Fabricworm Giveaway! Watermelon Bundle!

Hey Fabricworms,
This week we're giving away 10 Fat Quarters an older version of the Watermelon Custom Bundle. Everyone has a chance to win, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post answering the question below and you will be entered to win. The giveaway will end at 8:30am PST, Monday, January 2nd. We will announce the winner later that same day. The winner will be chosen by random.org.

This week we wanna know:
What last minute gifts are you putting together?

But don't forget you get 4 bonus entries by doing the following:
  • 1. Tweet the giveaway! Copy this:
Check out the @Fabricworm Giveaway! #giveaway #fabric: http://bit.ly/uOm6Kz

Then make sure to add an additional comment to this post with your twitter ID
  • 2. Facebook the giveaway! Copy this:
Check out the @Fabricworm Giveaway!:http://bit.ly/uOm6Kz
Then make sure to add an additional comment with your facebook ID

and post an additional comment that you joined the mailing list.

  • 4. "Pin" your favorite bundle on your Pinterest Board. Just click "add" on yourPinterestaccount. Then add the link to, and add "Fabricworm" as the description.
    Don't forget to leave an additional comment with the link from the pin.

    Please no more than 5 comments/entries per contest post. Also leave an email or account ID so we can contact you if you are a winner.


    Anne said…
    I'm all done with gifts now until my daughter's birthday at the end of January. I did sew six Christmas stockings on Christmas Eve though.
    I have a couple of bags that I am working on for some friends who have early January birthdays. Luckily I finished all of my Christmas projects in the nick of time.
    Kelsey said…
    All done with gifts now! :)
    Kelsey said…
    I'm on the mailing list.
    Marci Girl said…
    All done with gifts and have been for at least a week now! Glad to be done, now I can start my baby quilt!
    Melinda said…
    Done with Christmas gifts but I have two twin quilts to work on for March!
    Diane H said…
    I'm all done too but it would be wise to start now for next year - then maybe I'd be ready in time?? Thanks for a chance.
    Diane H said…
    I am on your mailing list, thanks.
    It's after Christmas - so no last minute gifts to be done. BUT, I have started making cross stitch ornaments for next year so ready in time.
    I am already on the maily list.
    Desiree said…
    No last minute gifts for me! Thank goodness! Although, I know what I can make with those fat quarters!
    Em said…
    Sewing for gifts is finished for now. I have two baby carriers for friends that I'm working on.

    This bundle is great for winter, actually. Such happy colors when it's cold and wet outside.
    Rebecca said…
    My last minute gift was a set of matching pajamas for my two oldest girls ~ they turned out really cute :)
    Rebecca said…
    I tweeted.
    I still have 3 pencil cases to make, a fabric basket and a make-up bag. One last celebration with our son's family coming in this weekend.
    Rebecca said…
    I'm a newsletter subscriber :)
    Emily said…
    I'm still working on a quilt for my daughter. I'm not sure if it was exactly a Christmas gift, but I want it done before the end of the year :)
    Anonymous said…
    homemade snow globes!
    Emily said…
    I'm on the mailing list
    Sunnybec said…
    Just finishing a birthday present for a January birthday. Linda
    debstokes said…
    My last minute gifts were neck pillows that everyone really seemed to love. Thanks for the generous give away.
    Nancy said…
    All done with gifts! Now have two granddaughters birthdays to work on. I will be trying my hand at doll clothes...wish me luck!
    Angie said…
    Done with gifts, done with Christmas! Yay!
    Colette said…
    All done with gifts here - time to start a new quilt project I think ;)
    Dawn W said…
    I was just going to type that I have no last minute gifts, then I remembered the ones that are wrapped and I still need to send out. Kind of forgetting that still, I guess - oops! Guess that's what happens when you're moving across the country.
    iliketoquilt at hotmail dot com
    flowerofshona said…
    I made a last minute cushion for my friend and fnished it with a few hours to spare LOL.
    Im now making my fist full sized quilt and its daunting :)
    I love the colours in the fabrics they make me smile.
    good luck to all xxx
    drmithome said…
    All done with gifts, but I think I will make a few Christmas items to use next year.
    flowerofshona said…
    Im on your mailing list :)
    Alli said…
    I'm going to make my mom and sister some zip bags since they didn't get them in their secret Santa presents. :)
    Alli said…
    I'm on the mailing list (hotmail account). :)
    Mel said…
    gifts? done with Christmas, now I'm thinking about valentines + my littlest's birthday in March. thanks for the chance!
    Natalya H said…
    No last minute gifts, but our first wedding anniversary is coming up in the beginning of February so I need to get busy making a quilt for my hubby.
    Jan said…
    No last minute gifts, here. Just relaxing after Christmas and a wedding.
    MC said…
    No gifts to work on for the moment, but I'll be visiting family in a few weeks so there will probably be a frenzy before I leave.
    MC said…
    I'm on the mailing list!
    Jean said…
    My favorite bundle is pinned here.

    Jean said…
    I am on your mailing list
    DianeY said…
    No last minute gifts! All mine had to go in the mail by Dec 19
    Jean said…
    I am putting together a simple baby quilt for a friend who is expecting in Jan. It will be similar to a one I made for my son who was born a week ago. Our babies will be a month apart so I thought it would be special to have little twin blankies.
    Tanya said…
    What a sweet bundle :-). I am still finishing off a few pencil rolls and a patchwork tote ready for our last Christmas get together. Lots of extended family here :-).
    JustPam said…
    My last minute gift was a ruffled pouch for my mother with a gift card in it.
    JustPam said…
    I posted on FB. #1024942702
    JustPam said…
    I get your newsletter
    JustPam said…
    I pinned a bundle. http://pinterest.com/pin/102175485265659749/
    Anonymous said…
    Anonymous said…
    Marg said…
    I'm caught up with gifts now. Next one is due early Feb and is well on the way to be finished before time.
    Marg said…
    I'm on the mailing list.
    Rikke said…
    I love these coulors!
    I don't have any last many gifts but am already thinking about next year's gifts. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your great giveaway!
    floribunda said…
    I'm finishing up a couple of little knitted gifts for my youngest brother's family -- and trying to get to a couple of tops that need quilting, too.
    Quiltin' Sandy said…
    I need to finish a wallhanging for my Grandson's wife, it will be delivered to her in January. :)
    I love the fabric you are giving away, I spied an owl on the top fabric- I loove owls. :)
    Quiltin' Sandy said…
    I receive your newsletters. :0
    Caty said…
    Framed pictures are always our "go to" last minute gift! HAHA! LOVE the colors in this bundle!
    Caty said…
    Tweeted! :-)

    ID: cblakley0531
    Michell said…
    Lucky me...no last minute gifts here
    Caty said…
    Shared on FB! :-) ID: Caty Blakley
    Michell said…
    Tweeted @Michells_Place
    Michell said…
    Facebooked it at Michell's Place
    Michell said…
    Already on your mailing list
    Kasey said…
    After helping my MIL all day with a wallet, I feel the need to make one, too. and it will probably be a gift for my cousin.
    Kasey said…
    I'm on the mailing list. Thanks for the chance to win those lovely fabrics!
    SuzyMcQ said…
    On your mailing list as well, love this bundle, sooo Springy! Me, I'm working on some fabric calendars for the new year.
    Anonymous said…
    Tweet the giveaway ID=IamLilyMunster
    Anonymous said…
    I facebook'd the giveaway ID: Juanita Gomez.
    Anonymous said…
    I don't have any more gifts to wrap with Christmas over :) I am getting ready for a wonderful New Years dinner now!
    Anonymous said…
    i have joined the mailing list as well.
    Anonymous said…
    i have joined the mailing list as well.
    Just about done for this year, but I am already thinking about fabric postcards to brighten the winter here and there!
    Patti said…
    I'm making a few "extra" framed pouches to have on hand for last minute gifts. Great fabric in this giveaway.
    I receive the Fabric Worm newsletter!
    Patti said…
    I am also on your mailing list!
    jodit said…
    crocheted kitty hat for my daughter and a couple gifts in a jar.
    SWAN QUEEN said…
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    All done with my gifts, need to work on WIP for 2012.
    Finished with gifts til the spring but have a crazy quilt UFO to get back to
    MaryBeth said…
    Well, I finished my hubby's quilt on our trip home to Ohio for Christmas. Finished sewing the binding the day after Christmas.
    I tweeted about this giveaway, Twitter@idajorich
    MaryBeth said…
    I receive your newsletter.
    I commented about this giveaway at facebook.com/IdaJo
    I pinned this on Pinterest
    Cecilia said…
    I finished all of my gifts, so I'm working on a project Linus quilt I started earlier this year. Thanks for the giveaway.
    Lisa England said…
    All the Christmas gifts are finished and given! Giving them is the best part. Now I am starting a baby quilt for my SIL to give to her SIL in mid-January.
    Lisa England said…
    I'm on the mailing list.
    Carla said…
    I am on your mailing list :o)
    Carla said…
    It would be a great start to the year if I was lucky to win! Have a few birthdays in February I have to start sewing for.
    Paskiaq said…
    Still finishing up a tablet pouch for my dad...
    Paskiaq said…
    I'm on the mailing list!
    kgibson said…
    I'm still working on a quilt for my nephew who I will see in the new year!
    kgibson said…
    I posted on pinterest too! http://pinterest.com/pin/23855072995913918/
    I made a set of ten bean bags with applique numbers 1-10 and now I need to make a bag to keep them in. It's for my grandson that we won't see until Saturday.
    scottylover said…
    I'm all done with gifts except one for me...DH gave me a Kindle touch for Christmas so I need to make a cover for it. Found a freebie pattern, just need the time now! Maybe New Years Eve will work!

    Sandy A
    Kathy MacKie said…
    Absolutely none-wahoo!
    Well my gifts are done but there are a few things I need to finish that I had planned on finishing before the holiday.... A purse and a couple coffee cozy's. oh and a baby blanket for my sister. There just aren't enough hours in the day.... :)
    Posted on twitter: @bluejcottage
    Posted on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/BlueJCottage
    Peggy said…
    No last minute gifts except one I will be making for myself: a microwave potato baking bag. I already have the fabric and batting ready and I received a rotary cutter for Christmas that I'll be using to cut it out.
    Thanks for a chance to win.
    Peggy said…
    I'm on your mailing list already.
    supersara20 said…
    I don't have any last minute gifts to get together but I do have to finish all my December swap blocks!
    Pinned! http://pinterest.com/pin/179018153907652763/
    Domestic Diva said…
    We don't have any last minute gifts, but we made lots of baked goods for friends and family.

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com
    Anonymous said…
    I made a quilt for my grandfather. I finished it on sunday morning !
    Deb said…
    I'm relaxing this week...not putting anything together...all done!
    Deb said…
    I receive the email newsletter.
    katie@stvital said…
    I now have time to finish crocheting my daughter's doll and my kids asked for a dog bed last minute, so it I will be working on that too :)
    robin said…
    None! We did our gift exchange in mid-December when our daughter was home.
    robin said…
    Tweeted! https://twitter.com/#!/birdie00000/status/152216096068485121
    robin said…
    I'm signed up for the newsletter with my other e-mail - imjustcamping at gmail dot com
    I see my sister next weekend, maybe I'll finish the pants I started for her in September..
    Julie said…
    We made some sweater mittens on Christmas eve for last minute gifts...and got a head start on next year's gifts by making almost a dozen more in the last few days!

    Julie said…
    Also signed up for your mailing list....thanks so much!

    Happy New Year!
    robin said…
    Just pinned a Hootsville bundle to my Pinterest board. :) http://pinterest.com/pin/282249101616282206/
    Janet said…
    I was finishing the binding on my grandson's quilt at midnight on Christmas Eve, but I got it completed and wrapped that night....except for about half an hour's worth of quilting that I finished up on Boxing Day :)
    Jane said…
    I've got to make an iPod case for the iPod my daughter got for Christmas
    Jane said…
    And I'm on the mailing list
    cakegirl said…
    I finished the last gift yesterday. I made dozens of make up bags for every girl in the family, every female friend and for all of my daughter's friends. Now I am finished!!!
    Tanya said…
    No last minute gifts, there were things I wanted to make but just didn't have the time.
    Lisa said…
    I'm done with gifts for now, but I have 2 nieces and 1 nephew with birthdays in January and February so more projects are on the horizon!
    Yana said…
    Thanks God it's all done with gifts!)
    Brynn said…
    The gifts are done, now it's on to birthdays. Sigh...
    Brynn said…
    I'm on the email list already.
    Yana said…
    I'm on your mailing list!
    SolDucky said…
    I am trying to put together some t-shirt necklaces!

    soluckyducky at gmail dot com
    Yana said…
    pinned! http://pinterest.com/pin/214413632229016083/
    SolDucky said…

    soluckyducky at gmail dot com
    Glenys said…
    Tweeted as @Glenys133
    Glenys said…
    I'm in the mailing list.
    Melissa said…
    Nothing...just relaxing in the post Christmas glow of being done :)
    Melissa said…
    I tweeted: @CraftyMamaD
    Melissa said…
    I'm on the mailing list
    fenna said…
    nice nice nice!!! I'm all done with sewing gifts right now, other than a baby gift here or there in the near future :)
    Danielle said…
    pajamas for my kids. And a super hero cape for my nephew.
    Unknown said…
    I'm hoping to finish quilting and binding a quilt so I can add it to my "finished" list for 2011.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    Danielle said…
    I'm on your mailing list.
    Unknown said…
    I'm on the mailing list.
    Thanks for the give away!
    Unknown said…
    I tweeted the giveaway...
    Unknown said…
    I posted your giveaway on FaceBook...my ID is Life In A Pink Bunny Suit.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    Patty said…
    I am making a couple more pillow cases for my grandchildren. They are snowmen and not just for Christmas.
    Charlotte E said…
    Christmas has gone and so are the gifts. Am working on my own stuff now
    Charlotte E said…
    I'm on the mailing list
    Courtney said…
    I have a few more pencil pouches to make, but other than that I am done with all of my other gifts.
    Courtney said…
    I signed up to be on the mailing list.
    Courtney said…
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    java diva said…
    Making some mug rugs & biscotti for friends.
    B Greene said…
    I am finished with the gifts for this years, but I am already planning next year's (only - what - 363 days left!). I am planning to make some felted hearts soon to attach to gift wrapping.
    Courtney said…
    I pinned my favorite bundle! http://pinterest.com/pin/249949848038736490/
    B Greene said…

    Tweeted it!
    B Greene said…
    I am on the mailing list, too. Thanks for the extra entry!
    B Greene said…
    Pinned Hootsville
    Jessica said…
    A scarf and a passport cover :)
    Jessica said…
    On the mailing list!
    Grace said…
    One of the last minute gifts I made were 2 bunny softies for my nieces. I made them about an hour or two before we left for the holidays!
    Grace said…
    on the mailing list!!!
    Nancy Sue said…
    Last minute gifts were some burp cloths and a crocheted doll blanket. Whew! The potholders will have to be for 2012. If I do them now, I'll be so ahead!!
    Dawn said…
    Have been all done with gifts for more than a week.
    Dawn said…
    I Tweeted (Dawn_in_CA)
    Dawn said…
    I shared on FB (Dawn Nelson)
    Dawn said…
    I'm on the mailing list.
    Samantha said…
    I have a quilt that is a last minute gift but the person who it is for already knows about it and said not to stress myself out over getting it done. What a sweetie huh?
    Samantha said…
    I'm on the mailing list and have been for a while. :)
    Dawn said…
    My fav is Pinned http://pinterest.com/pin/17732992252451470/

    Happy New Year!
    Leah said…
    Not doing any last minute gifts.... working on finishing up my sons birthday quilt from 2011-- its only 11 months late. Goal is before his birthday in 2012
    Anonymous said…
    I don't have a pinterest account. I tried signing up but it says I'm on the waiting list. :( Anyway if I had to choose a bundle it would be Sarah Watts for Blend, Feather N Stitch, Lavender. Beautiful!
    Anonymous said…
    I don't have a pinterest account. I tried signing up but it says I'm on the waiting list. :( Anyway if I had to choose a bundle it would be Sarah Watts for Blend, Feather N Stitch, Lavender. Beautiful!
    Anke said…
    I am making a lastminute pillow for my sister in law. Hope she will love it.
    Anke said…
    I am on your mailing list, thanks.
    Anke said…
    Tweeted here https://twitter.com/#!/AnkeLindenhols
    Anke said…
    Posted on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000519163856
    Anke said…
    Pinned my favorite bundle, altough it was hard to choose.
    Pat V. said…
    No last minute gifts here...everyone whose project didn't get done is out of luck til next year!
    Pat V. said…
    I am on the mailing list.
    Alexandra P. said…
    I'm still working on a skirt for a little girl and I hope I can make some cute trousers for a little boy aswell... and maybe, I can finish that quilt for my mother in law. Ohwell, perhaps she will have to wait for her birthday... :)
    Alexandra P. said…
    and I'm on your mailing list. Thank you for the giveaway, that fabric sure looks good!
    Golden Apple said…
    I joined your mailing list this morning!

    I am still working on 2 picture memory quilts for my husband and his cousin. Hobby Lobby was sold out of the material I wanted to use for the border on my husband's and when I tried to make his cousin's my sewing machine malfunctioned. Guess it wanted a nap.

    I have pinned my fav bundle onto Pinterest. I think it would make an adorable puff quilt http://pinterest.com/pin/109704940892678681/. Maybe I will attempt that after these two picures quilts.
    I'm making some bags for my goddaughter so she can use them at kindergarden /day care school.
    Connie Martin said…
    just finished 6 quilts for my family- I'm thrilled!
    SewSuzie said…
    Presents all done and given. Although I do have some boxes of chocolates stashed away if required.
    Paula Lemos said…
    I was able to finish everything by Christmas Eve but this year I didn't make as many gifts as I had planned; next year I will have to start sooner! Thanks for the chance!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
    Paula Lemos said…
    I twitted (http://twitter.com/#!/ap_lemos/status/152356543256469504)
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
    Paula Lemos said…
    I posted on FB (http://www.facebook.com/aplemos1/posts/239195876148751)
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
    Paula Lemos said…
    I'm on your mailing list
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
    Fran said…
    My last minute gift was a tote bag for my daughter & I finally finished it at 2am of Christmas Day but in my mind I was still insistent that it was Christmas Eve! Thanks for a lovely giveaway.
    Lee said…
    i am making three scarves out of voile. Thanks!
    Lee said…
    I get the fabricworm newsletter! thanks again!
    Paula Lemos said…
    I pinned on Pinterest:

    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
    Patty said…
    I'm making a quilt for my brotherinlaw who turned 50 last August. somewhat late and last minute!
    Nadja said…
    I'm done with gifts for this year :)
    Lisbeth said…
    I've got a set of place mats that still need minding put on. The recipient loved them, though, even in their unfinished state!
    The Thompsons said…
    No last minute gifts for me - take it or leave it - it is was it is. :)
    zarina said…
    Generally I don't give gifts for my nephews/nieces but since the grandma promised them something - we went out to buy her a pair of top and bottom.

    Her brother (whose birthday coming up in three weeks time), whispered to me he wanted a book. I already checked online what I will get him but the order can only be done after Jan 5.
    luckymom said…
    I made a zippered bag for my DGS to hold all his dsi cords and games. Thanks for the chance
    deserae said…
    I finished a quilt last minute for my sister!
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