Fabricworm Weekly Giveaway! Monsterama in Fat Quarters!

Hello Fabricworms!

We are going to give away one of our custom bundles! Check out the Mosterama in Fat Quarters! Everyone has a chance to win, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post answering the question below and you will be entered to win. The Giveaway will end at 8:30am PST, Monday, June 13th. We will announce the winner later that same day. (The winner will be chosen by random.org)

This week we wanna know:

Who (or what) is your favorite "monster"?

But don't forget you get 3 bonus entries by doing the following:

  • 1. Tweet the giveaway! Copy this:

There's an awesome giveaway at @Fabricworm:
#giveaway #fabric

Then make sure to add an additional comment to this post with your twitter ID

  • 2. Facebook the giveaway! Copy this:
There's an awesome giveaway at @Fabricworm: bit.ly/mzZAI6
Then make sure to add an additional comment with your facebook ID

and post an additional comment that you joined the mailing list.

Please no more than 4 comments/entries per contest post. Also leave an email or account ID so we can contact you when if you are a winner.

Happy Sewing!
The Fabricworm Girls


Anonymous said…
Red, Red and more Red - Robert Kaufman Linen red!
Thanks for the chance
Anonymous said…
I have your subscription
Anonymous said…
I posted your awesome giveaway on FB
posted on face book (the undomesticated scientist)
And my fav monster of all time has to be The Daleks, but they are not the scaryest, that honour goes to the weeping angels!
flowerofshona said…
Have posted on facebook ...
flowerofshona said…
My favorite monster is the Cookie monster from sesame street lol
flowerofshona said…
im a follower of your blog and get the newsletter :)
My favorite monster is Dracula
I already get subscription
Lisa England said…
The Loch Ness Monster -- so mysterious!
Lisa England said…
I'm on your mailing list.
Tiffany said…
Cookie monster is my favorite. Weird, I know. I love monsters in general but a blue fuzzy monster who loves cookies? How can it get any better than that! :)
memmens said…
Fav monster - the mitten monster I made! thanks for the giveaway
memmens said…
I'm on your mailing list
Cookie Monster!!

I am on your mailing list too.
My favourite monster(s) are the flying monkeys in Wizard of Oz. Can you imagine getting those tangled up in your hair? Eeeeeeek!

MissAndree at Hotmail.com
I just tweeted about your giveaway on Twitter!


Thanks for organizing it. This is a fun one!
Molly said…
Very cool fabric!
Anonymous said…
My favorite monster is Mike Wazowski from Monster, Inc. Thanks for the chance to win!
Lauren said…
Mine has always been the Phantom of the Opera. He's just misunderstood. ;)
Unknown said…
Dracula fan here, no question! I love the vampire thing.
Anonymous said…
Mmh. That´s a hard one! Does "Alf" count? I had a soft toy Alf as a kid and always wanted to meet the "real" one!
Tanya said…
I'll go the tame route and choose cookie monster, he's a favorite in our house!
Melinda said…
I'm on your mailing list!
Kasey said…
Does the Hulk count as a monster? My husband says I turn into one when I get too hungry! I would love to win these fat quarters and start working on a project for a costume 5K run I'm doing in October!
Patti said…
No doubt about it...cookie monster!
Patti said…
I get your newsletter.
My favorite monster is Sully from Monsters, Inc. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway.
Renee said…
I don't have a favorite monster, or at least I never thought of having a favorite before.
Renee said…
I'm on the mailing list!
Carla said…
I have your subscription :o)
Carla said…
I posted the giveaway on FB!
Carla said…
My favorite monster would be Dracula. He has always fascinated me since I was very young.
drmithome said…
I am a follower of your blog.
Yana said…
thanks to my son, I know all the monsters of the planet earth! Sandman, Misterio, Lizard, Morbius... and many many others! But my favourite is Hulk, ÑŒaybe because he's not quite the monster
Yana said…
and I'm a follower of your blog and get newsletter :)
Gill said…
As a children we were all frightened of the bogeyman - but we never saw him!!
rosewendy said…
My favourite monster is my fiery haired grandson, Jake. I can imagine making him something unique from your Monster Mash fabric. Second to him would be Cookie Monster who, over the years, has saved the sanity of many a mummy.
rosewendy said…
I am a blog follower
rosewendy said…
I receive the newsletter
Belinda said…
Fave monster has to be Shrek :)
Me and My Brain said…
Hands down my fav monster is Monster from the Muppets...
Me and My Brain said…
I tweeted ID: mybrainbaby
My favorite monster is Cookie Monster. Love him!
I posted to FB.
Marci Girl said…
Hands down, my favorite is Sasquatch! I often think about making a life size statue for my yard to scare the kiddos!
Sallie said…
My favorite monster is Sully from Monsters, Inc. Thanks for the chance!
sukie said…
My favorite monster would have to be Zombies!! lol
LittleBook said…
I get the newsletter.
LittleBook said…
My favorite monster would be the vampire. But, I'm talking the old school vampires like Dracula and Nosferatu. Vampires are supposed to be scary and focused on taking you away from this life. The Twilight vampires make me very sad and a little stabby.
Joelle said…
I love Frankenstein's monster. Especially as portrayed in the movie, "Young Frankenstein."
CARU said…
don't know is Mr Hyde from Dr Jekill & Mr Hyde is a monster, but i like it.
HalfDozen said…
My favorite monster... is The Monsters (the show) Love it, great set thanks for the chance
HalfDozen said…
I have a subscription
Jennyroo said…
I have to say that the fave monsters in our house are Mike and Sully from Monsters Inc!
Ashley said…
Vampires! Always my favorite.
aeopi2001 at yahoo dot come
DianeY said…
I'm not a big ugly Monster fan -Cookie Monster fits the bill of my favorite
Sarah said…
Love frankensteins monster... And LOVE that bundle! Thanks for the giveaway :-)
Quilt Genius said…
My favorite "monster" is Ludo from the Labyrinth. :) He's awesome!

Quilt Genius said…
I posted on facebook


Quilt Genius said…
I receive your emails!

KyleAnn said…
My favorite monster? Oh my! Can't decide between Taz, the Tazmanian Devil or Cookie Monster!
KyleAnn said…
I posted on facebook!
KyleAnn said…
I joined the mailing list!
HelenS said…
Well of course the best monster of all time is Frankenstein.
Nikky said…
Oooh! FUN bundle!

My fave monster? Gonzo. :D I've recently introduced my kids to old school Muppet Show. SO fun!

Thanks for the wonderful weekly giveaways! :)

Rebecca said…
The dragon on Shrek :)
Fav monster? The scariest of all time, Mr. Freddy Kreugar! :|
Shared the contest on my facebook page. =)
The left sock monster that lives in my dyer is my favorite. I consistently get new socks and have a tons of cute things made from the left over singles! weimeraners-at-hotmail-dot-com
Brandy said…
I Facebooked your giveaway!
Brandy said…
My favorite monster is the Incredible Hulk, he's not exactly a Monster but close enough and I have always LOVED him!
Brandy said…
Already on the mailing list.
VK said…
Really Cookie Monster.
My favorite monster? Man, that's a hard one. I guess I would have to say the ones my students draw.
I have a subscription to your e-mail too.
robin said…
My favorite monster is Oscar the Grouch. :)
robin said…
Tweeted! http://twitter.com/#!/birdie00000/status/78190673609756672
robin said…
I'm already signed up for the newsletter. :)
Maggie said…
It's gotta be Cookie Monster.
Monica said…
My Favorite "Monster"...my 4 year old son! Best monster you could ever have!
Carol said…
My favorite monster is the red one from Bugs Bunny....
Lindsay Conner said…
Cookie Monster, because he is so cute and likes delicious things!
Lindsay Conner said…
I also subscribe to your newsletter - thanks!
katie@stvital said…
Love it! My favourite Monsters are from the tv show Buffy. Love the good monsters, and some of the evil ones are so creepy.
mjb said…
Cookie Monster has been my favorite monster for 25 years:)
mjb said…
I joined your mailing list!!! Thanks for the giveaway:)
The AfterCraft said…
Oh fun stuff... hmmm my favorite monster is.. that big hairy dude thing from the labyrinth... he was so sweet!

Pat V. said…
Definitely The Creature from the Black Lagoon. So totally creepy!
Pat V. said…
...and I already subscribe to your newsletter (but I don't blog or tweet or facebook or any of that...)
Stevens Family said…
Mike from Monsters Inc. movie
Stevens Family said…
I am a stalker - I love FabricWorm!
VickiT said…
My favorite monster is a newer one ~ I just LOVE Sulley from the Monsters movie.
VickiT said…
I am signed up for the newsletter as well. Thank you for such a great giveaway.
Dawn said…
My favorite monster is all of them on Monster movie. Thanks for the giveaway.
sdare29 said…
I always used to be scared by all the characters on Scoody Doo. But, yes, I also used to run down the hallway thinking that the darlek were chasing me too
thanks for the opportunity!
xoxx s
Tamie said…
I'm on your mailing list.
Tamie said…
My favorite is Cookie Monster.
Patty said…
Cookie monster. Gotta love him.
Karen said…
My favorite monster is Sully from Monsters Inc!!
Karen said…
I liked your page on facebook too :)
Em said…
My favourite monster has to be Dracula (with my toddler as a close second). Love the fabric bundle!
Em said…
Tweeted about the giveaway I'm @EverythingOldEm
Em said…
aaaaand I get your emails! Thanks for the chances to win!
Maria Lai said…
It'll be cookie monster! =)
Glenys said…
Cookie monster!!
Glenys said…
I'm already in the mailing list.
Heather A said…
Favourite Monster is Ira, one of the monsters in "Where the Wild Things Are".
Heather A said…
I'm on your newsletter list.
Ivelle said…
Hannibal Lecter.
Ivelle said…
Tweeted your giveaway.
Ivelle said…
I have your subscription
Sewhappy said…
Ok this may sound a little cooky or is that cookie cause my favourite monster is Cookie monster.
WEARit said…
Dracula. I do love those movies!
Tara G said…
My favourite monster (seems to be a popular one!) is Dracula, he's just fascinating!
Sel said…
My favourite "monster"? Cookie monster, of course!

"C is for Cookie - that's good enough for me!
Cookie-cookie-cookie starts with C!"
yorkie mom said…
My favorite monster is the "Monster in my Basement" I thought was there as a kid!! great giveaway! gougeonathome@charter.net (Allison)
Rosa Forino said…
il mio mostro preferito è Hulk :-)
grazie per la possibilità di vincere tutto questo
ti ho inserito nella slidebar di http://blogcandymania.blogspot.com/
non mi resta che incrociare le dita e sperare
ciao rosa
blog creativo http://kreattiva.blogspot.com/
Melissa Corry said…
I love Sully from Monsters Inc. :)
Melissa Corry said…
I posted on facebook :) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Happy-Quilting/181660825200461
Melissa Corry said…
I posted on twitter #happyquiltingmc
Melissa Corry said…
I receive your newsletter :)
Kathy S. said…
I receive your newsletter.
Kathy S. said…
I posted about your giveaway on my facebook wall
Kathy Schaller Snider
Anna said…
Cookie Monster is my favorite!
Anna said…
I receive your newsletter.
Deb said…
I'm not really into real monsters, but I sure liked Casper the Friendly Ghost....I think that answer dates me though!
Deb said…
I'm signed up for the newsletter.
My favorite monster is still Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street -- love his song, I Love Trash!
Sandy said…
My favorite "monster" is my 12 yr old niece Emily!=) Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Sandy said…
I'm signed up for your newsletter.=)
LisaT said…
I happen to like Shrek the not so scary Ogre.
LisaT said…
I tweeted @LisaT63, thanks!
LisaT said…
I shared your giveaway on FB - https://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=660204166
LisaT said…
I signed up for your newsletter, thanks!
Luci said…
My favorite monster is the Loch Ness. Very Mysterious...
hueisei said…
Well, I should said Shrek..I watched all the episodes :)
Thanks for the chance...
hueisei said…
I already joining the mailing list..Thanks.,
itsrenee said…
Bigfoot . . . he's a monster right?

itsrenee *at* att *dot* net
Chelsea said…
Cookie Monster!
k said…
Cookie monster of course!
k said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah said…
I've subscribed!

ohnikki said…
I tweeted this!

Sarah said…

Unknown said…
My favorite monster is probably cookie monster - just finished a super cut baby quilt with cookie monster. Plus he likes cookies.
Anonymous said…
My favorite monster would be the werewolf. I was a young adult in the 80's and there were some great werewolf movies like An American Werewolf in London, Steven King's Silver Bullet and Teen Wolf with Michael J. Fox.

Anonymous said…
I tweeted @BendingPins


Telma said…
Drakula a kedvenc szörnyem.
Telma said…
Regisztráltam,kapom a hírlevelet.
Anonymous said…
I commented on FB Tabatha HXXXX

Ditzy and Dotty said…
Frankenstein is my favourite monster
Ditzy and Dotty said…
I'm already on your mailing list
Anonymous said…
I joined your mailing list during the SMS givaway and glad I did!

Sascha said…
Maurice from the movie Little Monsters is my fave. Thank you for the giveaway!
Sascha said…
I am on your mailing list. Thanks again.
Hillary said…
Cookie monster. :)
I love the happy monsters in the Monster Quilt by Kellie at Don't Look Now quilts...they are so cute!!
Telma said…
Facebook címem
köszönöm a lehetőséget.
Kimberly said…
I love all kind of monsters..scary, cute, and funny...Now it will be Monster Inc. that is what me and the twins are watching now!
Anonymous said…
My favorite monster is Mike from Monsters, inc. Love that character!

And, love this giveaway collection!

- Samya
My favorite monster is a chimera. I could never really figure out what it was as a child and that made it more intriguing. What a fun bundle you put together!
Unknown said…
I like Sully off of Monsters Inc. :]
Unknown said…
Tweeted the giveaway!

Unknown said…
Facebooked the giveaway!

Ashley's Bookshelf
Totally FB'd you!
Kristy said…
Cookie Monster is my favorite monster, hands down! ;)
Thanks for the fun!
Kristy said…
I'm on the mailing list! :)
Unknown said…
Hands down favourite monster is Grover. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Ronny said…
My boys' favorite monster is the Kraken from Clash of the Titans! Scary! Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm on youf mailing list.
Cornelia said…
I love Dr. Frankenstein's monster. I love Shelley's novel, and the innocence of the monster who, though physically unappealing, is so kind until corrupted by social hatred and fear.
Shaw said…
Frankenstein of course...I just scored a 1953 edition of the book...
Lee said…
I really love dracula! thanks!
Lee said…
i get fabricworms newsletter! thanks.
Evelene S said…
My favorite monster is Frankenstein.
esterling9 at aol dot com
AmAzOn said…
My FAVE monster is a Zombie!! I prefer the George A. Romero kind to the "new" kind but any good Zombie will do!!!
AmAzOn said…
I have already subscribed to your newsletter!!

AmAzOn said…
I "TWEETED" the gieaway!!!

AmAzOn said…
I "SHARED" on FB!!

Miep said…
Haven't really got a favourite monster,But is was Cookie Monster on Sesame Street that made me always laugh. Also the said TV program helped me to learn to speak English. I am already subscribed.
Katie said…
Favorite monster has to be: Oscar the grouch. :)
Heartsdesire said…
Dracula of course. Love the Monsterama fabric.
Evelene S said…
I tweeted the giveaway using EveleneS.
esterling9 at aol dot com
Heartsdesire said…
I'm already on your emailing list.
Evelene S said…
I shared this giveaway on my facebook page under Evelene Sterling.
Sorry I don't know how to do the link thing yet.
esterling9 at aol dot com
Evelene S said…
I have already signed up for the GFC and I am an email follower under bimbi9 at verizon dot net

esterling9 at aol dot com
Rita E in AZ said…
I love Cookie Monster! (also fabric ♥)
Rita E in AZ
Rita E in AZ said…
I am a subscriber to your mailing list.
Rita E in AZ
Raggedy Baby said…
Why Edward Cullen of course ;)
raggedybabygifts at gmail dot com
Raggedy Baby said…
I subscribe to your emails
raggedybabygifts at gmail dot com
Raggedy Baby said…
raggedybabygifts at gmail dot com
Raggedy Baby said…
shared on FB!
raggedybabygifts at gmail dot com
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