Fabricworm Weekly Giveaway! Tula Pink Prince Charming in Fat Quarters!

Hello Fabricworms!
This week we are quite excited to giveaway the Tula Pink Prince Charming, Honey Bundle in Fat Quarters. We really enjoy this bundle, and we hope you do to. Everyone has a chance to win, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post answering the question below and you will be entered to win. The Giveaway will end at 8:30am PST, Monday, May 30th. We will announce the winner later that same day. (The winner will be chosen by random.org)

This week we wanna know:
Do you plan on taking any crafty classes this summer?

But don't forget you get 3 bonus entries by doing the following:

  • 1. Tweet the giveaway! Copy this:

Don't forget to enter the Tula Pink Prince Charming giveaway at @Fabricworm:
#giveaway #fabric

Then make sure to add an additional comment to this post with your twitter ID

  • 2. Facebook the giveaway! Copy this:
Don't forget to enter the Tula Pink Prince Charming giveaway at @Fabricworm: bit.ly/kABWrN

Then make sure to add an additional comment with your facebook ID

and post an additional comment that you joined the mailing list.

Please no more than 4 comments/entries per contest post. Also leave an email or account ID so we can contact you when if you are a winner.

Happy Sewing!
The Fabricworm Girls


Yana said…
It's sad but don't have a time for any craft classes.. but I'll be read some new books and lovely blogs!:)

yana.malysheva7 at gmail dot com
SewDownunder said…
I go to a quilting group most Fridays where I will be doing all sorts of sewing. Not sure if that counts for 'crafty' classes?
AJ said…
I'm going to a Kelli's class in July! Can't wait!

Anonymous said…
I wish... sadly no I am not taking any classes! but will apply myself doing some other gifts and also to improve my sewing skills.
Lovely giveawa (as always)
AJ said…
I've FB'd the link!
Emma said…
Oooh, gorgeous! I have no intentions of taking any classes this summer - but summer is a long way off in Australia!
flowerofshona said…
Im a subscriber to your blog :)
Martina said…
Sadly I do not have the time for it. But we will enjoy the wedding from our son this summer!
flowerofshona said…
Im doing my quilting classes and waiting to get a place on an embroidery course :)
pausina said…
I will attend a sewing machine quilting 3-lessons-class in june! I can't wait!

anna from Italy (I'm not sure if I can enter the giveaway)
pausina said…
I joined the mailing list ... as well!
SewDownunder said…
I have joined your email list!
Anonymous said…
Unfortunately no time this summer - I'll either be giving classes (nothing crafty, though, just a simple greek language) or preparing for a big craft fair - hopefully I'll learn something useful while doing that!
Sunnybec said…
I don't know of any classes here I live in a small town in France, I rely on the internet if I need to know how to do something. Linda
~Dee said…
Pottery! I've been planning for several months to take pottery classes. :)
~Dee said…
Facebooked it!

~Dee said…

id = @spongebobette
~Dee said…
I am already signed up for the newsletter.
Wish I could, but there aren't any crafting classes nearby that interest me, though I will make up for that by heading to Sewing Summit in the fall!
I FB'd this giveaway via my blog on FB - Don't Call Me Betsy
And I subscribe to the newsletter as well :)
Great giveaway! I just tweeted about it (http://twitter.com/MissAndree)
If I get a chance, one class I would like to take this summer is a Natural Dyeing class at The Workroom (http://www.TheWorkroom.ca)

Thanks for organizing this giveaway!
No, the crafty classes around me are geared towards the retired folks who can go to class in the middle of the day on a Tuesday. I am however doing research to open my own store with classes! ;)
Unknown said…
Going to be taking a Brother Sewing class. Learning how to use all it's gadgets.
Unknown said…
I am on your mailing list.
Tiffany said…
I would like to find a hand quilting or hand applique class to take. Not looking promising so far however because all of the classes around me seem to be offered 10-3 when I'm at work, boo.
Lisa England said…
I would love to go to a big quilt show and take some classes, but it doesn't look like it will work out this summer. I have learned a lot from books and blogs and will continue to enjoy those.
Lisa England said…
I'm on your mailing list.
Kandra said…
I'm hoping too! I want to take a couple of sewing classes, but also one on book binding :)
Toni said…
I would like to take some classes but there really isn't anywhere near us that offers them. I also have three little boys age 4 and under that take up all my time, so classes will probably have to wait for a bit. Thanks!
Toni said…
I also get your newsletter.
Diane H said…
No classes this summer. Just finished a series of classes that came with my new sewing machine - and they were great! Thanks.
Unknown said…
Enter me to win. I am a fan of Prince Charming!
I FBed it! http://www.facebook.com/HoundstoothandNail

Kelli said…
I have no firm classes planned but I love keeping an eye out for the lists at my locals! :)
Cindy said…
I'm taking a paper piecing class this summer. It's a method where you don't sew the paper to the fabric so it's easy to remove. Can't wait!
I blogged about the giveaway also! No classes, I look at blogs and whatnot for ideas. I have a million projects to do :)

Kasey said…
I just started a new job, and so far it looks like I won't have time to do much else- the hours are just not conducive to planning anything. But that's ok- a job means money to buy fabric!!!! And books and magazines to read on breaks at work!
Johanna said…
Reading blogs is my crafty class :) I am studying so I have neither the money nor the time to take an actual crafty class but I am dreaming of taking one for quilting...
Megan said…
Tweeted. @CanoeRCreations
Megan said…
No time for crafty classes in the summer...maybe in the fall.
Alicia said…
I probably won't be taking any traditional classes, but probably will be gaining valuable insight through the many wonderful bloggers!
Alicia said…
I signed up for the newsletter!
Megan said…
FBed. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Canoe-Ridge-Creations/169206096440028
Nancy said…
I am on the look out for a great class for this summer... Nothing has shown up yet. My last class was hand-piecing and I am loving it..
mennikelly said…
No crafty classes this summer unless you count my mom teaching me to how to sew some clothes.
Nancy said…
I subscribe to the newsletter...
I may take an one day applique class through my guild. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway!
I already joined the mailing list :)
Catherine said…
No classes, but I have many crafty plans!
Catherine said…
And I'm on the mailing list!
Catherine said…
I've also tweeted this giveaway! @whiteapples
Dara said…
I am not taking any formal craft classes this summer, but I am doing the Ogee quilt along.
Karin said…
No classes for me but hopefully some time to actually make things.
Stine said…
Yes, I will be taking a textile class...fabric manipulation and embellishment!
Stine said…
I'm a newsletter subscriber!
Kelly said…
No class plans this summer, but I do plan on conducting a workshop for my guild!
Molly said…
They last craft class I took was a crochet class at our local library last fall. Loved it but didn't become a crocheter. I whipped out about 500 granny squares though that are waiting patiently in a basket. No plans for this summer but I'm always up for a class if I find one!
Molly said…
I'm on your mailing list.
Christine said…
I have never taken a crafting class!! Wow!! That is sad to say!!LOL I do have 4 children, so I really don't have time for that, let alone time to sew, scrapbook, or bake!! Thanks for the chance to win!!
Paul said…
If I take a class, it will be "How to sew Curved Pieces". Something I want to know how to do, but have not yet attempted.

Paul said…
I am a follower...

Sasha said…
I'm not signed up for any craft classes, unless online ones by other bloggers count :)
Sasha said…
I'm already on the mailing list!!
Sasha said…
Tweeted =D

Anonymous said…
Thanks for the giveaway! No, no classes, but I will try some new things. I want to start making clothing, so I'm going out on that limb!
Anonymous said…
I would love to have time to go to a crafting class - but my 8-5 and 16-month old daughter keep me pretty busy!

Anonymous said…
P.S. I LOVE this new collection by Tula Pink!

Renee said…
I don't have plans to take any classes...though I just found out a local sewing store is having a class on dress making!
Renee said…
I FBed the link! ID= 694502608
Renee said…
I'm on the mailing list!
Anonymous said…
Do online tutorials count as classes?? If so, yes! Otherwise, no... summer is a bit busy already!
Anonymous said…
I'm on the mail list
KatieQ said…
I'm already on the mailing list.
Marcia W. said…
I do not take craft classes as live with my mother, my personal quilt teacher!
Rebecca Merry said…
We don't really have anywhere local (I live very rural) but I love new tutorials! Do those count?
KatieQ said…
I hope to take at least one class this summer. Hopefully my favorite quilt shop will offer a class with a new and fun technique. The shop is over an hour away. With gas prices so high, the class will have to be really special for me to take it.
Brynn said…
I'd love to take craft classes, but we're moving this summer and with three kids four and under, my free time is nonexistent :( One day!
Brynn said…
I'm also on the mailing list :)
Anonymous said…
I just joined your mailing list! :)
syocom said…
As much as i would love to take a quilt civil war block of the month I don't have time. So off to work I go for the summer.
Chelsea said…
I wish, we don't have any good ones in my area.
Jess said…
No crafty classes on the docket for me this summer, but I will be working on a quilt for the baby girl due to arrive in September! I love this line of fabrics, and would love to use it to make a quilt for a dear friend due with a little boy.
Katie said…
I wish I had time to take classes, but with 2 babies, it's a little difficult.. Still, I'll be devouring everything I can find online or in books, every chance I get!
Maggie said…
I wish I could, but between work, the pool and the kids' activities there is no time for classes for me!
manybooks said…
I'm a teacher, so during my few weeks off I hope to take some crafty classes, but I don't have any scheduled yet!
Me and My Brain said…
I don't plan on taking any classes...but I sure do have a large list of craft projects planned... mainly quilts for my four boys... I'm really excited for them
Me and My Brain said…
I tweeted, name: mybrainbaby
Dawn said…
I'd love to take some quilting classes, but we're moving overseas in July... maybe next year!
Dawn said…
I'm on the mailing list!
whoopdedoo_5 said…

Facebook'd & Newsletter!
whoopdedoo_5 said…
I hope I win! :):)
Yes, I am taking a class from Tula Pink at Sister's this summer.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Opps. Forgot my Twitter ID. I just posted a tweet about this giveaway.

I am already on the mailing list.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Since I am teaching summer school for 2-6 year olds, 1/3 of which have special needs, I will not have time for crafting classes this summer.
I usually don't take classes, but prefer to learn from books and tutorials, at my own pace. Lovely fabrics
I am on your mailing list. Also, I am in deep lust with that fabric.
Deanna said…
No time for crafty classes this summer, but I do hope to get some sewing books from the library!
Deanna said…
I also get your newsletter!
AmyL said…
I get the newsletter and follow on blogger
Lisa said…
Sadly, no. I don't know that I could even FIND one in my tiny town!
Rachel said…
No crafty classes for me. :( I plan on making up for it by getting plenty of sewing in.
We have a busy traveling summer so no crafty classes for me. I get my crafty fix from reading a billion blogs when I should be working. :)
drmithome said…
No specific plans but would love to find one in my area.
drmithome said…
I follow you through google reader
I love the Tula Pink Prince Charming fabric. I joined your mailing list.
Me? A Mom? said…
Nothing this summer but definitely this fall at the Sewing Summit!
Desiree said…
I won't be taking any classes, but I will be trying out some tutorials I found online!

DianeY said…
No, I'm not. But I probably would if there was anything interesting available locally. I may have to settle happily on a Quilt-along
Kelsey said…
I'm hoping to get a machine quilting class in, but no solid plans yet. :)
Kelsey said…
Tweeted about the giveaway (@kprantis)
Kelsey said…
I'm already on the mailing list.
Sarah said…
Yes! I will be taking a class with my Grandmother.
rebecca said…
I would love to take a crochet class... I know the basic stitches, but can't follow a pattern for the life of me. Thanks for the chance to win.
Melinda said…
My version of a craft class will be sewnbyleila's Skillbuilders Sampler starting in June! Found here:
EllenQ said…
Looooove this fabric! I'm not planning to take any formal classes but a friend has promised to teach me to knit continental.
Nikky said…
This fabric is the PERFECT color palette for a quilt I'm working on!! :D

As for classes? Probably not... I go to classes at nighting during the normal school year, and uh... I'm taking the summer off! :D Just sewing and relaxing for me this summer! :D

Nikky said…
And, as always, looooove the mailing list. :D
Anonymous said…
I do not plan on taking any crafty classes this summer... no classes at all. I have summer break from teaching, so I will spend the summer with my sweet babies!
Ronny said…
I would love to take a class... but have to look into what is available. Probably I won't be, since I have enough quilting planned to keep me pretty productive and happy. Thanks for the giveaway!
sko_G knits said…
one of the shops here is offering a men's shirt making class...i am keeping my out for that one to show up on the calendar!
H said…
I'm not taking any craft classes this summer but I am teaching at a three day retreat at a gorgeous country hotel nearby - I'm really excited!
I haven't signed up for any crafty classes yet but am contemplating a glassblowing one in summer or fall!
Annie said…
Unfortunately, I won't be taking any formal classes of craftiness this summer, but there will be more get-togethers with my craft group ladies and learning new skills from them!
WoolenSails said…
I would like to take one for purses to make one with a teacher, so I can learn without getting frustrated when I get stuck on something.

Kate said…
between giving birth (5 more weeks), an accounting and employment law class - the closest thing I have to a creative class is a tutorial I catch online... for this summer anyways.

katejohn at embarqmail dot com
Nancy D. said…
I wish I had time for crafty classes! One of these days I'm going to stop and make time to go.
Nancy D. said…
I get your newsletter. Thanks for the giveaway!
Brandy said…
No I am not taking any crafty classes this summer...going to be too busy. But I am going to be trying out some new techniques on my own.
Brandy said…
Already on the mailing list.
Brandy said…
I facebooked the giveaway!

Dawn W said…
No classes for me this summer - we just have a new baby! And I hope I win this bundle - love that fabric line!
Amy @ FWD said…
I would love to take an upholstery class, but I don't there is one offered in my area!
Nikky said…
I am in the middle of creating costumes out of recycled shirts, jackets, and blankets which are due Thursday evening and I still have 7 more to go. The daisy, sunflower and grapes are done....wish me luck!!!
two hippos said…
I'm thinking about taking a letterpress class, but nothing for sure yet.
scottylover said…
Love this fabric!!

I will be taking a class on English Paper piecing taught by a guild member in July. Can't wait for it to happen. I have been wanting to learn hoe to do this for a long time!

Sandy A
Ashley said…
No classes but I have a growing list of projects I want to accomplish!
BFree said…
beautiful, no classes for me sadly!
WandaFish said…
I don't have spare pennies to go and take classes but I'll be looking out for online tutorials to improve my stitching!
Thanks for the giveaway of this breathtakingly beautiful bundle!
WandaFish said…
I'm signed up for your mailing list!
Unknown said…
unfortunatly I don't think I'll be able to do any courses this summer though I may do a quilting course in septemeber
Unknown said…
i'm on your mailing list too
Marie said…
I would love to take a quilting class, but can't since who would babysit my son?
Patrice said…
I don't plan on taking any classes this summer, but I'd love to take a sampler class.
Patrice said…
I'm already a subscriber to your newsletter
Amorette said…
no plans for craft classes, but i think i will try some new patterns from books!

asdrexler at gmail dot com
Colette said…
sadly no classes for me this summer, might teach my little girls something new though.
Amorette said…
i joined the mailing list

asdrexler at gmail dot com
Andria said…
No classes for me, so far. I'm hoping to learn a few new things either by myself or through a class though.
Meg said…
No summer classes for me--there doesn't seem to be much available in my area!
Meg said…
I'm already part of the mailing list!
Jenniffier said…
Yes, my mom signed me both herself and I up for a class with Jodi Barrows. I am super excited for two reasons: one, a class with a published author and two, its free since my mom paid for it for me!
Unknown said…
no crafty classes for me :(
Rebecca said…
I plan on doing some quilt nights at my local quilt store, but not any classes.
Kerri K said…
I don't have any crafty class plans but I certainly have a lot of crafty/quilty project plans! I love this new collection by Tula Pink and I keep adding it to my shopping cart but DH keeps scowling at me so I haven't bitten the bullet yet. I would love to win!
robin said…
It would be fun, but no, I'm not taking any classes.
robin said…
Tweeted! http://twitter.com/#!/birdie00000/status/73054880348110848
robin said…
I'm already subscribed to the mailing list. :)
Katie said…
Not enough time at the moment but would love to do a sewing class
Katie said…
I am on your mailing list too!

Patti said…
I'd really like to take a class on paper piecing.
Patti said…
I get your newsletter
Adele said…
No class in the works---yet
Taya@TypeB said…
No classes planned right now. Trying to work on sewing up some summer dresses. Thanks for the giveaway - I've been eagerly awaiting this line!
Taya@TypeB said…
Tweeted (@tayamg)!
allisa jacobs said…
no, no classes for me! welcoming our new baby in June so I'll have my hands full with that :)
cakegirl said…
Do not have any classes on the calendar, but I keep looking for one.
allisa jacobs said…
tweeted this giveaway :)
allisa jacobs said…
I'm on the mailing list :)
Kimberly said…
I wish I could go to classes but we don"t have anything local.. so I will be in the BLOGLAND for that :)
Michele T said…
I am going to give myself some classes this summer - hehehe
All those new techniques I learned over the winter will finally be tried and tested over the summer when I have lots of free time!
Michele T said…
I tweeted your giveaway @mimistarquilter
am12pm said…
Summer is busy...no classes, but will fit in sewing!
am12pm said…
I tweeted this giveaway @am12pm.
am12pm said…
I subscribe to your newsletter!
SuzyMcQ said…
I subscribe to your newsletter as well!
SuzyMcQ said…
I wish there were good classes close, as I would love to take a creative embroidery class.
Jennifer said…
I plan on taking a photography class this summer with my mom. And I am signed up for your newsletter!

Jstar1031 (at)yahoo(dot)com
Enter me. I love Tula Pink!
Put the comment on facebook about Tula Pink ...http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1510107319
Tweeted it from my account!
I totally subscribed to your newsletter. I was on the prowl for disc. Anna Maria fabric, that I'll probably never find again...but oh well. So many other great things!My email is connected to this ....
Serena said…
no classes this summer as ill be busy with a new baby ♥ but I do plan on doing some sewing!
Serena said…
im on the mailing list :)
Rachel said…
No classes, but I'm hoping to have a monthly sewing get together at my house for people to work on projects and share ideas.

Nichole said…
Yes, zippers are my nemisis and I am taking a zipper/button class at my local craft store. can't wait.
Nichole said…
I joined the mailing list
Melanie said…
I am going to have to if I intend to make anything with my new machine (which I love already!)
Melanie said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
LeeAnn said…
I'm really looking for a sewing class that focuses on clothing (fitting/construction), but sadly these types of classes are the not the focus of my local fabric stores.
PS. I'm so excited about this collection!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
I'm a subscriber to mailing list!
Anonymous said…
I haven't planned any classes yet... But I'd love to take some quilting ones!!
Anonymous said…
I won't be taking any classes this summer except some for my Special Education Certificate.
Anonymous said…
I posted the giveaway to my FB profile:
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