @Fabricworm Giveaway! #giveaway #fabric: http://bit.ly/yv24aU
Then make sure to add an additional comment to this post with your twitter ID

  • 2. Facebook the giveaway! Copy this:
Check out the @Fabricworm Giveaway! #giveaway #fabric: http://bit.ly/yv24aU
Then make sure to add an additional comment with your facebook ID

  • 3. Join the mailing list by submitting your email address on our homepage where it says: "sign up" and post an additional comment that you joined the mailing list.

  • 4. "Pin" your favorite bundle or fabric on your Pinterest Board. Just click "add" on your Pinterest account. Then add the link to, and add "Fabricworm" as the description.


Melinda said…
Deer. We get them in our yard all the time. Don't like them eating my plants, but... they're cute!
My favourite woodland animal is rabbits!! Okay my favourite everywhere animal!
I already get the newsletter
And I have mentioned the giveaway on facebook as Libby Humphrey! :)
Jan said…
Rabbits, bunnies, we love rabbits.
And I have mentioned the giveaway on facebook as Libby Humphrey! :)
MC said…
We have Arctic hares frolicking all over our lawn this spring. It's adorable, so I'll have to go with them as a favourite woodland creature.
MC said…
I'm on the mailing list.
Patti said…
My favorite woodland animal is a red fox. Such cute faces. Thanks for a chance.
Patti said…
I already receive the newsletter. Thanks.
Ditzy and Dotty said…
I love Deer, we have little Muntjac deer living around here & I love it when I see them.
Ditzy and Dotty said…
I'm also on your mailing list
Sarah W said…
Squirrels.....they're so cute when they are not digging up my potted plants, eating the grapes, or eating from the bird feeder
Amy said…
Chipmunks! Adorable how they fill their cheeks so chubby!
Amy said…
My pin:
Diane H said…
We have a really cute family of racoons every year.
Diane H said…
I already receive the newsletter, thanks!
boomie said…
and I'm on the mailing list!
Amy said…
Posted to facebook (Amy Griffith Fenner)
Amy said…
I tweeted! (alfenner)
Amy said…
I already receive the newsletter :D
Barb said…
Love the deer! Thanks for the chance to win.
Jennie P. said…
I'm going to say my favorite is the Owl. Although deer are quite graceful.
SuzyMcQ said…
Already on the newsletter list as well!
SuzyMcQ said…
Favorite woodlander has to be an owl. Love to hear them in the forest at night.
Jennie P. said…
I already subscribe to the newsletter.
Jennie P. said…
my favorite bundle:
Anonymous said…
Shared on Face Book !
Gill said…
Tawny owls! or any kind of owl!
Anonymous said…
Already on your mailing list.
Thanks for sharing!
Gill said…
I'm on your mailing list!
Katie B said…
I'll have to go with deer. Love this fabric!
Rebecca said…
I am subscribed to your newsletter :)
Al said…
My favorite has gotta be a fox!
The Thompsons said…
Anything but deer- they eat the bark off of my fruit trees:)
Definitely an owl. I love them so much!
Lisa England said…
A fox is awfully cute.
Lisa England said…
I'm on the mailing list.
my favorite woodland animal is an owl. I find them very intriguing.
I have pinned my favorite bundle here
Samantha said…
I took a poll at my house and we all like squirrels. :)
stephmabry said…
I love chipmunks - or, as one of my friends calls them, licketysplits! :D
Samantha said…
Tweeted! My twitter ID is qolavrah
Samantha said…
I also get your newsletter.
Marci Girl said…
Squirrels! Love them!
Samantha said…
Pinned the "Francy Cat in Fat Quarters". That is my favorite today, all that red and black and white is calling to me. :)
Jeanne said…
Love deer. We see families of them in our yard all the time.
Jeanne said…
I tweeted! I'm "jeannecarol"
Jeanne said…
Posted on facebook. I'm "Jeanne Segraves White"
Jeanne said…
I'm on the mailing list!
Anonymous said…
I'd say deer. They're non-aggressive and super cute!
Tim and Linnet said…
My favourite woodland animal would be an owl, and a very close second are the deer.
Tim and Linnet said…
I'm already on your mailing list. Thanks!
Cass said…
I love owls. Hoot! :)
JustPam said…
I posted on FB.

My twitter id is @nalaxu. I forgot to put it on that comment
Cass said…
I'm on the mailing list.
JustPam said…
I pinned

scottylover said…
I love the racoons. They look so sweet, but can wreck havoc in a big way when you aren't looking. Such mischievous little things!

Sandy A
scottylover said…
I already get your newsletter, too!
Sandy A
B Greene said…
I would have to say that a rabbit is my favorite woodland animal, but I love the herd of deer that passes through our yard twice a day, too!
B Greene said…
I already subscribe to your newsletter - Thanks!!
Tanya said…
Squirrels, we have them running in our trees in the backyard.
Michele T said…
I love owls!! Thanks for the chance!
Michele T said…
I am already getting the newsletter - thanks!
Mom2RyandSis said…
Rabbits are my favorite! :)
Mom2RyandSis said…
I'm on the mailing list! Thanks for the chance to win!
Sabina Richter said…
My favorite woodland animals are deer. They are so beautiful and seemingly peaceful.
Sabina Richter said…
@sabinavela tweeted your giveaway!!
Allison C said…
I'm partial to bears. I wish they were more cuddly!
Allison C said…
I get the newsletter (alibear167 at yahoo)
Sabina Richter said…
Posted for ya on FB!! Sabinarichter1
Sabina Richter said…
On the mailing list too! Sabinarichter1@gmail.com
ErikaB3 said…
I would have to say an owl or a fox.
ErikaB3 said…
i subscribed to your newsletter as ehynick
Diana Z said…
I love the racoon! I used to have a pet one.
goldiez at hotmail dot com
Diana Z said…
goldiez at hotmail dot com
supersara20 said…
I like the skunks on the fabric but in the real outdoors I like deer.
Cecilia said…
I like the deer, they are so cute. Thanks for the giveaway.
Cecilia said…
I get your newsletter.
Cokie K said…
I think sqirrels are really cute. Thanks for the chance to win.
Margaret said…
Woodpeckers. Does that qualify as a woodland animal?
Margaret said…
I pinned this bundle... http://pinterest.com/pin/5770305742589563/
Stephanie said…
i love fawns! scg00387 at yahoo dot com
Stephanie said…
https://twitter.com/#!/DesMoinesDealin/status/179773563673395200 scg00387 at yahoo dot com
woodland animal would have to be a deer.
Karin said…
I like deer. They always make me think of my mother who loves them.
Karin said…
I'm on your mailing list.
Jennyroo said…
And I tweeted! @Jennyroo1
Jennyroo said…
I pinned my favourite bundle. http://pinterest.com/pin/83175924338049589/
Tara said…
deer or rabbits.
taraz9 at excite dot com
Pétra said…
Any baby woodland animal will do for me!! Thanks for the giveaway.
Tara said…
taraz9 at excite dot com
Tara said…
mailing list
taraz9 at excite dot com
Diann said…
I think chipmunks are cute.
Diann said…
I'm on the mailing list.
Lisa E said…
Everyone in my family loves rabbits. In fact we have two of them! They have eaten up our entire yard, but we love them.
Del Soden said…
None of the animals on the fabric are in Australia, (except the rabbits and we hate them here) but if they were I think the racoons would be my favourite. Them or squirrels would always be good entertainment.
I'm going to claim to be the BIGGEST fan of Fabricworm in Australia. I love their fabrics and am looking forward to being able to buy some more bundles after I get through this house shift we are in the middle of.
Del Soden said…
I'm sharing this to Facebook.

I always do.
~LilOlFrankie~ said…
A wee sweet little bunny would be my fave woodland animal.
~LilOlFrankie~ said…
On the mailing list :o)
Alexandra P. said…
My favourite woodland animal is a fox. They are just so beautiful!
Alexandra P. said…
And I'm on your mailinglist. Thanks for the giveaway!
Lovely fabric! So happy to see some racoonies again! My favorite woodland animals are red fox, though they are so rare to catch sight of, and the red squirrels with the thinner tails we have here in Sweden-so cute!
I receive you newsletter and it keeps me up to date, especially about the Flea Market Fancy just coming in-- yay!
Verena said…
My favourite woodland animal is the deer. They are soooo cute :)
Verena said…
I already get your newsletter (and follow your blog).
ok, fav woodland animal, got to be bunny!
My favourite animal is the elk.. Saw one once in the wild when I lived in Norway--magical!
And I am on the mailing list. Thanks for a lovely giveaway..
I suscribed to your mailing list. Terrific giveaway!
I pinned a washi tape bundle to my pinterest! Love washi. So difficult to choose just one. Such a pity there aren't any more Aunt Edna bundles.
SewSuzie said…
Woodland animals are just a bit different down under - most people would say a Koala but it is quite rare to see them. In the country you are far more likely to see Kangaroos.
Lilly said…
I like rabbits.
Thanks a lot for this great giveaway!
Lilly said…
I joined the mailing list.
Kasey said…
Do I really have to pick just one? Ok, I like squirrels best, but pretty much any critter I see is the favorite at the time! (Except skunks.... sorry, skunks)
Kasey said…
I'm on the mailing list.
Sunnybec said…
We have a really really small wood and we get the most adorable red squirrels, I could sit and watch them all day.
Frances said…
i pinned the lizzy house bundle on interest
Frances Dickson
Frances said…
the hedgehog?
katie@stvital said…
My Favourite woodland animal would have to be a fox. Something about their ears and bushy tail. Cute fabric bundle.
KQ said…
My favorite woodland animal is an owl (or as my daughter says, a Hoo Hoo!)
Libby said…
My favorite woodland animal is a fox.
My favorite is the Deer. Thanks for an opportunity to win!
I already receive the newsletter. Thanks for an opportunity to win!
Flo said…
Deer are so graceful and cotton tail bunnies are so cute. How do you choose between the two.
works4me said…
My favourite woodland animal? It is difficult to choose but I think I like the birds that sit in the trees. I love to hear them sing and to try to catch a glimpse of them as they flit from bush to bush.

If it has to be a mammel - I have always been fascinated by foxes.
hueisei said…
I loved deer.. Thanks!
hueisei said…
Tweeted via @hueisei
hueisei said…
Already on the mailing list.
Kathrynn said…
My favorite woodland animal is the squirrel
Kathrynn said…
I tweeted about your giveaway https://twitter.com/#!/crawdaddy1115/status/179968931338006528 (@crawdaddy1115)
Kathrynn said…
I already get the newsletter
Marcia W. said…
My comments from yesterday didn't post! Deer is my fave woodland animal. Yesterday we spotted five running across our pasture with white tails in the air.
Kathrynn said…
I pinned my favorite bundle http://pinterest.com/pin/285697170081442108/
Marcia W. said…
I already receive your fabricworm newsletter.
Rebecca said…
LOVE the little deers :)
April said…
I'm on the mailing list!
April said…
Favorite woodland animal - I'm a sucker for porkupines...even if I can't spell their name!
April said…
I've pinned a bundle!
Eu sou apaixonada por esquilos.Obrigada pela chance,tecidos ótimos.
Pinspot said…
Chipmunks! Their stripes are just so adorable!
sou sua seguidora e amo esquilos.Obrigada pela chance.
Annette said…
Bunnies, love their little pink noses.
Annette said…
I have signed up for the newsletter.
karen serna said…
fave animal would be deer. :)
karen serna said…
and i already subscribe to the newsletter.
Andrea said…
Favorite woodland animal/bird is our wonderful Red-shouldered Hawk. There's a new nest about 100 feet from our front door.
Andrea said…
I already follow FabricWorm blog.
Sunnie said…
beavers and woodchucks!
Andrea said…
Just pinned my favorite Bundle on Pinterest: Safari
mherath said…
Deer. We don't get them but our daughter does and we love to watch them there.
mherath said…
I get your newsletter
Danielle said…
I love squirrels. and chipmunks. don't ask me to distinguish between the two.
Danielle said…
I'm on your mailing list.
Mom C said…
get the newsletter. Thanks.
Mom C said…
Elk, they aren't all that cute but they are majestic. I love to watch them walk.
Claudia said…
favorite woodland animal: raccoon.
Claudia said…
I already get the newsletter.
heidiabc said…
I love badgers...
heidiabc said…
I am on the mailing list...
SueAnn said…
My favorite woodland animal is the black bear. Ever since I watched on being born online 2 years ago. I just signed up for the newsletter
Favorite woodland animal: deer
Unknown said…
I like little birdies. My nickname is Birdie :) (And deer eat all my pretty bulbs I plant and that is NO FUN...) LOVE this fabric line.
Valerie said…
My favorite woodland animal is Squirrels.
We buy unsalted peanuts every week at our local bib box store and feed them.We have some pretty fat squirrels running around. They are so use to us that in the summer when we leave the door open they come in begging for more...
robin said…
My favorite woodland animal is the squirrel. :)
robin said…
Here's my Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/birdie00000/status/180141447008354304
robin said…
I'm on your mailing list.
I love the squirrels playing in my willow tree and yard.
robin said…
Here's my favorite bundle: http://pinterest.com/pin/282249101616626218/
I twweeted the giveaway @KMello
I'm already subscribed to the email list
Love the Jay-Cyn Designs for Birch Fabrics, Mod Basics, Organic, Birdie SpokesPinnedhttp://pinterest.com/pin/50595195783842537/
AM Hale said…
I like racoons even though they climb into our garbage!
Alex Whatton said…
Doormice! Okay, so I have only seen them in South African woodlands, but they are completely adorable!

Good luck everyone!

<3 Alex
It is adorable! It would be perfect for accessories for my 2-year old. My favorite woodland animal are chipmunks.
I subscribe to your newsletter. Yridge2
Leo said…
woodland animal .. I could amke it easy on myself and argue that there are ponds in forrests and therfore I can enter my favourite the frog .. but that would be making it too easy. So I will go for deer, even though they love green tomatos.
AnnieK said…
I love cheeky little squirrels the best. :-)
AnnieK said…
I receive and enjoy your newsletter.
Glenys said…
I'm in the mailing list.
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