Fabricworm Giveaway! Custom Farm Bundle!

Hey Fabricworms,
This week we're giving away 12 Farm Inspired Fat Quarters. Everyone has a chance to win, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post answering the question below and you will be entered to win. The giveaway will end at 8:30am PST, Monday, January 9th. We will announce the winner later that same day. The winner will be chosen by random.org.

This week we wanna know:
What's your favorite farm animal?

But don't forget you get 4 bonus entries by doing the following:
  • 1. Tweet the giveaway! Copy this:
Check out the @Fabricworm Giveaway! #giveaway #fabric: http://bit.ly/AiwSqR

Then make sure to add an additional comment to this post with your twitter ID
  • 2. Facebook the giveaway! Copy this:
Check out the @Fabricworm Giveaway!:http://bit.ly/AiwSqR
Then make sure to add an additional comment with your facebook ID

and post an additional comment that you joined the mailing list.

  • 4. "Pin" your favorite bundle on your Pinterest Board. Just click "add" on yourPinterestaccount. Then add the link to, and add "Fabricworm" as the description.
    Don't forget to leave an additional comment with the link from the pin.


Lindsay said…
I love chickens. They have such fun personalities.
My favorite farm animals are goats. They are so inquisitive and fun to watch. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your great giveaway.
bethanndodd said…
Horses are my favorite...they are so beautiful! Thanks for the chance! Smiles~Beth
bethanndodd said…
I get your newsletter! Thanks for the chance! Smiles~Beth
Natasha Johnson said…
COWS! holstein dairy cows to be exact. they are my all time favorite animal.
Jen said…
My favorite are Holstein cows!! I grew up on a dairy farm and miss it so much!
jenspan at hotmail {dot} com
Rikke said…
Small brown pigs
Kate said…
cows because I love milk and ice cream and my grandparents have a dairy farm!
steeplechaser29 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Sunnybec said…
Shire horses, though you don't see them now on farms I still love them they are so majestic ....gentle giants. Linda
MC said…
Sheep! We travelled through Scotland this year, and all you could see for miles on end were fields full of sheep like little marshmallows on a thick green carpet. Awesome.
MC said…
I'm on the mailing list.
Katie said…
I like to see cows on a farm. My grandpa lives on a farm and I enjoy seeing the cows when we go to visit him. Chickens are fun too!
Thanks for the chance to win.
The Thompsons said…
I like cows, but I don't like the smell of manure that comes along with them. :)
I don't think I have ever wanted to win a bundle SO badly!!!! We live on a small homestead. Picking a favorite is hard, but if I have to choose, it would be sheep. I love their wool, they are sweet, and also, ahem, very delicious!!! Thanks for the great giveaway.
Katie said…
I am also on your mailing list!
My favorite farm animal would be draft horses - gentle giants.
Caty said…
Definitely chickens! I've always wanted them since I was a kid! Maybe one day I'll get to have some haha!
Caty said…
Tweeted! :-)

ID: cblakley0531

Good Luck Everyone!!! :-)
AnnieK said…
I have to go with the hard-working farm dog :-)
Jennie P. said…
My fav farm animal is the horse.
Jennie P. said…
I tweeted the contest. Twitter id: iamlilymunster
Jennie P. said…
Joined the mailing list already.
drmithome said…
Donkeys are so sweet looking.
Sallie said…
I LOVE cows! Thanks for the giveaway!
Jennie P. said…
I pinned Amy Butler's Lark. I hope this is the right link to my pin. I'm pretty new to pinterest.
Alexandra P. said…
My favorites are chickens. Thanks for the chance!
Alexandra P. said…
and I'm on your list. Thanks!
SuzyMcQ said…
Has to be the horses! Adorable fabric, too!
SuzyMcQ said…
I'm on the mailing list too!
Sarah said…
Lovely bundle, nice to see more different colours!I'm on the mailing list :-)
MaryBeth said…
My favorite farm animal is lambs and sheep!
MaryBeth said…
I tweeted your giveaway. Here's the link
MaryBeth said…
I've posted on FB. My FB name is:
MaryBeth Hoffman Little
Unknown said…
I love PIGS, they are so funny:)
Unknown said…
I tweeted about this giveaway...
Jules said…
chickens, there is a house nearby that has chickens running all around, i hope the foxes don't get them.
Jules said…
i am on the mailing list :)
Unknown said…
I posted this giveaway on my FB page...
Unknown said…
I am on your mailing list:)
Marcia W. said…
We live on a farm and it is calving time. I like to watch the calves scamper in the pasture - and the new foal born Christmas Eve day. My mother loves chickens and is working on a chicken quilt design - so know she would like this fabric too. Thanks for the chance.
Marcia W. said…
I'm already on your email list.
Alli said…
My favorite farm animals are the baby ones. Heh, heh!
Alli said…
I receive the newsletter (in my hotmail account). Thanks for the giveaway!
Mom2RyandSis said…
Will have to go with chickens as my favorite! Thanks for the chance to win!!
Mom2RyandSis said…
I receive the newsletter :)
I'm on your mailing list.
My favorite animal on the farm where I grew up were the cows - but NOT the bull.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
I am from Arknasas, home of the Razorbacks, so my favorite farm animals are PIGS!!!!
I am already signed up for the newsletter!
I picked my favorite bundle and pinned it here: http://pinterest.com/pin/166140673723154061/
Jo said…
Cows are my favorite, I just love their big sad eyes. Not to mention the CA cow commercials on telly.
Go-Go Kim said…
Chickens! the pretty kind ;o)
Kasey said…
I like catching my MIL's chickens when they get loose! It's too fun.
Kasey said…
I'm on the mailing list!
Pat V. said…
My fav are the chickens!
Pat V. said…
I receive the newsletter already!
Lisa England said…
Well, I haven't been around farm animals since I was a young child so I'm not sure I have a favorite. But when I was a little girl my great-grandfather had a farm, and he had a big room where he put the baby chickens (which he called peeps) and I remember thinking they were the best thing ever!
Lisa England said…
I'm on the mailing list.
Marci Girl said…
Baby goats...oh how I want to raise some goats!
Chickens are pretty cute. Thanks for the opportunity to win
Lorri said…
We love chickens!
Christie said…
I tweeted from @skwirler
I tweeted about your giveaway idajorich
Lorri said…
I am on your mailing list
Christie said…
I am fond of geese and ducks
I'm a follower and get your newsletter. thanks for hosting the giveaway.
Christie said…
I already subscribe to the newsletter
I posted your giveaway to Facebook. Ida Jo Richardson Fenack
Michele T said…
I love rabbits - so soft and quiet!!
Michele T said…
I tweeted @mimistarquilter
Michele T said…
I am on your mailing list!
my favorite farm animal is a goat because I love goat cheese!
my favorite bundle is pinned at
Thanks for the opportunity to win
quiltma said…
I on the mailing list
Michell said…
Has to be cows. And big friendly ones
Michell said…
twittered @Michells_Place
Michell said…
facebooked @MichellsPlace
Michell said…
already on the mailing list
Unknown said…
Pig! I keep trying to talk my husband into letting me have one in the house...
Anonymous said…
I love horses. If I could, I'd have a couple of them, but unfortunately, I don't live on a farm :(

This fabric looks lovely ! Thanks again :)
Anonymous said…
I'm on the mailing list !
yorkie mom said…
Chickens! Just love the whole egg gathering and free range chicken thing!
Anonymous said…
For me it's cows. With a cow you have milk and cream, and therefore cheese and yoghurt. Add a white wine (and perhaps a cracker) and I think that covers all the major food groups.
Samantha said…
Chickens and Roosters. I just love fabrics with them, carnival glass candy dishes shaped like them, stuffed ones... you get the idea. :)
Samantha said…
I'm a member of your mailing list also. :)
Patty said…
Fav farm animal is a cow
Mom C said…
Horses are my favorite, always have been. Love the majesty of them and the ride.
scottylover said…
Love those sheep! They are so pretty and their wool is so soft!

Sandy A
Mom C said…
I'm on your mailing list. Thanks.
Sarah Craig said…
Horses for me, I think!
Sarah Craig said…
And of course I'm on your mailing list!
Reader Owl said…
I like chickens! At least on fabric - never knew any personally.
EG said…
Oh, cows are just adorable. They have such soulful eyes (try not to think about that too much while eating a burger).
EG said…
I tweeted! I'm vt_ellen
Natalya H said…
Awesome fabric! I love cows, especially Jersey cows.
EG said…
I'm on your mailing list, of course!
EG said…
My pin of the day (of course I have SEVERAL of your bundles pinned!)
Cecilia said…
Horses! They are so beautiful. Thanks for the giveaway.
Reader Owl said…
It was a pleasure to pin 'Perfectly Pretty' - make me feel happy. The pin is
Cecilia said…
I'm on your email list. :-)
Barb said…
Have to say, I love me a Jersey Cow! Thanks for the chance to win.
Eleanor said…
I am fond of cows.
Kara Renee said…
Lol I don't know why but cows are just the sweetest to me! And i love the tractor "cows" on Cars. Do those count?
Charlotte E said…
Pigs because I love seeing my daughter impersonating them.
Charlotte E said…
On the mailing list
Deb said…
Cows for sure! Maybe it's because i don't have to pick one up! I'm a little queasy on animals.
Deb said…
I'm signed up for the newsletter.ut
Karin said…
Black Angus cows.
Karin said…
I'm on the mailing list.
supersara20 said…
I love cows. My Grampy used to have a cow farm, when I was little it was my favorite thing to help him herd the cows from the pasture at night for feeding!
Simple, it's a Horse. :)

thanks for the chance.
sol said…
Mi animal favorito es el caballo. Gracias por permitirme participar en el sorteo.
My favorite, and my husbands too, are cows. So docile and relaxed.
WoolenSails said…
I love horses. Our neighbor used to have draft horses and I loved watching them run in the fields behind us.

Hilachas said…
I like chickens the best. I like the way they just "cluck, cluck" around, pecking at the ground, looking for something to eat. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.
robin said…
Horses! Beautiful animals. :)
robin said…
Tweeted! https://twitter.com/#!/birdie00000/status/154783508613693440
robin said…
I'm signed up for the mailing list.
robin said…
Here's my pin: http://pinterest.com/pin/282249101616297523/
zarina said…
It will have to be those ducks - sweet yellow animals.
HalfDozen said…
recently -PIGS- theres a farm down the road I pass everyday, the piglets are just so fun to watch grow up
HalfDozen said…
I am on your mailing list, Thanks, great looking fabrics
Cass said…
Pigs! Love a pink piggy!
Cass said…
I'm on the mailing list.
Leah said…
my favourite farm animals are sheep
Martina said…
I love sheeps. They are so special!
Yana said…
of course pigs!)) I love pink pigs!
Yana said…
I'm on your mailing list!
Yana said…
and I pinned one of your bundles, adorable! http://pinterest.com/pin/214413632229030046/
Dawn said…
My fav farm animal is a cow with those great big beautiful eyes.
Dawn said…
I Tweeted (dawn_in_ca)
Dawn said…
I posted on FB (Dawn Nelson)
Dawn said…
I am on the mailing list already.
my favorite farm animals... i don't know if ducks are really farm animals but if they are, then mine would be ducks!
Paulina said…
We love watching Timmy Time with my little son, so I'd say that a sheep is on the top of my list when it comes to farm animals :)
Liz A said…
Definitely sheep - peaceful to look at & all that lovely wool... Which can one day become fabric!!!
boomie said…
Chickens, no doubt!
Sel said…
Chickens. They turn your household refuse into eggs and manure! They are innately social creatures! They can be kept on a farm, or in an urban backyard!

Definitely chickens.
Sel said…
And I received the FabricWorm newsletter!
My favorite farm animal is COW.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Em said…
My favorite farm animal is a ZEBRA!!

What do you mean a zebra isn't a farm animal?! I beg to differ. I thought that, too, but when we went to a local pumpkin farm with my daughter's preschool this past fall, there was a zebra there! I PET A ZEBRA (quickly, as he was a bit nippy).
Kara said…
Definitely baby chicks; they're so cuddly! :) Thanks for the give-away!
Allison C said…
I'm a big fan of cows. My grandmother at 90 still lives on a farm and I remember always watching the cows when I was younger. Their size always impressed me since i was so much smaller.
Allison C said…
I get the newsletter (alibear167 at yahoo)
chimes said…
I love goats. If I had a farm I would have goats. They are entertaining, adorable and they make deliciously amazing milk that makes fabulous cheese and other yummy things.
chimes said…
pinned: https://pinterest.com/pin/21814379414798225/
Allison said…
I shared on Twitter
Emilee said…
Suffolk sheep...my first lamb Hannah was a great friend!
Anonymous said…
It wasn't my choice to start with but my nephew's..he just adores pigs and in order to understand why I had a good look at them and whoops, I fell for them too. I think it might be the cute rather silly looking really, curly tail!
wordmama said…
Chickens would be my favorite!

WEARit said…
farm dog and cows! Thanks for the chance.
wordmama said…
I just signed up for your newsletter. Thanks!

Gill said…
Easy! Cows - I have 7 of my own!
Gill said…
I get your newsletter!
Gwen said…
Oh, that one is an easy one! I LOVE cows! Also, I LOVE your giveaway prize--- SO super-duper cute! I can think of so many adorable projects that a person could make!!! Thank you for the chance to win!
Gwen said…
Tweeted here! https://twitter.com/#!/GwenWindham/status/154975195885608961

Thanks for entry #2! :-)
Gwen said…
Facebooked! ;-) My FB name is Gwen Lassitter Windham Thanks for entry #3!
Gwen said…
I signed up for your newsletter, too, so thank you for one more entry! :-)
Judy said…
Chickens would be my favorite.
Sheep are my favorite farm animal!
memmens said…
Favourite farm animal? Would have to be chickens! We have them at my children school! thanks for a great giveaway
memmens said…
I'm on the mailing list
Amy said…
My favorite farm animal is the cow. They just look so relaxed without a care in the world.
SassyCathy said…
Tweet tweety dee ... I tweeted about Fabricworm :)
Cathy Byrd
SassyCathy said…
I posted the link on facebook. :-)
Cathy Byrd
SassyCathy said…
My favorite farm animal ... well - I like a lot of them, but the baby's are my "mostest" favorites. A baby anything (except snake) is adorable :) don't you think?
Piglets, chicks, calves, lambs, horses, any newly born animal is just plain cute to look at :)
Two farm animals I find mighty sweet is the Cat, and the Hearding Dog.
Don't forget the mice (to entertain the kitty's and the birds to sing cheerfully.
Love the whole idea of farm animals.
Cathy Byrd
SassyCathy said…
I joined your newsletter - looking forward to hearing from you.
Cathy Byrd
Kathrynn said…
My favorite farm animals are sheep
Kathrynn said…
I tweeted about the giveaway, https://twitter.com/#!/crawdaddy1115/status/155017955925688320
Kathrynn said…
I already receive the Fabricworm newsletter
Anonymous said…
Sheep! Little lambs are so cute!
katie@stvital said…
I choose chickens, but if I lived on a farm I would have to have a horse.
Quiltin' Sandy said…
I don't have a favorite- I like them all, they are all special in their won way. :)
valerie said…
Since I'm a spinner and knitter as well, I'm going to have to say sheep! But I think little chickies make a close second.
Jennyroo said…
I love ALPACAS! They are just the cutest things ever!
Jennyroo said…
I am on the mailing list!
Jennyroo said…
And I tweeted the giveaway! @Jennyroo1
Lisbeth said…
I've got to go with chickens! This is, of course, my city-girl favorite...if I had to clean the coop I might have a different idea! :)
Mindy said…
Okay, I can't decide whether my favorite farm animal is a chicken or a horse. Hmmm, I think today I'll go with chickens.
Mindy said…
I tweeted......ponderonit1
Unknown said…
CHICKENS!! and I would love my own for eggs! but a postage stamp yard as a back garden will mean I have to wait! Those fabrics would make a pretty cute boys quilt.Kxxx
Jeane said…
My favorite farm animal is a baby calf, they are sooo cute with their big eyes and ears.
Jeane said…
I am a regular on your mailing list.
Unknown said…
Just Tweeted you!!
Kxx crossing my fingers. X
Unknown said…
Just spread the word on facebook. Kxx
still crossing my fingers...Kx
Unknown said…
Already signed up to the mailing list. Kx
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