Fabricworm Weekly Giveaway! Denyse Schmidt and Anna Maria Horner!

Hey Fabricworms,

This week we have a beautiful scrap pack containing 8 pieces of Denyse Schmidt and Anna Maria Horner Voile fabrics. I can't wait to see what patchwork comes from these guys! Everyone has a chance to win, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post answering the question below and you will be entered to win. The Giveaway will end at 8:30am PST, Monday, October 10th. We will announce the winner later that same day. (The winner will be chosen by random.org)

This week we wanna know:
What are your favorite project ideas for Voile?

But don't forget you get 3 bonus entries by doing the following:

  • 1. Tweet the giveaway! Copy this:
Comment for a chance to win the weekly giveaway at @Fabricworm#giveaway #fabric: http://bit.ly/

Then make sure to add an additional comment to this post with your twitter ID
  • 2. Facebook the giveaway! Copy this:
Comment for a chance to win the weekly giveaway at @Fabricworm:http://bit.ly/

Then make sure to add an additional comment with your facebook ID

and post an additional comment that you joined the mailing list.

Please no more than 4 comments/entries per contest post. Also leave an email or account ID so we can contact you when if you are a winner.

Happy Sewing!
The Fabricworm Girls


I've never used voile, so I don't know what my favourite thing to make would be. Hope I win so I can find out!
~Michelle~ said…
Voiles + quilters dream batting = softest quilts EVER!
katie@stvital said…
I have never used voile, but those colours are amazing. I would love to use them for something, maybe a patchwork window covering with french seams or soft quilt.
Ashley said…
A little girl's skirt or small quilt maybe?
DianeY said…
I really like voile for simple scarfs. They drape nicely & feel so soft
Kara H. said…
I really want to use some voile to make something for the baby I'm carrying. Probably a blanket since it would so, so soft against the baby's skin.
Alli said…
I have a yard of voile sitting on my shelf -- it's lovely, but I'm too timid to cut it, yet!

I think voile must make really nice clothes, though. :)
Alli said…
I receive your emails. Thanks for the giveaway!
Robin said…
I haven't actually ever used voile so I'm still in the dark!
Rebecca said…
These would make some great little pouches and purses! I'd also to make myself a pair of pajama pants from voile!
Rebecca said…
I'm a newsletter subscriber :)
Kristie said…
I'm a newsletter subscriber.
Kristie said…
I think I'd make a new scarf with the voile.
Randi said…
I don't even think I know what voile is.. but I'd love to find out (in an experimental way, instead of a failed sewing attempt way)!
allsewnup said…
I could see an ottoman with a pleated skirt in voile.
Thank you for the chance.

Emily C said…
I love voile for skirts and quilt backing--it's so soft!
Amber H. said…
There's this beautiful mini quilt project on the Purl Bee that uses appliqued circles made out of Liberty of London. While I know voile isn't as fine as tana lawn, I do know that it'll work just as beautifully and thankfully at a much more affordable price!
Martina said…
In crazy quilts perhaps? Never used it myself!Thanks for the give away!
Martina said…
I am already on your mailing list.
krista said…
I would love to use it for a lap quilt.
Katie B said…
I habe a voile quilt that is awesome!
Patty C. said…
I have never used voile but i am in quilt mode right now -how about a crazy quilt.

Thanks for the giveaway! !
hollymade said…
I've been eyeing some voile to make a new scarf since it's getting chilly out. How lovely these fabrics would be for that project!
Gill said…
I'd love to make a tunic from voile - possibly the Lisette one that was everywhere in blogland a while ago!
Colette said…
Frills on little girls skirts, or summery dresses.
Lorri said…
I've never used voile, so I don't know what my favourite thing to make would be. Hope I win so I can find out!

Thanks for the giveaway.
Lorri said…
I already get the newsletter.
petiteblogger said…
Hmmm, the first thing I thought of was cute little cafe curtains for the kitchen....
WandaFish said…
Such gorgeous fabrics! Voile makes the softest scarves. I bought enough to make a Schoolhouse Tunic but haven't had the courage to cut into it yet!
Thanks for the giveaway.
WandaFish said…
I'm signed up for the newsletter :)
Jean said…
I would love to try making a baby blanket with voile. I'm starting to see more voile blankets and I can only imagine how soft they would be!
Jean said…
I am also on your mailing list
Karin said…
I've been wanting to try to make a shirt for myself and I think I'd like to try voile. If not, I'd happily make another dress for my daughter.
Lisa said…
I love to make scarves with voile and I'm dying to try my hand at a shirt or tunic.
Bonnie said…
I have never used voile, to be quite honest! But I'd love to find out how I would use it!
Bonnie said…
I'm already on the mailing list :)
Jessica said…
I've never used it, but I hear it can make great shirts and quilts.
Clover said…
I havent used any yet but I want a shirt, a skirt and a scarf made out of it. It is the softest cotton!
Clover said…
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Mom2RyandSis said…
I'm on the mailing list :)
Mom2RyandSis said…
I've never used voile, would love to give it a try!! Thanks for the giveaway!!
I have never used viole so would have to scout up a project.
already on the mailing list
Cindy said…
I made a Summer throw with strips of voile, backed with flannel and no batting. It's so soft! And the perfect weight for Summer!
Mary Ellen said…
Such beautiful fabric! I would love to make some little girls dresses with it.
Mary Ellen said…
My twitter ID is @maryzoom, and I tweeted about the giveaway. :o)
Quilt That said…
I've seen this voile and it is fabulous!
SewDownunder said…
When my 2 daughters were in early primary school years and still into Fairies , I made them floaty Voile curtains which danced in the breeze through the open windows.
SewDownunder said…
I am already on your mailing list.
sharon said…
I have only made scarfs out of voile so far, but I would love to try to make a snowball quilt out of some. Cathy of Cabbage quilt blog has made a gorgeous one!
SewDownunder said…
I tweeted your giveaway. ID is SewDownunder.
Paskiaq said…
I've never worked with voile and would love to try making a shirt for myself. Thanks!
Paskiaq said…
I joined your mailing list
Kellye Quilts said…
From reading the other posts, I'm getting excited about these fabrics! Not sure what I'd make but I can guarantee I'll have fun doing it. : )
kellyeann (at) mac (dot) com
Marcia W. said…
I've never used voile yet it brings to mind two things: gauzy tops and several wonderful quilts pictured on blogs. They said it was very soft.
Marcia W. said…
I subscribe to your mailing list.
Sarah said…
I'd love to do a babys blanket with them, my best friend is due anytime now!
Sarah said…
I'm on the mailing list too
Jan said…
I love to use voile for silky scarves. Oh, and for dolly quilts.
Jan said…
I'm a newsletter subscriber. Thanks for the give aways.
Kristin said…
I have a voile scarf that I love!
Kristin said…
I receive your newsletter.
Peggy said…
I've never sewn anything with voile. Maybe I would use it to line one of the tote bags I make for charity.
Amy Cook said…
I haven't sewn with voile yet, but I really want to make an infinity scarf! Thanks for the giveaway!
Amy Cook said…
I'm already signed up for your mailing list!
Anonymous said…
I love voile for a skirt. It drapes so lovely!
I have never used voile. I'd love the chance to give it a try.

Thanks for the giveaway and a chance to win.

Lindsay said…
I really enjoy voile scarves.
SuzyMcQ said…
I'm ready to tackle voile by whipping up some purdy scarves!

I'm already on your wonderful mailing list.
Tong said…
Scarves and soft baby quilts!
Tong said…
I tweeted the giveaway (@tingtongnthings)
Tong said…
I'm already on the mailing list
Heather said…
Never used voile before, but maybe a baby blanket?
Heather said…
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Cecilia said…
I've never used voile before. But, I'm willing to try it. :) Thanks for the giveaway.
RWL said…
I want to make a really soft bed quilt!!!
Sarah Craig said…
I've never sewn with voile, but I'm dying to try it - everyone says it makes the prettiest and softest quilts!!
Sarah Craig said…
And I'm already on the mailing list!
Yana said…
summer baby clothing!
Yana said…
I'm on your mailing list!
Copper Patch said…
I's make a baby quilt - soft fabrics for a little bub.
Jessica said…
Never tried voile, but would love to make a quilt out of it!
Marsha said…
I don't use volie. I might have to try it.
Marsha said…
I'm already sign up for newsletter. I guess if you go to your Fabricworm shop you will see what Volie is. and my favorite is
Joel Dewberry Heirloom, VOILE in FAT QUARTERS Awesome Fabric!!!!
Anonymous said…
A shirt....
My favorite sewing idea for some wonderful voile is a comfy, flowing blouce.
I am signed up for your newsletter.
Rebecca Lynne said…
What would I do with voile? Sew it all together and then cuddle up forever. Gorgeous material!
Rebecca Lynne said…
Already signed up for mailing list!
I have never used voile or even felt it, that I know of, so I have really been wanted to get some just to see how it feels. I would probably do a nice snuggly quilt if I could. Thanks for the chance to win.
Heather A said…
I've never sewn with voile and, in fact, haven't even seen any of the new designer voiles in captivity. I read with great interest about how soft quilts are made with voiles, so that's what I'd like to try. And a scarf. How I would LOVE some voiles to try!
Heather A said…
I'm on your mailing list.
lovely colours! I'd turn them into lovely accessories :)
Eva said…
I've made some girl's dresses from voile, now I would like to make one for myself, it seems such a joy to wear! But with these scraps I would make a pillow with rows of ruffles or pintucks on the front to display the beautiful qualities of the fabric.
Glenys said…
Never used voile before. Don't even know what was it. But maybe a pillow?
Glenys said…
I'm in the mailing list.
Sel said…
Hm. Something light, I think - maybe scarves, or a light baby quilt?
Alexandra P. said…
I think I would make a scarf or a summer-skirt with voile. I have never used it, but I am always willing to try! ;)
The Thompsons said…
A beautiful quilt for sure!!
I've never worked with voile but I'd make some skirts with the material. Thanks for the chance to win!
I've posted on Facebook
Annmarie said…
I have a niece who loves "weird" things so I'd take 3 or 4 different pieces of voile and layer them to make skirt for her! Great giveaway - thanks for the chance.
I've never used voile but I would make a scarf qith some pompoms and perhaps velveteen in one side.
Anonymous said…
Tops! Lovely floaty ones to wear in the summer.
Paula Lemos said…
I've never used voile but I think I'd make a skirt or dress for my daughter. Thanks for the chance!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Paula Lemos said…
I tweeted (ap_lemos)
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Dolores said…
Infinity scarves! They make great gifts.
Paula Lemos said…
I posted on FB (Paula Lemos)
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Paula Lemos said…
I joined your mailing list
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Anonymous said…
I just tweeted. @stashavalanche
Anonymous said…
And I'm on your mailing list!
Tricia said…
Floaty blouses and skirts with linings!
Laura said…
Skirts! I made a few baby skirts and bloomers this summer and the fabric was heavenly to use. Thanks for the chance to win!
LauraL444 at yahoo dot com
Laura said…
I'm on the mailing list!
LauraL444 at yahoo dot com
Meg said…
I love voile. I love it in quilts, in clothes, as quilt backing and especially as a super-soft binding on baby quilts. Such a special little touch.
Meg said…
And I'm signed up on the mailing list!
EG said…
I'd love to make pretty quilted throw pillows with these fabrics!
Lindsay Conner said…
I'd love to make a voile skirt! I bet it would have great movement.
I have never used voile before, but... I'm sure I could come up with something!
Amanda said…
I have never used voile, but I imagine a little baby girls quilts with these pieces!
Amanda said…
I am on the mailing list!
ginger freckle said…
I have yet to work with Voile... I don't know why I'm so scared of it! I was thinking of a nursing cover for summer months, or a cute top, or jammie pants. Great giveaway - thanks!
ginger freckle said…
A nice lightweight summer scarf would be nice in voile, yes? (I'm a subscriber to your newsletter) Thanks for the great giveaway!
Amanda said…
Put it on facebook!
La Petite Mango said…
I would want to make an infinity scarf for the winter. It would be soft and luxurious.
Jennyroo said…
I like voile for sewing an ultra-soft and flowy scarf. Hope I'm the lucky lucky winner!
Jennyroo said…
And I tweeted the giveaway! @Jennyroo1
Jennyroo said…
And I am on the mailing list!
I have never used voile! That said, it would be fun to try it!
I receive your email newsletter!
Lily said…
I would like to make a beautiful quilt with the AMH voile loulouthi fabrics. I'm not sure how the thickness of the fabric will work out, but it's worth a try!
Sarah said…
I made a kaftan beach cover up with some AMH voile for my holiday this year and I loved wearing it, so soft and girlie :)
Allison C said…
I just bought some voile and I plan to make pajama pants with it. So soft and light...hopefully it won't be too tricky to sew.
Allison C said…
I get the newsletter (at my yahoo account)
Lee said…
I think clothing in Voile is lovely! thanks!
Lee said…
I have signed up for the newsletter!
Exactly my favorite colors!
Amanda said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amanda said…
I would make something bright to wear in the dull winter months - a scarf, a headband, a new apron, a skirt... the possibilities are endless.
Amanda said…
oh and I signed up for your mailing list!
Mel said…
I love using voile for dresses for my daughter. I've only had to line two.
Mel said…
I am on your mailing list
Margaret said…
Love this giveaway!!!
Margaret said…
Also on mailing list already - thanks again!
Tammy said…
dang -awesome combo of designers & fabrics. I am going to use my voile to make a soft soft quilt, and I can see me using some to make some nice comfortable tops.
kbzelazny said…
I think it would make beautiful skirts! Thanks for the chance to win!
maeve said…
Would love to win this giveway! I'm already on your mailing list!
Brandy said…
I have never tried sewing with voile, but would love to experiment. I'm sure I could find something fabolous for a couple Christmas gifts (for myself?).
Kelly Irene said…
This is a beautiful set of fabric! I just used a voile to make a shirt from one of the Colette patterns and love it. I have also used some of the AMH voile in a quilt and really like that as well. Thanks for the giveaway!
Romello said…
I love fabricworm.com! Never used voile, but looking forward to creating something beautiful!
Danielle said…
definitely a quilt!
I am already on your mailing list.

Thanks for a chance to win.

I tweeted about your giveaway. (@usairdoll)

Thanks for a chance to win.

Natalya H said…
Beautiful fabric! I'm thinking a purse or a handbag would be wonderful with voile :)
AllisonH said…
I've never sewn with voile but from comments it sounds like it's very soft which says to me it would be a great blanket/quilt fabric as long as it is durable enough...
Em said…
Like several other posters, I have never even touched voile. Let's go with a twirly skirt, though, from what I've read, that would be a good fit!
Izza said…
voiles are perfect for little girl's clothing. it gives a good drape. Thx for the giveaway
Ella said…
Ooo...a scarf. Those colors are lovely!
Amorette said…
scarves, esp. the infinity, wrappy kind- anna maria horner had a tutorial up i think. i need some stocked up for winter!
Amorette said…
tweeted! @amidrex
Madelaine said…
I would love a super soft voile throw for my couch to snuggle up under during winter... I might have to back it in flannel though!
Amorette said…
get the newsletter! love the new bundles...
Everything baby is perfect in voile!!
Jen S said…
I've used voile for skirts and bloomers so far...I like the idea of quilting with it though!
Unknown said…
I don't think I have used voile... should drum up some project shouldn't I?!!! Thanx for the giveaway!
Amber said…
I've never used voile before but I'd love to try it out!
Amber said…
On the mailing list
Tisha said…
I would make a cute wallet and tote set.
Marci Girl said…
Scarves are my favorite, so nice and soft and dreamy!
Danielle said…
I'm on your mailing list
JuneBug said…
I think a cute shirt for one of my girls, or maybe a skirt. I've bought voile in the past but still not used it!
JuneBug said…
I already am on your mailing list
Liberty said…
I joined the mailing list!
Liberty said…
I would make a skirt for my niece. She is a little princess and would love the fabric.
Becky said…
Currently I am loving the AMH Flirting the Issue skirt for larger cuts, but for smaller bits, they make a lovely textured quilt with other fabric weights like linen, for my Grandma who can no longer see or hear but can still enjoy the tactile love I put into it
Becky said…
Also signed up for the mailing list, can't believe I hadn't before this!
Anonymous said…
Ruffles for my 2 year old girl's sweater jacket. Fancy Fancy! Fingers crossed!
Anonymous said…
Also I've signed up for the mailing list!
annabelle said…
guilts :) makes them so soft
scheibach said…
Sweet baby girl dresses! Thanks for chance to win.
scheibach said…
Sweet baby girl dresses! Thanks for chance to win.
hueisei said…
Hmm..not really have an idea..a skirt??
hueisei said…
Already on the mailing list!
Anonymous said…
I signed up for your mailing list. I've only used voile once to make a cute Amy Butler pattern necklace.
Jodi said…
I have to admit I have never used Voile so I would love to get some and see what I can do with it. I love to try new things and those prints look devine.
Custard Bean said…
Glad I'm not the only one who's never used voile! I'm hoping it would work in a quilt because those colours would be perfect in a quilt I'm going to make for a newborn baby girl :)
Buttercup Nel said…
Voile, and especially these prints, would make the perfect liner for the "Vintage Skirt to Everyday Bags" I have beend designing. Cute pleates, big enough for all our crafty projects and binders.
Gigi said…
I would love to find out what my favorite would be. I have not used voile in any of my projects. I love the idea of the soft blanket other's have talked about.
memmens said…
I dream of having enough to make the most lovely soft buttery quilt! Alternatively a Sorbetto tank top would be lovely. thanks for the giveaway
memmens said…
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Romy said…
I love little girls' dresses made of voile. So soft and light for the summer.
Romy said…
Tweeted @romylou
Romy said…
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