Fabricworm Weekly Giveaway! Dear Stella J'Adore Bundle!

Hey Fabricworms,

Since we love Dear Stella so much, we thought we would giveaway more! This time we have 10 french inspired Fat Quarters of J'Adore by Dear Stella for you. Everyone has a chance to win, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post answering the question below and you will be entered to win. The giveaway will end at 8:30am PST, Monday, November 21st. We will announce the winner later that same day. The winner will be chosen by random.org.

This week we wanna know:
We would love to know your favorite vacation spot!

But don't forget you get 4 bonus entries by doing the following:

  • 1. Tweet the giveaway! Copy this:
Check out this week's @Fabricworm giveaway! #giveaway #fabric: http://bit.ly/

Then make sure to add an additional comment to this post with your twitter ID
  • 2. Facebook the giveaway! Copy this:
Check out this week's @Fabricworm giveaway! :http://bit.ly/rZ0cWt

Then make sure to add an additional comment with your facebook ID

and post an additional comment that you joined the mailing list.

  • 4. "Pin It" on your Pinterest Board. Just click "add" on your Pinterest account. Then add the link to this bundle, and add "Dear Stella Bundle from Fabricworm" as the description.
    Don't forget to leave an additional comment with the link from the pin.

Please no more than 5 comments/entries per contest post. Also leave an email or account ID so we can contact you if you are a winner.

Happy Sewing!
The Fabricworm Girls


JustPam said…
I don't vacation much so don't have a favorite spot-really just taking off work is wonderful.
JustPam said…
I posted on FB 1024942702
AnnieK said…
Also, I am on your mailing list :-)
JustPam said…
I am on your mailing list too.
JustPam said…
I pinned. http://pinterest.com/pin/533200042/
Lizzie said…
Favorite vacation spot is in the mountains!
~Michelle~ said…
Anywhere that's away from home or relatives' homes!
Bonnie said…
My favorite vacation spot is Ruidoso, NM!
Bonnie said…
I'm on the mailing list!
Elizabeth said…
Edinburgh, Scotland!
Renee said…
Favorite vacation spot is Monterey, CA!
Renee said…
I'm on the mailing list!
Elizabeth said…
I also posted on pinterest - ID 533275195
Renee said…
I pinned it! http://pinterest.com/pin/143622675586215226/
rebecca said…
I've never been... but I imagine Italy would be my favorite.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Dolores said…
My favourite holiday place is Lennox Head on the NSW north coast (Australia). Loving Dear Stella too.
rebecca said…
Also, I'm on the mailing list.
Elizabeth said…
I also posted on Facebook! 6207144
Sallie said…
I'm on your mailing list. Thanks!
my most recent favorite vacation was Boston love the history!
Jan said…
My favorite vacation spot is Bermuda.
Jan said…
Also, I am on your mailing list :-)
Jan said…
I pinned it: http://pinterest.com/pin/533468118/
Kelly said…
well, since this is a french giveaway, paris was pretty awesome for a vacation spot, and i'd love to go back sometime. BUT, i'd have to say, overall, my favorite vacation spot was new zealand! that's where my hubby took me for our honeymoon.
Kelly said…
i'm on the mailing list!
Kelly said…
pinned it - http://pinterest.com/pin/533653890/
Kathryn said…
Anywhere bush! Somewhere in the middle of nowhere, away from everyone and everything. Cape York, Australia, is good for that!
AmandaRoseMakes said…
my favorite vacation me and my husband taking our girls to the beach and playing in the sand together (they hate the cold water though)
My home is my favorite vacation spot. We don't travel much...just enjoy staying home to work on all the projects we don't normally have the time to complete.
Cocoa Jackson said…
My house! More relaxing than travelling ;D

Thanks for having a great giveaway!
Jess said…
Tweeted it! @quiltsbyjess
AmandaRoseMakes said…
I shared on my facebook amanda rios
Tweeted @JenniferWingard
AmandaRoseMakes said…
I am already on the mailing listing amanda.widmayer@gmail.com
Georgia said…
Pretty sure you've never heard of it, but it's Yamba, NSW, Australia. A pretty little beach town and still relatively unspoilt. We go every year - love it!
Jess said…
Favorite vacation spot: a hot spring in Iceland during the eternal sunshine months. Heavenly!
Shared on Facebook: @Jennifer Wingard
Georgia said…
Already on the mailong list. :-)
Jenn said…
I am on your mailing list, this would be a perfect one for me to win - my daughter's name is Stella, and I love Paris!
Anonymous said…
Southern California!
SuzyMcQ said…
In Italy, anywhere in Italy!
Anonymous said…

Jenn said…
pinned it http://pinterest.com/pin/533807106/
Pinned! http://pinterest.com/pin/533806738/
SuzyMcQ said…
On your mailing list as well!
Anonymous said…
also tweeted- M4RN13
Jenn said…
tweeted this, my twitter id is seriouslyjenn
Jenn said…
My favorite vacation spot is anywhere with my family. Right now my feet are cold, so preferably somewhere warm!
Paskiaq said…
Fav vacation spot has to be Bali, where we went on our honeymoon!
Paskiaq said…
I am on the mailing list
Jenn said…
I facebooked this, my id is jdmatuska
Lisa England said…
Loved the big island of Hawaii when we were there and would like to go back.
Annaliese said…
Cape Cod Massachusetts!
Christeena96 said…
Disney World is my favorite vacation spot
Clarity said…
Big Bend National Park, Texas!!
Clarity said…
Big Bend National Park, Texas!!
Clarity said…
Big Bend National Park, Texas!!
Christeena96 said…
Christeena96 said…
face-booked (christina lewis)
anywhere with maid service and take-out :)

Bar Harbor, Maine was my favorite to date
jenna said…
Florida, or anywhere with a beach.
Happy Turtle said…
The Himalayas. Loved Himachal Pradesh.
drmithome said…
Any luxury hotel will do.
Happy Turtle said…
I'm on the mailing list
Lisa said…
Love Maui!!! The sand and surf are beautiful!
Jeanne Gwin said…
My favorite vacation destiny is Key West Florida
Alyssa B said…
hmmm, anywhere there is a beach is nice. I like Mexico.
Jeanne Gwin said…
I tweeted your giveaway @jeannegwin
Jeanne Gwin said…
I posted your giveaway on facebook http://www.facebook.com/jeannegwin
Jeanne Gwin said…
I am already on your mailing list.
My favorite vacation spot is Punta Gorda Florida this year!
I am on the FabricWorm mailing list.
My favorite place to vacation...no joke, is France, and not just because of the giveaway this week.
I tweeted the giveaway.
Leah said…
vacation spot - the beach....
I am already on the mailing list.
Jeanne Gwin said…
I pinned the fabric to my Pinterest

http://pinterest.com pin/25121710391027001
I pinned it to my fabrics I love
I'm on your mailing list too under yridge2 (at) yahoo (dot) ca
Unknown said…
Favorite vacation spot would definitely be Hawaii!
ellen said…
HOME is my favorite vacation spot; specifically, in front of my sewing machine. Hopefully, I can vacation with Dear Stella. Thank you.
Tiara said…
The beach, any beach with soft sand!
Tiara said…
I'm on your mailing list
Jenny said…
if i could vacation in London, England every year, that would be such bliss!
Anonymous said…
Cayman Islands
Anonymous said…
Cayman Islands
My favorite vacation was to going to Colonial Williamsburg.
I'm already on your mailing list.
Michell said…
Australia..love the shopping and so close to NZ and also Vanuatu...love it there
Michell said…
Tweeted @Michells_Place
Michell said…
Facebooked @Michell's Place
punkcutie said…
Seattle is my favorite vacation spot
Liz said…
tweeted @blueberrysgrand.
Michell said…
Have Pinned it @Michells_place
Cecilia said…
The Great Smokey Mountains is my favorite place to visit.
Michell said…
Get you newsletter already
Jessica R said…
Vancouver Island, BC. I facebooked your link! jmrober. Now I have to figure out how to pin you :-)
scottylover said…
I don't get away on vacation much, but I do love going to Chicago! So many wonderful things to do and so many great foods to eat! :)

Sandy A
Liz said…
100000033433393 .My fb comment.
Liz said…
This is such lovely fabric. I think I have done everything. Blog, FB .Twitter and pin.
Katarina said…
Provence, France :-)
jenny said…
blue ridge or smoky mountains. beautiful!
Patty said…
Nc beach is favorite vacation spot
jenny said…
i tweeted! @jennywinston
Kate said…
Colorado mountains!
steeplechaser29 *at* yahoo (dot) com
So far my favorite vacation spot is the beach.
I passed on the comment via facebook.
Annmarie said…
I love to vacation in the Monterey, Carmel, Pacific Grove area in California. There is so much to do and you can walk along the ocean for miles.
Annmarie said…
I am on your mailing list. Thanks for another great giveaway - lovely fabric.
Irina Tenovici said…
Ah, I love Lanzarote(Spain)and Zakynthos (Greece). Great islands, great view, great time there.
Em said…
Yellowstone National Park is my happy place. :-) Also, I am commenting below Kate, and I know her in real life. Ha!
jade said…
On the mailing list!
Molly said…
I loved my childhood vacations on Cape Cod. Those memories are the best!
katie@stvital said…
My favorite place to vacation is at the lake. A cabin at the lake is heavenly.
Peggy said…
My husband and I love to go birding and sightseeing in SE Arizona. It is beautiful.
Peggy said…
I am on your mailing list.
Quilt Genius said…
My favorite vacation spot is under the water. I love scuba diving!

iammaryburke @ gmail.com
Maria Medeiros said…
Fave vacation place is CUBA! :D
Jean said…
My favorite vacation spot is Charleston. A relaxing week there always recharges me
Jean said…
I am on your mailing list!
Peggy said…
I posted on FB as Peggy Gibbs.
Molly said…
I'm on the mailing list
Tammy said…
Definately Kauai!!! Heaven on Earth!
Tammy said…
I already receive your newsletter and love it!!!
Jean said…

WoolenSails said…
I love Acadia Maine, the ocean, the mountains and lakes, everything I love all in one place.

Mom2RyandSis said…
I'm on the mailing list!!
Mom2RyandSis said…
My favorite vacation spot was Lily Bay Beach :)
Mrs. Butler said…
My favorite vacation spot is Sandestin, FL...but it has to be in October or November!!
Tong said…
I don't really have a favourite vacation spot, for me though, being able to take some time off work and just hang out at home with a good book or in my sewing room would be perfect!
Tong said…
Just tweeted the giveaway @tingtongnthings
Tong said…
I'm already on the mailing list
LittleBook said…
I try not to vacation in the same place twice, but the place I want to return to the most is Switzerland. I miss those mountains!
MC said…
Last year we went to Durham, England, and it was fantastic. You find something amazing around every corner when walking around a town that's over a thousand years old.
MC said…
Also I'm on your mailing list!
Jen S said…
Anywhere there's an ocean...hot or cold....well maybe not too cold!
Glenys said…
I like going to the hiily places or up mountains where it's cool.
Glenys said…
I'm in the mailing list. :)
Carol said…
On my fb page.
Glenys said…
Tweeted as Glenys133
Yana said…
pinned! http://pinterest.com/pin/214413632228933617/
Yana said…
I just love the vacation, no matter where:))
Yana said…
I'm on your mailing list!
Carla G said…
A nice warm beach! I would love to go back & visit Hawaii again... :)
Carla G said…
I am on your mailing list!
Beth said…
I'm on your mailing list.
supersara20 said…
Maine! Pretty much love just going back home to visit my family when I have time.
Beth said…
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/#!/wordygirl11/status/136682655872860160
krista said…
I love visiting California.
Dawn said…
The Oregon Coast!
Martina said…
I am on your mailing list! Thanks!
Unknown said…
i love going to an Island....any of them....Puerto Rico is pretty awesome!
Alexandra P. said…
My favorite vacation spot is home with nothing on the agenda, just hanging around and doing the things I love to do...
Alexandra P. said…
And I'm on the mailing list. Thank you for the giveaway!
Gemma said…
My favourite holiday spot is anywhere with a beach! I love to be by the sea.
Gemma said…
I am on the mailing list.
I love both Italy and Bali.
Gill said…
My favourite holiday spot is Omey Island in Ireland
tweeted too
Favorite place for a holiday - somewhere with an ice rink!
Eva said…
fittingly, it's ... Paris! :-)
Jane said…
Hamilton Island, Great Barrier Reef.
Sunnybec said…
France! Anywhere in France.... I am so lucky because that's were I live.
Anonymous said…
Haven't been on vacation much but I just love Bangkok.
Paula Lemos said…
It used to be the beach in Algarve (south of Portugal) but 2 years ago my family and I moved to a country house and that's where we've been pending our vacation and loving it. Thanks for the giveaway!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Paula Lemos said…
I tweeted (ap_lemos)
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Paula Lemos said…
I posted on FB (Paula Lemos)
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Paula Lemos said…
I'm on the mailing list
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
SewSuzie said…
Camping by the beach has to be one of my favourite holiday locations.
Amy said…
Incredible Santorini - would love to go back there.

Amy Henry
quiltzy at pandahenry dot com
Amy said…
Pinned on Pinterest.

Amy Henry
quiltzy at pandahenry dot com
Vero said…
My favorite vacation spot would be my home town, Cabrera, Rep. Dom. Such a nice Caribbean place, with beautiful beaches.
cakegirl said…
My favorite vacation spot is the Outer Banks. Lots and lots of great memories of past vacations when the kids were young. We still go back when we can. In fact, it was my choice as to where I wanted to celebrate my 60th birthday.
Brookfield said…
The Dominican Republic! Sun, relaxation and our favorite relatives all in one!
Karin said…
In the heat of the KS summer we like to make a quick escape to the mountains of Colorado!
Karin said…
I'm on your mailing list
amroth98 said…
My favorite vacation spot? We don't do vacations but I've always wanted to go to Hawaii. Though I must say, my two trips to Ireland to visit my pen-pal (now of 30+ years!) was pretty darn neat! Thanks for offering the fat quarters!
amroth98 said…
Posted on Facebook!
amroth98 said…
Signed up for the mailing list!
My favorite vacation spot is Rio Rancho, NM where my grandsons live!! Thanks for the opportunity to enter your great giveaway!!
Schmendro said…
I like vacationing (but I don't get to very often) and my favorite was in Ireland with my mom and Nana. It was a wonderful trip and I hope someday to go back!

amyrhenderson @ gmail.com
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