Fabricworm Weekly Giveaway! Retro Living Room Custom Bundle!

Hello Fabricworms!

Here we are again for another fabulous giveaway! We have for you a new custom bundle: Retro Living Room in 12 Fat Quarters! Everyone has a chance to win, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post answering the question below and you will be entered to win. The Giveaway will end at 8:30am PST, Monday, July 18th. We will announce the winner later that same day. (The winner will be chosen by random.org)

This week we wanna know:
How has the past inspired your crafting?

But don't forget you get 3 bonus entries by doing the following:

  • 1. Tweet the giveaway! Copy this:
Comment for a chance to win this weeks giveaway at @Fabricworm #giveaway #fabric: http://bit.ly/

Then make sure to add an additional comment to this post with your twitter ID
  • 2. Facebook the giveaway! Copy this:
Comment for a chance to win this weeks giveaway at @Fabricworm : http://bit.ly/nQ8plu

Then make sure to add an additional comment with your facebook ID

and post an additional comment that you joined the mailing list.

Please no more than 4 comments/entries per contest post. Also leave an email or account ID so we can contact you when if you are a winner.

Happy Sewing!
The Fabricworm Girls


Tiffany saidā€¦
How has the past affected my sewing? Well all of the quilters who brought this craft out of the dark ages and back into popularity def. have affected my sewing! All of those who were willing to write down what they'd learned or figured out themselves have DEFINITELY affected my crafting.

I also love taking traditional blocks and putting a modern spin on them. Grateful for all the hard work and genius ideas from quilters of the past :)
EllenQ saidā€¦
I love to use the fabrics that my mother and grandmother collected over the years to add sentimental touches to my pieces. There is something so special about a quilt full of memories!
mouse saidā€¦
I'm a follower!
Alicia saidā€¦
I am very much a "practical" use person. So when I am trying to pick the next project I will always pick a project based on a current need! This impacts my sewing every day, because there are some types of projects that I don't ever anticipate doing.
Bonnie saidā€¦
I grew up around creativity. My mom and dad were amazing at drawing and although my mom doesn't sew, she was always crafting. My grandmother taught me to crochet and I taught myself how to sew. I had a wonderful past and its affected me in a great way!
ā™„Duff saidā€¦
I used to watch my mom sewing--I remember being on my tiptoes to watch the needle going into the fabric. She didn't sew a lot, but she taught me everything she knew and I took it from thereā™„ Now I'm addicted!!
Bonnie saidā€¦
I already joined the mailing list!
Jenny saidā€¦
i love looking at vintage/antique quilts and seeing their 'use what you have' mentality and how the outcome results is amazing quilts...amazing colors and patterns. so inspiring!
Kristie saidā€¦
I am on your mailing list. kristie_keely(at)yahoo(d0t)com
Kristie saidā€¦
I'm inspired by vintage fabric, the dresses and clothes my mom made me as a child, and vintage sewing machine motifs. kristie_keely(at)yahoo(d0t)com
mouse saidā€¦
How the past affected my sewing?
To never give up and you'll find something beautiful out of it all.
When I was growing up my family didn't have a lot of money. So, my mom would use all clothing we trashed and would make something beautiful out of the rags. I remember one of the dresses and blankets she made me. It always made me feel loved that my mom made it just for me.
I'm not the best at sewing but, I try.
I tweeted (justsewyallknow) at http://twitter.com/JustSewYallKnow/status/90848189636280320
katy gray saidā€¦
i love retro prints and fabrics. when i was younger i'd always look for the oldest fabrics in my mom's stash to patch my pants!
katy gray saidā€¦
tweeted! @katygray
katy gray saidā€¦
facebooked - katyparinsgray
katy gray saidā€¦
and I'm on your mailing list!
Andrea saidā€¦
I learned to sew from watching my mom
Kelly saidā€¦
My grandmother gave me a handmade quilt when I was about 10. I loved that quilt - I insisted that I used it until there where holes in it. I wish I had talked my Mom into saving it - I'd love to make myself a new one just like it.
Martina saidā€¦
I am already on your list! Thanks so much!
Martina saidā€¦
My mum has already been sewing clothes and stuff. She made me love hanicrafts and finally I ended up with a love for patchwork and quilting! So great!
L saidā€¦
All of the chevron quilts that are so popular these days remind me of a crocheted afgan my parents had--I think they received it for their wedding in 1977. Chevron stripe in 70s-tastic colors--it would be so trendy again now!
Becky saidā€¦
Mostly from learning at my grandma's knee how to cut and sew fabric and repurpose clothes and sheets long before it became the trendy thing to do. The last few years I have gotten into it more as she's gotten sicker and sicker, until I was finally able to make her a quilt for her very own out of new fabrics (such a luxury for her!). Sadly she was only able to enjoy it for a few weeks, but I am so glad the be able to pass on her stories and skills to my children
Jen saidā€¦
My favorite thing lately is using old vintage sheets to make quilts. I love the old floral patterns from back in the day. I'm so into vintage/retro all of it! So I'm constantly looking at old magazines and pictures for color inspiration etc.
Jen saidā€¦
I receive the newsletter too!
Marcia W. saidā€¦
The past has affected my sewing because some of the skills of my mother, aunts, great aunts, grandmothers, and great grandmothers were passed on to me. I can appreciate the rotary cutter, self healing mats, specialty rulers, etc. because know the challenge of marking and cutting individual pieces using a straight edge and pencil/pen, and of course, piecing with a treadle machine. The design intricacy and use of color of "quilters past" never fail to amaze me. Quilting is something I can do with my mother, and show my grandniece.
Sharon Pernes saidā€¦
Great question this week.
My great grandfather was a tailor and made us quilts from scraps of fabric he had. I have always lved quilts because of his quilts.
Marcia W. saidā€¦
I already subscribe to your e-mail newsletter.
Parsley saidā€¦
How has the past affected my crafting? I suppose I am trying to learn things I've never learned. hehe

I follow.
Heather Nash saidā€¦
I am a sentimental person... so I love to have touches of familiar things near me. I have inherited fabric and craft supplies from my grandmother and very recently my mother, I love their antique taste and love the uniqueness it offers.

AnnieK saidā€¦
Making anything by hand is a real labor of love; love for the act of creating, love for the intrinsic beauty of the art, and love for the recipient of my work. That wisdom, passed along from my mother, who got it from her mother, and so on, is what most influences and motivates me.
JustPam saidā€¦
I am pretty frugal due to not having much money as a single mom. Now that the kids are grown I have a little bit more money but am still frugal. I tend to shop my stash quite a bit when I make my quilts and projects.
Heather Nash saidā€¦
I tweeted out this giveaway - http://twitter.com/#!/HeatherNash10/status/90859931116376066

Heather Nash saidā€¦
I signed up to receive emails.

Jennyroo saidā€¦
I am on the mailing list!!
Jessica saidā€¦
I'm currently a college student. I've always loved crafting but never found my niche - until sewing. I took a sewing class in high school and it was fun, but I didn't think I would be doing it again... until I realized that sending my t shirts away for a quilt was going to cost a whole bunch of money I did not have, so why shouldn't I try making it? After that, I was hooked :) I'm definitely a modern quilter.
Denise saidā€¦
My grandma knitted, my aunt crocheted, my mother sewed and my father did woodworking. I think I have the "crafty gene". I love to create beautiful things for my family that will become treasures (I hope anyway!)
Jennyroo saidā€¦
I am using a 'vintage' avocado green singer sewing machine that belonged to my mom. I also love that chevron is so popular right now, it reminds me of the many afghans we had laying around the house as kids in the 70s!
Schmendro saidā€¦
I use a lot of my old/loved fabrics that my gram gave me to do my quilting, it's wonderful to have pieces of the past in my work!

amyrhenderson @ gmail.com
Melinda saidā€¦
I learned to embroider, cross-stitch and crochet as a child. I didn't learn to use a sewing machine until I was an adult. By that time it was interesting to see how my take on crafting and creating had grown and changed but still essentially stayed the same! We may evolve and alter, but the core reasons and methods are often still the same.
Sarah saidā€¦
I grew up watching mum at the sewing machine making me clothes, fancy dress costumes, dolls, toys etc, hearing about how gran (her mum) made everything for her. Just seems natural for me to want to sew too!
Sarah saidā€¦
I'm on the mailing list too
megan saidā€¦
Growing up to the sound of a sewing machine meant that as soon as I was about to become a Mama, some part of my brain insisted I needed one too. I thought it would come in handy - now barely a day passes where I don't use it.
Jeanne saidā€¦
My mother inspired me to sew. Everything she made on her little old Singer was beautiful, inside and out...just like her. I would sit by her side and watch her meticulously sew each seam. I miss her but her love of sewing was passed down to me and I, in turn, am passing it down to my granddaughter.
Sallie saidā€¦
My grandma taught me how to sew and embroider. Thanks for the giveaway!
drmithome saidā€¦
I learned to sew as a child. At different stages in my life, I did nit have time to sew, but I always come back to it.
Sallie saidā€¦
I already get your email. Thanks for the chance!
Jeanne saidā€¦
I tweeted! @jeannecarol
Jeanne saidā€¦
I posted on Facebook. (Jeanne Segraves White)
Jeanne saidā€¦
I signed up for the mailing list.
I had JRA as a child which greatly limited my activities. However, I could do all of the needlework I wanted so started stitching and sewing at the age of 8. It has been a love affair with all kinds of needlework since. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway.
flytimes saidā€¦
The past enspires me in crafting through the need to create things to have materials required for items for a comftorable life. Now, crafting (sewing) is not soley for the need, but reachers further into creativity and a sense of self. Creating things because we love to create and because we can create beautiful things for ourself and others.
Natasha Johnson saidā€¦
i love the old school simple hand made childrens toys such as dolls and baby blocks. much more timeless than todays toys
Natasha Johnson saidā€¦
tweeted bout this giveway. @LkyStrCreations
I LOVE the 60s and 70s. Especially the fabric patterns. I search out awesome retro fabric when I craft all the time.
Vroomans' Quilts saidā€¦
Quilting is a heritage craft in my family - the first Dutch family to purchase this land tract from the Queen of England and the Iroquois. From generation to generation tatting, lace making, trading buttons and beads, repurposing fabrics, haberdashers, leather makers, theater costume makers, clothiers, and quilters. A happy melding pot.

I love the traditional, a true scrap quilter, and love the experiments into modern.
Heather A saidā€¦
My parents made everything. Partly from necessity (imagine a remote prairie farm family) and partly because they were both naturally skilled and creative. I have always thought of my parents as artisans. Because of them I can't imagine not making things and I also know the heart that goes into anything handmade, which makes such things priceless really.
Vroomans' Quilts saidā€¦
I am already on the mailing list and a follower.
Heather A saidā€¦
I'm on your mailing list.
Kelly saidā€¦
How has the past affected my sewing? I try not to repeat myself. :) I've found it really hard to do the same pattern more than once because I get bored! :)
Kelly saidā€¦
I'm on the mailing list!
Lacey saidā€¦
The past has affected my sewing because I remember my mom teaching me the art of sewing a pillow from her fabric scraps as a child. When she caught me stuffing a hand sewn pillow (with stuffing sticking out between each stitch of course) and showed me the art of turning it inside out to create a better hemmed edge, she officially lit my sewing torch for a lifetime!
Amber H. saidā€¦
I don't really have access to a family history of sewing to reach back to; however I recently acquired a vintage pfaff with the original table and I do all of my sewing with her now.

I feel connected to all of those housewives of the 1950's that were mail ordering the sewing machines out of the Good Housekeeping magazines! I also love being part of a movement that's bringing handmade back.
Alli saidā€¦
My mom used to sew me doll clothes and blankets, and I don't think I appreciated them properly till now. So now I like to sew her nice things to make up for it! :D
Alli saidā€¦
I already subscribe to your mailing list (my hotmail account).
The past has affected my sewing because I have always sewed and gradually evolved into a quilter. I have wanted to learn to quilt for 30 years and finally started 8 years ago.
I subscribe to the newsletter
Molls saidā€¦
Over the years my many craft endeavors have not always ended all that well. With each new project I begin I am empowered by mistakes and have learned to do some pretty amazing things with my own two hands (and sometimes a sewing machine).
Ima saidā€¦
The past affects my crafting because I learned all the techniques from my mother.
LittleBook saidā€¦
My grandmother made me a quilt which she completed entirely by hand. Everything I do is by machine, but I think of her every time I work on something. I think she would be proud of me and that makes me want to continue and learn more. I also picked up some fabric which had a retro feeling to it because it reminded me of a set of curtains she made. I didn't care for them as a kid, but I simply love them now.
Cindy saidā€¦
I love the old and traditional blocks done in modern colorful fabrics!
Ella saidā€¦
I'm really into vintage fabrics right now...and all my crafting is a legacy from the women in my family who came before me.
Linda saidā€¦
My grandmother taught me everything I know about knitting and crocheting. She didn't teach me how to quilt, but I do know she quilted a lot in her younger days. It makes me feel like I'm part of a continuous line when i quilt.
katie@stvital saidā€¦
My mother did a lot of sewing, crocheting, knitting and other fun crafts when I was young. That definitely was the start of my crafting. I am re-learning it all now!
Kate S. saidā€¦
I love looking through books of antique and vintage quilts and getting inspiration from the designs!
Simply EC saidā€¦
The past has affected my sewing pretty greatly. I'm a huge fan on vintage style and prints so I draw a lot of inspiration from 40's and 50's and 60's fashion. I also really love the 60's and 70's handmade movement and see a lot of repeats in today's handmade revolution. My family has a big history of DIY, merely out of necessity!
Simply EC saidā€¦
I'm already on your mailing list! Thanks for the chance to win this yummy bundle!
Simply EC saidā€¦
Tweeted as @arimethia!
Simply EC saidā€¦
Shared on Facebook as "Erin Compton Design"
My Gramma tought me how to sew and always would tell me to break the rules, and if something doesn't work wrip the threads and try again. I would say it has helped me to think outside the box and to not give up on projects {easily anyway lol}.
I get your emails :thumbsup:
The past has affected my sewing by getting me into it. If it weren't for the birth of my daughter, I would have never made my first quilt.
I posted the giveaway from Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/BoutiqueUniquely
DianeY saidā€¦
I love a lot of the designs from the past made up in bright new fabrics. I started quilting a long time back & kind of lost interest, but new fabrics have rekindled my interest
Tong saidā€¦
I started sewing and quilting when we first bought our house almost 2 years ago, I started by making throw pillows for the new couch, and it has now evolved into quilt making and other sewing projects. I probably would have never thought about quilting if it wasn't for the house.
Tong saidā€¦
I tweeted! @tingtongnthings
Michele T saidā€¦
I have always been creative, having siblings much older than myself, I learned how to keep busy and make things. This has never stopped and when I am inbetween projects I find that I am restless and lost! Luckily I have discovered quilting and crafting blogs to inspire me daily!!
Tong saidā€¦
I'm already on the mailing list!
Ash saidā€¦
I find inspiration for new clothing from the vintage fabric my mom has. She's collected it from other relatives and/or purchased it from vintage stores so she has a lot. I think it has more character and charm than new fabrics.

Michele T saidā€¦
I tweeted your giveaway @mimistarquilter
Michele T saidā€¦
I am a follower! Yay!
amberivie saidā€¦
In the past sewing was a necessity, especially if your family (like mine) were on the poorer spectrum of things. However, these days it's a luxury to have handmade items or to have the time to make homemade. Luckily we can blend the ingenuity of the past with our modern tools and voila ! awesome handmade !
Sel saidā€¦
I guess the women in my family several generations back have always had a textile connection.

My grandmother owned a textiles factory in HK after WWII, and my mum made clothing for my sisters and me.

She taught me to sew, but my uncle's wife got me into quilting years ago. It's only become a passion in the last year, though.
Sel saidā€¦
And I'm on your mailing list!
Ronny saidā€¦
I would say that my love of the past made me love quilts, and even though we don't quilt in the same spirit today (using recycled clothing and scraps from sewing clothing) so much, I just love the quilt aesthetic. Thanks for the giveaway!
Ronny saidā€¦
I'm on your mailing list!
robin saidā€¦
I love history, and the way quilting is woven into America's history really inspires me and makes me want to make quilts, too!
Sarah Gough saidā€¦
I love looking back at the work my nana created - and all by hand! - it's so inspirational!
robin saidā€¦
Tweeted! http://twitter.com/#!/birdie00000/status/90914852524134400
robin saidā€¦
I'm already signed up for your mailing list. :)
SuzyMcQ saidā€¦
I would say that anyone who quilts or sews truly honors the past, especially if they use some vintage fabrics, notions or even quilt patterns. Working with one's hands honors all the people who valued handcrafts before them.
SuzyMcQ saidā€¦
I receive your newsletter!
Dorothy saidā€¦
I posted a link on facebook to the giveaway!
Dorothy saidā€¦
my facebook ID: Dorothy Zogg Hansen
Adele saidā€¦
I started quilting because as a child I would spend hours picking out my favorite patches from a scrap nine patch of my grandmother's. I wanted to reproduce that memory for others
Dorothy saidā€¦
I love using fabrics from the past especially those that have memories. They give my current crafts meaning!
Dorothy saidā€¦
I'm already on your mailing list!
Patty saidā€¦
Experience trying past crafts have certainly kept me away from failures of the past. Painting is not my thing.
Nancy saidā€¦
my maternal grandmother is single handedly responsible for my sewing..she is the only other person in the entire family that sewed... I really miss her...
La Petite Mango saidā€¦
How has the past affected my sewing. I guess when I was little I always wanted to have homemade quilts and things for myself. I want my children to have things that hold some meaning. That they can pass on
pasqueflower saidā€¦
The past inspires me in many ways.
My family tree includes needleworkers, milliners, and embroiderers, and my mom taught me to sew.

The past (in vintage quilts) inspires me every time I visit the International Quilt Study Center & Museum here in Lincoln.

I also love vintage clothing patterns.

LeAnn aka pasqueflower
Lee saidā€¦
I learned to sew with my mom and greatgrandmother who lived w/ us. She always said - homesewn is always better and I believe it!
thanks for the lovely giveaway.
Lee saidā€¦
I get your newsletter! thank you
Kelsey saidā€¦
How has the passed not influenced us? Pretty much every tool and every technique we use, is either completely or partially developed by someone in the past.
Kelsey saidā€¦
I tweeted from @kprantis.
Kelsey saidā€¦
I already subscribe to your newsletter.
flowerofshona saidā€¦
My dad was my inspiration when i was young but i have a deep love of colours and get lost putting wool,fabric or plants together :)
flowerofshona saidā€¦
im on your mailing list xx
flowerofshona saidā€¦
Have put the link on FB..
I am lucky enough to have many things sewn and knit by my grandmother. I try ti take inspiration from her work and use colors to compliment her pieces as I can.
deserae saidā€¦
I love looking at styles from the past to think of modern updates. :)
no4daughter saidā€¦
Vintage buttons inspire my sewing. In addition, I love to hunt for vintage fabrics to use.
scottylover saidā€¦
Beautiful fabrics! They would go so well in my living room right now!

I learned to quilt and do hand work from my mom and grandma. What they taught me has influenced what I do now. I love the traditional blocks and the old-fashioned embroidery, so I try to use them as much as possible while adding my own "spin" to the mix. They always told me never to be afraid to try something, if it doesn't work out, you don't have to let anyone else know! :)

Sandy A
julie saidā€¦
we all live and learn. the future builds on the past. i love using the scraps of my Grandmother's fabrics in new pieces.
Gretchen saidā€¦
The past has inspired my crafting because I love using repro fabrics and patterns. I also sew with a Singer Featherweight.
Gretchen saidā€¦
I'm on your mailing list:)
Unknown saidā€¦
My grandmother sewed everything. I still have outfits she made for my barbie dolls in the attic. My mother and sister were never interested, but I just can't get enough. I think of her every time I sew. :)
Unknown saidā€¦
I am on the mailing list! :)
Tanya saidā€¦
I love classic things-like yoyo's and baby bonnets, things that never go out of style. Mix it up with some modern fabric or not!
Patti saidā€¦
My grandmother sewed alot of clothes for me on her treadle machine and I didn't remember much about it until more vintage fabrics started showing up everywhere! Now I can thank her for my love of fabric.
Patti saidā€¦
I'm a follower.
nancymoo saidā€¦
My grannie taught me to crochet and inspired my sewing by making me clothes when I was a child.
Gorgeous fabrics - thanks!
my mom bought me Marimekko sheets before I knew they were cool. That has inspired my taste. I've also started buying vintage pillowcases at thrift stores in hopes of incorporating them into my projects.
I tweeted @mostlyeven
I get your newsletter (thank goodness!)
My grandma was a quilter and I loved the stuff she would make me. My mom taught me to sew clothes and made me continue to keep sewing for 4-H when I would rather be outside playing. I didn't do much sewing from age 20-29 then I made a log cabin quilt for the baby I was expecting who was my son. I have never stopped since then!
I am already on the mailing list!
Jennifer Joshua saidā€¦
Most of the inspiration came from my friend's mom who was a great crafter....:)
What a wonderful question!!! My grandmother was a wonderful seamstress. She was my rock and I looked up to her tremendously. I never asked her to teach me to sew (I thought it was "old fashion"). When she passed away in 2007, I was depressed. So much so, that I went to see a specialist. She told me that I needed something that wasn't nursing or being a mommy. That was it. I wanted to sew. I wanted to be like my Gran. My Aunt taught me how to sew a scrub hat, and everything that I have learned since then has come from blogs and google. My Gran would be soooo proud. :)
olivia saidā€¦
my mom made all my halloween costumes and taught me how to make my own shorts, skirts, hair ties...etc. now i have a daughter of my own and i LOVE crafting for her...
olivia saidā€¦
just joined the mailing list
Vale saidā€¦
The past has a great influence on my crafting, and my desire to craft. My grandmothe and mom are both very talented in many mediums and it is a joy to create with them and begin to teach my daughter.
Vale saidā€¦
I joined your newsletter!
hueisei saidā€¦
How has the past inspired your crafting?
Well, i should thanked my sewing
class teacher who introduce me to sewing.. She teached me to fabrics design, sewing, button sewing, etc..She inspired me alot to my hobby now. :D
hueisei saidā€¦
I am follower to your blog and subscribed the mailing list too..
Jeanne Gwin saidā€¦
I wasn't born during the depression but lived with parents and family that had lived through it. I grew up in a "waste not-want not" family. We were poor and made do a lot. Mom loved to sew and took whatever she could get to make quilts and she is my inspiration. I remember the hours that she put into quilts and carefully cutting the "feedsacks" so as not to waste one thread of fabric. I love the Civil Quilts and the history that goes with them and then jump right into the 30's and 40's as my next favorite. I am always on the search for cloth feedsacks. History is my friend and drive for quilts.
Jeanne Gwin saidā€¦
I tweeted your giveaway over at @jeannegwin
Tamie saidā€¦
To think of the time my great grandmother spent quilting inspires me. I wish I knew where more of her quilts were.
Tamie saidā€¦
I am on your mailing list.
sewfunquilts saidā€¦
With two older sisters, there was always lots of sewing, painting, coloring, clay and crafting stuff in the basement in our playroom. My favorite was cutting out paper dolls from the Montg. Ward catalog, and see all the pretty dresses. Definitely affected my wanting to learn to sew.
sewfunquilts saidā€¦
I'm definitely a follower. Thanks.
Jeanne Gwin saidā€¦
I tweeted this giveaway @jeannegwin
Jeanne Gwin saidā€¦
I am already on the mailing list

valerie boudier saidā€¦
I've 'always' sewn, but when I started patchwork (originally hexagons over papers) the frugal idea of using up scraps really spoke to me - I still make mainly scrap quilts, though not hexagons
valerie boudier saidā€¦
I have shared on my Facebook page- Valerie Boudier
Alexandra P. saidā€¦
I think the past allways influences the future. You can't do anything without using the knowledge from all those people before us.
Even the most 'modern' quilt or toy can't be made without using some of the old techniques.
Thanks for the giveaway! It's much fun to participate. Now all I have to do is to win one... ;)
Carolyn saidā€¦
The past has affected me in many ways with my crafting, and most of it involves people that I loved so dearly. My grandmother taught me to crochet and to love old linens and hankies, etc. I was very close to her and miss her everyday. My mother sewed me and my three sisters clothes growing up, plus she was a VERY crafty person, always making things for the church bazaars, etc. I would sit at the counter with her and she would teach me and I would help her. I remember her getting up in the morning and going in the room and looking at all the things she had stayed up late to make. It made it all worth it to her. I'm the only one of the sisters that is crafty. The others think I'm weird. Maybe so, but it keeps me sane and I love it. I could waller in fabric and embroidery floss and patterns all day long! Sorry to be so long, but sewing and quilting and any other craft I do all started from the love of crafting by my mother and grandmother.....two wonderful people that I would love to have here with me today to craft with. :) Awesome fabrics for the giveaway!!
Carolyn saidā€¦
I'm not a tweeter, but I did add this to my FB page. Here is a link to my homepage at FB so you can see it.

Carolyn saidā€¦
I am a very happy follower of your blog and get your newsletter. Love it!! Thank you for the chance. Now I'm going to go post this on my blog. :) Crossing fingers, eyes and toes. I do so love this fabric!
memmens saidā€¦
I've been inspired by my Mum's sewing when I was little. Seeing things especially quilts that were made years and years ago inspired me thinking that something I make might still be around in 100yrs time!
memmens saidā€¦
Already on your mailing list - thanks
I love retro/vintage fabric!
What a beautiful bundle.
I was already a follower. Terrific giveaway!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Oh definitely! I love textile prints from the 70s and 50s, 40s knitting patterns and classic Audrey Hepburn styling. If only I had a classic Audrey Hepburn body too!
SewSuzie saidā€¦
I suppose having grown up spending time with a very creative aunt and grandmother, their daily influence has ultimately inspired my crafting. Mind you they would not have regarded what hey did as anything unusual - it was just what you did then to run a home.
Judith saidā€¦
I am a follower
Anna saidā€¦
I seem to have skipped a generation, whilst my parent throw money at things to make them better, I mend or create, and have an allotment, my gran and grandad would be proud!
Annie saidā€¦
I started quiltmaking because I fell in love with antique quilts I saw at antique malls. I said,"I can do that", and I'm still doing that 30 years later.

: )
Mini MNM's saidā€¦
I started sewing and quilting when I was young because my mom was doing it. Seeing how people loved the things that she made them made me want to do that now. I am following on her trends on giving quilts for new babies in the family!
Mini MNM's saidā€¦
I get the newsletter!
Belinda saidā€¦
My grandmother and mother both were very crafty and innovative people. I grew up seeing the unique and sometimes downright wacky things they created. My great aunt was a gifted quilter. All these things have inspired me to create with quilts. I want to leave them to my family as remembrances of me. I also want to share them with others in need.
Belinda saidā€¦
I'm joining the mailing list NOW!!! Woo Hoo!
Needled Mom saidā€¦
I LOVE those eyeglasses fabric!!! Too cute.

I am very influenced by the past in my crafts. I love the old quilting patterns and fabrics. As well. I use a lot of tatting and old laces in my work.
Kathy H saidā€¦
I like to look at old quilt patterns and update them with new fabrics that I love.
KellyS saidā€¦
I remember watching my grandmother sew. While she didn't quilt, she did pass on the love of sewing. Now that I have my own family, I love spending a few hours sewing away or dreaming up a new quilt.
Cecilia saidā€¦
I love the look of the 30's fabrics. They are so simple and cheery. The quilt patterns from that era are the ones that attract me. Thanks for the giveaway.
Lindsay saidā€¦
Love it! It's like my childhood living room!
Teresa F. saidā€¦
My past hasn't had a great influence on my quilting for we don't have a quilting tradition in Portugal but I've been affected by all the american quilting tradition. I love 30's prints and Civil was quilts.
Teresa F. saidā€¦
I've already joined your mailing list.
Melissa Corry saidā€¦
I grew up with a mother that was always sewing. I knew then that I wanted to learn how.
Melissa Corry saidā€¦
I facebooked :0 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=769535334
Melissa Corry saidā€¦
I tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/happyquiltingmc
Melissa Corry saidā€¦
I receive your newsletter :)
Chelsea saidā€¦
My grandmother was a wonderful crafter and I want my daughter to have not only the things she made for me, but I want to make things she can pass along as well.
zarina saidā€¦
I started quilting when I was in school and mum had collected a few books from the early 80's. Now lost in my cousin's house.

Anyway, I restarted quilting in 2008 and now have made quilts using traditional blocks such as Antique Tile and Double Quartet.
Megan saidā€¦
I think that the past kind of shaped who I am today, and thus comes through in my projects. I believe that we are all definitely shaped by the past. Also, I love retro or vintage looking fabric!
Megan saidā€¦
I am most definitely on the mailing list!
Megan saidā€¦
Facebooked it! ID: mbauer1
EG saidā€¦
Love this!

I love traditional quilt blocks made with modern fabrics.
EG saidā€¦
I tweeted! I'm vt_ellen
EG saidā€¦
I'm on your mailing list!
Deborah in Atlanta saidā€¦
How has the past affected my crafting? Well...I'm new to quilting, and have no "past" to rely on. So it's definitely wide open for me! Nobody in my family could even sew, so this has been an uphill battle all the way for me. But I love all those beautiful fabrics, and have this deep love of quilting.
corina saidā€¦
The first handmade quilt I came in contact with was one I bought for my daughter when she was a baby (30 yrs ago!). Didn't have much money so bought most of my stuff secondhand. In a bag of clothes was the most precious hand quilted quilt. It was love at first sight. I will never forget how soft and lovingly worn it was. When I started quilting, it was with the hopes that one day someone would use and love the quilt I gave them just like my daughter loved her little quilt.
corina saidā€¦
I'm on your mailing list!
Barbara saidā€¦
Adding my name to your mailing list.
Barbara saidā€¦
How has the past inspired my crafting? That would have to be because my grandmother inspired me to learn to quilt.
Susan saidā€¦
When I was growing up, everyone in our family either knitted or sewed but I hated having to wear "hand made". I was so jealous of friends who actually wore clothes bought from a store. Now I hardly wear or decorate my home with anything that I haven't made myself. I decided I could either enjoy the satisfaction of creating unique, well-made items myself or buy things made in a factory by people earning pennies a day that are then marked up by who-knows-how-many '000 percent and finally sold in stores where there is virtually no "service" left in "customer service". (Wow! That feels better.)
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