Fabricworm Weekly Giveaway! Zoe Pearn Alphabet Soup Fat Quarters!

Hello Fabricworms!

As you know, another week, another giveaway! We have for you Zoe Pearn Designs Alphabet Soup Girl Bundle in Fat Quarters. Everyone has a chance to win, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post answering the question below and you will be entered to win. The Giveaway will end at 8:30am PST, Monday, July 11th. We will announce the winner later that same day. (The winner will be chosen by random.org)

This week we wanna know:
Has the heat affected your sewing this Summer?

But don't forget you get 3 bonus entries by doing the following:

  • 1. Tweet the giveaway! Copy this:
Comment for a chance to win this weeks giveaway at @Fabricworm #giveaway #fabric: http://bit.ly/qQVGF5

Then make sure to add an additional comment to this post with your twitter ID
  • 2. Facebook the giveaway! Copy this:
Comment for a chance to win this weeks giveaway at @Fabricworm: http://bit.ly/qQVGF5

Then make sure to add an additional comment with your facebook ID

and post an additional comment that you joined the mailing list.

Please no more than 4 comments/entries per contest post. Also leave an email or account ID so we can contact you when if you are a winner.

Happy Sewing!
The Fabricworm Girls


Tammy said…
Oh my goodness! My favorite collection! The heat is helping my sewing as I dont want to go outside to do anything! Ha!
Tammy said…
I am currently on your mailing list.
Unknown said…
This is so ADORABLE! Actually the heat has not affected my sewing any, but I actually make more since it is so hot outside :]
EllenQ said…
The heat has made me dig out the shorts pattern I have had sitting in my stash for months!

This giveaway is so cute, I would love to use it in a baby quilt I'm making.
Sadie said…
We have only had three really good, hot summer days so far and I didn't do a single bit of sewing on any of those days :-) I prefer to make the most of the good weather and get outside.
Thanks for the chance to win :-)
Sadie said…
I'm already on the mailing list :-)
Unknown said…
Tweeted: @ashleybookshelf

This is an adorable collection of fabric. I just turn on the fans and open the windows - it isn't as hot here in the NorEast, so hasn't really affected my sewing. Actually - working on Xmas in July projects right now!
I already am on the mail list.
Unknown said…
Facebooked: Ashley Causey
Unknown said…
Joined the mailing list :]

I think it has helped me too because I just want to stay inside out of the heat! I probably don't want to hand sew binding with a quilt on my lap though, but don't have one ready for that anyway!
Thanks for the chance to win.
Lindsay Conner said…
Nope, I think I've stayed in the house with my sewing just as much as I would have if the weather were icky. :)
Lindsay Conner said…
I'm on the e-mail list!
Amy @ FWD said…
Nope! I've done more sewing so far this summer than I have all year for some reason!
Brittany said…
This summer has been great for sewing! It's too hot out for my pregnant self, so to be productive I have to spend my time sewing, right? At least that's what I tell myself. :)
I love this line and think a baby quilt out of it is a must!!
Brittany said…
I'm on the mailing list, too!
Lindsay said…
It has been hard to stay inside with the heat so I have been sewing fewer large projects and a lot more small quick projects.
Julie said…
The heat is terrible for my sewing. It is even too hot to sew at night so I usually go to bed and read. Thanks for the chance!
Lauren said…
Nope, I've got both A/C and a fan in my sewing room! (Aside: I've been drooling over this fabric line!)
Bonnie said…
Living in south Texas, I cant say that I've ever gotten used to this 115 degree weather. Sometimes it really takes a toll on me and exhausts me for no reason. I have had my share of lazy days this summer but sewing always wins!
Bonnie said…
I am already on the mailing list!
Sharon Pernes said…
The heat has helped me have more time to quilt
Cindy said…
Nothing affects my sewing. I sew no matter what the weather, rain, shine, hot, or cold!
Caroline said…
Yes it has affected me so much! At school we are in a stuffy room so it is too warm to sew and at home i am in a conservatory which is roasting(-ly hot!) I havent been sewing at all but will have to this summer to finish coursework !!
Caroline said…
Tweeted at @Carostar680
Teresa said…
Very cute fabrics.
I stay in when it's cold or hot and continue with my stitching.
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches
Caroline said…
Ive joined the mailing list :) I always seem to forget if I have or not, so this is probably the 4/5th time I have joined !!
Sharon Pernes said…
I tweeted the giveaway @shapernes
Sharon Pernes said…
I posted the giveaway on Facebook
Sharon Sabin Pernes
Jennyroo said…
The heat isn't affecting my sewing, but the newborn baby sure is! We should be back to normal by fall...I hope!
Jennyroo said…
I am a subscriber to the blog & emails!
Kelly said…
Until a week ago, we have had the opposite problem - too darn cold. Summer came very late to Calgary this year.
Katie B said…
I'm probably sewing more because it's too hot to be outside!
AnnieK said…
We're having record-breaking heat here, so most of my gardening time has transferred to sewing time...I'm actually finishing projects...gasp!
Lisa England said…
The heat hasn't really affected my sewing -- I sew any chance I get, regardless of the weather! Love the fabrics for your giveaway. I'm always drawn to children's prints even though my child is grown. But I make lots of gifts and things to donate.
Heather said…
Heather said…
The heat doesn't disrupt too much here in Kodiak but when the sun is out there isn't ANY sewing happening at my house!
Heather said…
I currently get your newsletter!
Anonymous said…
The heat makes me want to drive over the mtns to see my grandbabies because the snow is finally GONE! I am not getting much sewing done at all.
Anonymous said…
I am on your mailing list-thanks for this giveaway--I have been watching this group for awhile!
Annaliese said…
i have been buying less (can't stand to go in the hot car for fabric shopping, and sewing more (strategically in front of the tower fan). So, the heat has been a good stashbuster!

Thanks for the chance!
Rebecca said…
Definitely! The heat is wearing me out!
THANKS for the chance at this CUTE collection!
Rebecca said…
I'm a newsletter subscriber :)
Rebekah Truba said…
I'm a newsletter follower already
Rebekah Truba said…
The heat has hindered my sewing as my 4 kiddos are wanting to swim but can't unattended. Love love love that fabric
Andrew said…
I feel a bit bad, being in on such a beautiful day. I tend to sew more at night when we are already inside.
tat2edfeet said…
i sew more when it's hot because i prefer to avoid the 90 degree weather! works out well for me :)
megan said…
Hah, it's never hot on my side of the Canadian Rockies. All the dry weather is making it hard to stay inside and get things done though!
Sara said…
The heat is not affecting my sewing as much as my 3 month old has been :)
Lisa said…
the heat has affected since my a/c was not keeping up...i sure don't want to power on my machine...and we've been swimming in our little pool and stuff...so lots of paper piecing and crochet
Michele said…
The heat and UV rays keep me inside. And did I mention snakes? More sewing time! Yay!
Rachel Stevens said…
No worries, we have A/C!
Lydia said…
I'm with Sara - the newborn is the one affecting my sewing, not the heat!
Rachel Stevens said…
Currently on your mailing list :)
VirgArt said…
Heat? In Hungary it is a quite cold summer. :o(
But I've made new hats for my girls.
I loooove these fabrics!
Shanea said…
I love the heat. Makes me keep my toes painted in bright colors!!
Lee said…
Lovely fabric. Its been hot so I have stayed inside and sewn more! thanks for the giveaway.
Nacho said…
Yes heat is effecting my sewing. I don't want to really do anything with it being so hot. But also being preggo and chasing around 2 little ones is effecting it too.
Joanna said…
I think the heat has affected my energy level and therefore my crafting. But it's just a slow-down, not a complete suspension.
Joanna said…
I am subscribed to your newsletter. Thank you for the giveaway.
Shaunna said…
yes!! I'm glad to finally have caught up with orders (mostly) so I can slow down a bit. We are out and about much more in the summer so I don't get as much sewing done.

LylaBug Creations
Lee said…
I get the newsletter! thank you!
diplofam said…
The heat isn't affecting my sewing--it's the fact that we moved into a new house last week and I have 100 things I have to organize before I will allow myself to pull out the machine!
Lovely fabric!
diplofam said…
I am on your mailing list
Rachel said…
The heat hasn't affected my sewing much, but I am looking at dress and tank top patterns for myself. I sew mostly for my kids!
Rachel said…
I tweeted your link!
craftytammie said…
well, my sewing nook is upstairs with a south facing window, and it gets a little steamy up there. so my sewing is done early or late, but not much during the daytime.
rosewendy said…
Is this giveaway open to those of us below the equator who are currently freezing? Brrrr. Good weather to stay inside in the warm and sew, sew, sew. I probably sew a bit less in summer as there are jobs that must be done outside.
Rachel said…
I'm on your mailing list. :o)
Alyssa Grace said…
Has the heat affected your sewing this Summer?

Well, no! I work from our basement, which, being underground, has made it about 20 degrees cooler!
So it's heaven down there and I love sewing during the summer!!!
Alyssa Grace said…
I am on your mailing list!
Andrea said…
I prefer the cold to sew. I love this collection
Melissa said…
If anything, this heat is making me more productive!!
Gillian said…
Well, at the moment it is winter in Australia so it has been cold which has kept me inside....sewing :-)
Amy said…
It's summer in Vermont, so we have lots of cool days that are perfect for quilting!.
Angela N. said…
Its not been very hot here (joys of living in colorado) but because its been so nice, we have hardly been at home... nows the time of year to get out. I have been getting alot of hexi's done though.. :)
Amy said…
I am on your mailing list.
Laura said…
Love that fabric!! not exactly sure why but I am sewing more recently with the heat too - maybe because I am too lazy to put the machine away after a completed project?? plus we are eating outside so if my things stay all over the dining table - no worries!! thanks for the chance!
Patti said…
I don't sew much, but my daughter in law does, so if I win, she gets the fabric. She lives in alaska, so heat is not much of an issue for her.
Laura said…
just joined your mailing list!!
EEEKK It is WINTER in Australia so the perfect time to quilt away the cold weather - and my girls love snuggling in a new quilt by MUMMY!
Anonymous said…
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your shop. I peruse through here almost daily to drool over all the lovely fabrics.
mouse said…
It has not gotten that hot here. Yesterday it was only 71 the nices day we have had out of the year. The weather has made me want to sew!
Sallie said…
The heat hasn't affected my sewing, but I thought today that I need to do more piecing during the summer and more binding during the winter. Thanks for the giveaway.
Sallie said…
I'm already on your mailing list. Thanks!
Anonymous said…
Just joined the mailing list :)
Schmendro said…
The heat hasn't affected my sewing - I've been working on a lot of projects and nothing is stopping me this month! :)

cute, cute fabric!
Shelly Jackson said…
Been sewing so much more in the nice A/C, plus there are farmers markets and craft fairs coming up to sew for.
Schmendro said…
I am also signed up for newsletter

amyrhenderson @ gmail.com
Shelly Jackson said…
I posted on FB:

Zizzies Britches
mouse said…
Posted on FB!
Shelly Jackson said…
I joined your mailing list

Amy said…
What a fabulous giveaway! Thanks for sharing. The heat isn't doing much for my sewing... but the relaxed pace of summer has my crafty to do list all fired up and ready to go!
Alli said…
Nope, the heat hasn't affected my sewing. It's always hot here! :D
Alli said…
I subscribe to your newsletter via my hotmail account.
Amy said…
I'm subscribed to your mailing list (although I'm not sure whether it is the same email address affiliated with my blogger account or not...)
mouse said…
Awesome give away!

LisaT said…
No way does the heat affect my sewing. Just about everything else does though - work, laundry, mowing the lawn, watering the garden, cokking dinner, doing dishes, etc. etc.
LisaT said…
I tweeted @LisaT63, thanks!
LisaT said…
Im a current subscriber, thanks!
Julie Weaver said…
Yes the heat has affected my sewing! It has been SO hot here in Lubbock, TX that we can't use too much electricity, because of outages. So sewing has to get cut, since that includes like 4 things plugged in. Eek!
Tanya said…
The heat hasn't affected my sewing-it's just really starting to feel like summer now-we've had a very rainy spring!
Julie Weaver said…
I shared this on FB. facebook.com/julie.houchinweaver
Jo said…
The heat hasseemed to make me very tired for the past few summers so I would say it is making me not want to sew as much as usual
Jo said…
I am already on your mailing list
Rebecca Merry said…
Adorable! The heat hasn't stopped my sewing much at all. I've just been doing more piecing and less actual quilting. (at least that's what I'll blame all of the UFOs on!)
Jessica said…
The heat has made me WANT to sew more - stay in the air conditioning, don't go outside, says my brain!
Jessica said…
I'm on the mailing list :)
Sara said…
The heat makes me want to stay in and sew more!!
Emma said…
What a great giveaway!! thanks for the chance to win beautiful fabrics.Heat doesn't slow me down!If i don't go outside i sew more..HA!
Marcia W. said…
With our temps 95 and higher (today 105), hand quilting is not on my activity list. I will sew as a rest break from working around the house.
Anonymous said…
The heat is definitely impeding my quilting time...but I'm enjoying some (blow up) pool time with my boys! Ages 3 and 15mos. Thanks for this giveaway! I'm having a niece in late Aug!!!! KERIHAG at YAHOO dot COM
pinkebody said…
Super cute fabric bundle!

The heat has made me finally start to tackle my out of control scrap collection.
Anne Devlin said…
No the heat but my machine is malfunctioning... borrowed my MIL's and I'm back in business :-)
Ronny said…
Yes, the heat IS affecting my sewing as it is warm enough for my boys to go outside while I stay in and sew! Our heat is just warmth to you south of the border :)
Ronny said…
I am a subscriber on your mailing list!
Marcia W. said…
I am on your mailing list.
Kamie said…
Ive been wanting to Sew more lately and i dont have a lot of good fabrics... maybe this would help :D
April said…
Well, usually my sewing room is hot... but we finally got the window air conditioner upstairs so it is good. :-) Now if I wasn't too tired after the kids go to bed....
April said…
I am already on your mailing list.
wendyphilly said…
I have to say no because I actually just started sewing this summer! Loving every minute of it.
If hot weather affected my sewing... I'd never sew :) Love this collection!
The keeps me outside and busy during the day, so I'm sewin' at night. Hopefully I'll be sewin' with some cute Alphabet Soup fabric soon!
Evie n Lizzie said…
As much as I hate the heat it hasn't had an effect on my sewing.
Evie n Lizzie said…
tweeted! @evienlizzie
Evie n Lizzie said…
I'm on your mailing list!
Signed up for the newsletter
3DogDesignCo said…
I don't get to quilt as much this time of year. Yes, the heat has affected my quilting, too much outdoor work to do.
Carrie Phelps said…
Up until today it has not affected my sewing. Today it's just too humid to sit more than a few feet from the fan!
robin said…
Thankfully, we have Air conditioning, so the heat has not interfered with my sewing. :)
robin said…
Tweeted! http://twitter.com/#!/birdie00000/status/88387430180323328

robin said…
I'm already on your mailing list.
Carrie Phelps said…
I tweeted about this giveaway; @CarrieDust

Cecilia said…
The heat has actually given me a good reason to stay inside and sew more.:-)
Carrie Phelps said…
I shared this on Facebook; Carrie Phelps
Carrie Phelps said…
I subscribe to your email; CarrieDust@yahoo.com
Anonymous said…
the heat hasn't really kept me from sewing...the other 14000 things I have to do, have! :)

Anonymous said…
yes, the heat has affected my sewing~ my studio is connected to our upstairs offices (3 rooms that flow into each other) and they have their own separate a/c system. Sometimes I just don't want to get that one going when the rest of the house is functioning just fine on its other a/c system. And since that part of the house is on the west side, the sun always streams into those rooms, really heating them up. Bet you didn't want that long of an explanation, eh?
The heat here in northern Florida is definitely adding to my sewing time! Today it was 101 degrees -- a good day to enjoy the air conditioning and my sewing machine.
Kamie said…
Cant Post on Facebook, it said it was blocked so you know...
sewfunquilts said…
For sure.......the HOT days have been awful here in Texas. Most quilters think of winter for sewing/quilting. I don't, I do a lot of sewing in the summertime (100 degree days) to stay inside.

Thanks for your great giveaway.
sewfunquilts said…
I just tweeted about your giveaway. @sewfunquilts
iris said…
Nothing affects my sewing.
iris said…
I am currently on your mailing list.
Alicia said…
My sewing has been affected because the dog likes to sit in the middle of the sewing room under the ceiling fan. He has adopted this room as his own!
Sarah said…
Yes, the heat helps my sewing as I try to stay in when it's so hot outside! Thanks!
crescendogal said…
Entry #1: The heat hasn't affected my sewing yet...it's just now warming up in MT! 'Sew' if it does get too hot I just head downstairs to my nice cool sewing room! :0)

Catherine said…
so cute! it's too hot to go outside, so I sit and sew a lot! I managed to finish (mostly) 2 quilts this weekend. :)
nancymoo said…
The heat has not affected my sewing, but my 10 month old son has haha :)
The fabrics are great!! :D
nancymoo said…
tweeted @nancymoo

nancymoo said…
AND on the mailing list... :D Yay!
crescendogal said…
Entry #2: shared on facebook :0) (was unable to use the link provided as FB says it's 'spammy')

Laura said…
It's been kind of warm here in CT, so I moved to the dining room table because it gets better air movement than my sewing room (and the larger work space doesn't hurt!)
Laura said…
I'm already a follower!
Amber said…
I'm on your mailing list
crescendogal said…
Entry #3: signed up for the newsletter...yay! (already follow the blog)

Amber said…
The heat hasn't affect my sewing, but school has. One more exam then bring on the quilts :)
Melinda said…
Well, my sewing room is in the basement where the heat seems to live in my house. However, I do try to just deal with it and keep on trucking!
SuzyMcQ said…
Actually, it's interesting that you ask. I like to sew outside on my porch and even with the ceiling fans it's been quite toasty! So, I haven't sewn as much as I would have liked. But, I LOVE the summer!
Anonymous said…
OMG! I Love this collection! The heat is helping my sewing. Here in Florida we stay inside with the AC.
raulersonsd said…
I posted your link on my personal & business FB page!

I have some ribbon that matches this fabric perfectly! Love, Love Love it!!
it's not the heat that's slowed me down - it's a kid who's no longer in school! love the fabric.
petiteblogger said…
Oh, the HEAT! Yes, it does affect my sewing because it makes me TIRED! And since I do most of my sewing at night when the family goes to bed, I have been going to bed as well...
Annmarie said…
I guess indirectly the heat affects my summer sewing because I have a huge vegetable garden & lots of flower gardens so when it's hot & there's no rain, I need to WATER every day and when you water things grow including the weeds, so then I spend a ton of time WEEDING. And soon my garden will be producing so I'll need to start CANNING! So yes the heat means less time for sewing! I do still get in an hour or 2 after I come in for the night-thank goodness.
Annmarie said…
I am on your mailing list. Great fabric in the giveaway - thanks for the chance.
lori lookadoo said…
I am currently on your mailing list.
lori lookadoo said…
It is affecting my sewing because the humidity has my asthma in overdrive..lol.
Wendy said…
The heat has not effected my sewing.
Kristin said…
So cute! The heat has made ne hit the pool more and keep my iron on less....
Kristin said…
I am on your mailing list
Patrice said…
The heat has helped me sew b/c I'm staying inside more...AWAY from the blistering South Carolina sun!
Patrice said…
I'm already a subscriber to your newsletter.
StephanieC said…
the heat is hurting my sewing - our AC vent is right above my sewing desk and it hurts my eyes to work when it is blowing! scg00387 at yahoo dot com
StephanieC said…
http://twitter.com/#!/DesMoinesDealin/status/88427936763482112 scg00387 at yahoo dot com
Anonymous said…
It's not hot where I am! So I'm trying to get through some of my stash to make room for some new stuff. Hmmmmm, alphabet soup would be a great start! :)
Mindy said…
Love this collection! I have been sewing up a storm for new nieces and nephews on the way, and just have to up the Cooler and drink more water some days. Hasn't slowed me down though :)
I posted to FB
Becky said…
My sewing is just ramping up as it is winter over in Australia now! Love the material.
Becky said…
Just joined your mailing list!
nalliThe heat does not affect my sewing. I want to sew all day long and would love these fabrics
Katherine Pyne said…
I am just learning to sew. THe heat has kept me in the house so I am constantly searching the internet for sewing ideas and tutorials. So, I guess it has helped me mentally. or something like that.
Jenniffier said…
Today it did. I didn't do anything today!
Jenniffier said…
I signed up for the newsletter.
mommymia said…
Coming from Southern FL, the heat glues me to my chair in my sewing studio...that way I don't feel bad that I'm not outside by the pool til later in the afternoon when the sun rays go down...
Jessica said…
Most definitely, Yes! Had to take a week off when we broke 100 and have no air conditioner.
Well, where I am it's Winter, so it is absolutely perfect for sewing. The nights are dark and cold, a steaming mug of tea or hot chocolate sits by my machine, and I enjoy my delicious evening so much!
I am already on the mailing list too :-)
Vio said…
Our summer just started, so I can't blame my lack of sewing on it! Thanks!
Vio said…
I'm on the mailing list.
corina said…
When it's this hot I stay inside and quilt!
raulersonsd said…
It has made me sew more because my kids aren't in school so I have less responsibilities. Yay!
The summer heat has kept me inside these days. That definitely keeps me sewing more!!!
just joined your mailing list!!!
Lisa E said…
Since it's summer my girls are at home. I've been busy helping them sew bags. My 12-year-old is making her first quilt! Definitely sewing a lot.
Alexandra P. said…
Yes, when it's warm, I sew less. We go to the beach then...
Lovely giveaway!
Thanks for the chance.
Bettiboh said…
no heat here in germany, just cold...
Bettiboh said…
I'm a newsletter follower already
Cass said…
Oooohhhh.. that's the fabric at the top of my wish list at the moment!
It's winter here in Australia, so I am getting more done than normal. :)
Glenys said…
I feel tired lately. So I guess yes.
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