Fabricworm Weekly Giveaway! Alexander Henry Holiday Hoot Fat Quarters!

Hello Fabricworms!

Here we go again! All you have to do is leave a comment on this post and you will be entered to win. The Giveaway will end at 8:30am PST, Monday, April 18th. We will announce the winner later that same day. (The winner will be chosen by random.org)

This week, all you have to do is tell us what your favorite color is!

You can get 3 bonus entries by doing the following:

  • 1. Tweet the giveaway! Copy this:

Well @fabricworm is having another fun giveaway, check it out: http://tinyurl.com/3sv929x #giveaway @ Fabricworm

Then make sure to add an additional comment to this post with your twitter ID

  • 2. Facebook the giveaway! Copy this:

Well @fabricworm is having another fun giveaway,check it out
http://tinyurl.com/3sv929x @fabricworm #giveaway

Then make sure to add an additional comment with your facebook ID

and post an additional comment that you joined the mailing list

Happy Sewing!
The Fabricworm Girls


zarina said…
My new favourite color is blue - especially sky blue.
Quilt Genius said…
My favorite color is coral.

nono said…
I love Owls, we have 1 in our backyard and I fall asleep while listening to him hoot.
Quilt Genius said…

id - iammaryburke

Daffie Online said…
My latest favourite is sunflower yellow :-)...
Kirtley A said…
My favorite color is gray.
Quilt Genius said…


Joelle said…
I love blue and I love owls in any color.
Quilt Genius said…
I am signed up to receive emails

Daneisha said…
Retweeted! @daneisha
BFromM said…
Christmas owls are way too cute!
lianeka said…
blue and orange
Sarah said…
I'm really into my bright colours at the moment, so I'm going to say Grey, because there seems to a shade of grey that will look good with any bright colour! Or so it seems to me anyway...
Leslie said…
Super cute holiday owls & dots you've got here. Just retweeted it too. :-)
Kristy said…
I love green and blue
Kristy said…
And I get the newsletter
Lisa said…
my favorite color is blue, close second of yellow!
moshie said…
right now, my favorite color is a light lime green
moshie said…
and I get the newsletter.
Anonymous said…
The Christmas owl fabrics are gorgeous.

Blue. Baby blue. Navy blue. Electric blue. Country blue. Teal. Green blue. Sigh. Love those blues!
rachel said…
Green, all the way!
Orange. i love it, its fab, nuf said!
Unknown said…
I signed up for the newsletter
LittleBook said…
My favorite color is blue, but I'm starting to really lean towards purple.
Kristie said…
Lately, I am into greens and yellows for spring. I need all the spring I can get here in Seattle.
Kristie said…
I am also on your mailing list. And it's my birthday. Does that improve my chances?? kristie_keely(at)yahoo(d0t)com
Rebekah Truba said…
Comment....lol :) First entry. Thanks for the opportunity. Love this fabric.
Davis family said…
and I facebooked your giveaway

Sherri Davis
Davis family said…
favorite color is red :)

Rebekah Truba said…
Signed up on the mailing list. :)
Jessica said…
Beautiful fabric! Love the owls.
Davis family said…
and I'm on your mailing list!

Sherri Davis
Jessica said…
On the mailing list.
moollin said…
My favourite color is Blue. Red comes a close second.
Rebekah Truba said…

Shared on my FB. :)
craftmom said…
My favorite color is green. Thanks for a fab giveaway!
Lisa said…
My favourite colour is green.
favorite color : orange (for now ...) !!!
I tweeted ! http://twitter.com/#!/harleywife
I facebooked about the giveaway !!

fave colour is RED!!
moollin said…
I signed up on your mailing list.
HoneySage said…
My favorite color is patina green.
Tweeted the giveaway

id on twitter= michelletripper

HoneySage said…
I signed up my e-mail! Thank you for the giveaway!
I signed up for your email
Diane H said…
Fav colour is purple. Thanks for a chance.
Unknown said…
My favorite color is green.
Lisa said…
I'm now on the mailing list!
Anonymous said…
My favorite color is purple
Oh I love these owl fabrics.. Too cute.. My favorite color is brown. Thanks for the chance to win these. Tina
Anonymous said…
I'm on the mailing list
Anonymous said…
already on the mailing list! LOVE THE FABRICS <3
kkyc816 said…
I love brown. So many colors can be coordinated with brown. =)
kkyc816 said…
tweeted from @kkyc816

kkyc816 said…
already joined mailing list =)
Lisa said…
Fave color is green!
Randi Skaggs said…
My eight year old daughter says that her favorite color is magenta! Such a grown-up color word! I'm having a pink season right now! But it'll change...
EG said…
I saw this in your newsletter the other day - love it!

I love orange.
EG said…
I tweeted. I'm vt_ellen
Belinda said…
Favorite color is blue. I never tire of it :)
EG said…
I'm on the mailing list!
Crystal Hendrix said…
Lets see my favorite color depends on my mood, but I am always up for pink.
Crystal Hendrix said…
I already receive your newsletters
I tweeted the giveaway from @mrs_dorsett
Facebooked the giveaway from Victoria Paige Dorsett
Margaret said…
I love turquoise!
Unknown said…
Turquoise and gray. I am already signed up for the mailing list!
Amanda said…
I have recently discovered a love for Reds & Yellows!
Amanda said…
I have also tweeted the info for your giveaway (my twitter id is @magooba)
Amanda said…
...and I have posted a copy of your giveaway info on facebook (http://www.facebook.com/amandalofi)

Sarah said…
My favorite color is purple but I'm loving the combo of grey, teal and orange for my daughter and soon to arrive baby.

GeorjyGirl said…
Pink is my favorite color.


Cameron H said…
Orange is my favorite color! Don't quilt much with it, though.
Cameron H said…
I'm on your mailing list!
Kelly said…
Hoot Hoot! My favorite color is blue.
Ashley said…
Bright grass-y green!
Amy said…
My favorite color is blue... thanks for the giveaway! Love those owls!!!
GeorjyGirl said…
I am on your mailing list. Love, love your fabric!
Marianne said…
Yellows, bright happy yellows!
Kristy said…
Green, green, green!! :)

Thanks so much!
Ruth said…
My favourite colour of all is any kind of green!
Karen. said…
My favorite colour is green :) !
And i LOVE owls...
Karen. said…
Facebooked your give away:

ID - karenvandelaer
Lisa England said…
Currently my favorite color is yellow, but you never know when something beautiful might make me change my mind! Love that owl holiday fabric!
Karen. said…

ID: karenvandelaer
Lisa England said…
I've signed up for your mailing list.
Sunnybec said…
My favourite colour at the moment is red... but it does change from week to week LOL
KD-Quilts said…
I love me some owls! Thanks for the giveaway!
Jen B said…
My favorite color is blue.
magpie fabrics said…
signed up for emails!
Andrea said…
I LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. this fabric - AND your website. My first order is in the mail already and I can't wait to start sewing! Thanks for the wonderful give-away!
Jennifer said…
I really love blue...not sky blue, not royal blue, but bright blue:)
Anonymous said…
Today, my favorite color is Robin's egg blue.
Toni said…
Up next on my to-do list: Christmas quilt, because if I get started now it just might be done by then. This fabric looks great! Thanks!
Toni said…
I'm already on your mailing list, and my current favorite color is plum. Thanks!
Holly said…
Sort of a golden, honey color.
Rita E in AZ said…
My favorite color is blue (but the others are very nice, too)
Rita E in AZ
Rita E in AZ said…
I joined the mailing list ♥
Rita E in AZ
Unknown said…
Love this fabric!
... lilo et moi said…
My favourite colour is aqua!

Tanya said…
Love the owls! My favorite color is pink!
Unknown said…
my favorite color is a sort of dusty ocean blue green.
Maggie said…
My favorite color is french blue :)
Maggie said…
I am also signed up to receive your emails :)
Brittany said…
My favorite color is clover green. So beautiful and always makes me think of spring time!
X said…
a lovely batch :)
Meisjesplezier said…
Lime green!
I love the owl fabric!
heidiabc said…
My favorite color is blue! :)
thesplitstitch said…
Blue is hands down my favorite color ... any shade ... blue-green, sky blue, royal blue, navy blue, etc .... :)
heidiabc said…
Tweeted. :) @heidiabc
WandaFish said…
I've always loved cool blues; turquoise is probably my favourite.
Thanks for the giveaway :)
WandaFish said…
I love the hooty fabric!
I signed up for the newsletter.
Kelly said…
my favorite color is green!
memmens said…
Loving those fabrics. I think my favourite colour depends on the time of year, at the moment it's green - something to do with spring here and all the lush growth.
Kelly said…
i'm on the mailing list!
memmens said…
Signed up for the emails. thanks for another fantastic giveaway.
Beth said…
I am into green these days.
cute fabric
jenny said…
Green is my favorite color, especially apple and lime.
Oso said…
Well, I sway between yellows and oranges, but I really like all kind of colors.
Unknown said…
Love the color blue! Baby blue:)
Quiltin' Sandy said…
Hi ! I love pink, with green being a close second!!!!
I also LOVE owls, and collect them- not the live ones-LOL, but there is one that visits us some nights in our backyard. :)
Quiltin' Sandy said…
I have signed up for your newsletter, and also became a follower :)
you have great fabrics!!!!
My favorite color is yellow and I really like yellow and gray together!

Sara said…
My favorite color is deep purple.
Sara said…
tweeted @superruffle
petiteblogger said…
Right now it is "Ballet Slipper Pink" because that's the color I'm painting the room for our soon-to-be adopted little girl from China! :)
I am signed up to receive emails

My favourite color is pink

Unknown said…
Nice green colour, bright and fresh :)
Marina said…
my favorite color is green! and I am in your mailing list!


Molly said…
My favorite color is the drabbest of them all.... brown.
Molly said…
Tweeted .... baileygirl_5
flowerofshona said…
That fabric is soooo stunning, i love owls so im in heaven :)
Im afollower
flowerofshona said…
Have added to my facebook wall, http://www.facebook.com/cainesdjdogs
good luck everyone!
Marcia W. said…
My favorite color is Blue in all of it's variations.
Karin said…
I'm going to have to go with black.
Karin said…
And I'm on the mailing list.
Jenny Squawk said…
Crazy cute. I'd love to win!
Jenniffier said…
Joined the newsletter, it is under yahoo :)
Jenny Squawk said…
Tweeted @jennydas. My favorite color is red for the moment. It will be teal soon. Fickle, aren't I?
Jenny Squawk said…
I've joined the mailing list. Thanks for the opportunity.
deborah said…
right now, my favorite color is a pale sky blue
deborah said…
Posting on facebook
Adele said…
Today purple, tomorrow who knows?
Laura said…
My favorite color is green!
LauraL444 at yahoo dot com
jojoebi-designs said…
my favourite is ornage but my favourite colour combo is red, aqua and white
Anonymous said…
My favourite colour is purple. Oh sweet purple. :o)
Anonymous said…
Tweeted by @dotyouri
Anonymous said…
Love those owls!

On your mailing list. ;o)
Angie said…
My favorite color is and always has been deep purple. What does that say about me?
Angie said…
I'm a newsletter subscriber!
Amanda said…
I love deep reds.
Amanda said…
I'm on the mailing list too!
Debbie said…
My favorite color is seafoam blue.
My favourite colour is purple and I would sure love to win those sweet owls!!!! Thank you for the chance to win!
LisaT said…
Pick me, pick me! Thanks for the chance!
LisaT said…
joined your mailing list
LisaT said…
Forgot my color, I choose blue - hubby says it enhances my eyes, awwwwwww.
flowerofshona said…
struggled to decided on afavorite colour but one stands out is Duck egg blue :)
Tammy said…
That is easy....my favorite color is ORANGE!
Tammy said…
I am on your mailing list!
Marci Girl said…
Purple! Can you tell by my avatar?
hmm since black isn't considered a color, I;ll go with green, Romulan green to be specific. If you are a Star Trek fan you'll know what I mean. :)

aka frothie51@gmail.com
ok twitter is done

"frothie51" on twitter

aka frothie51@gmail.com
and signed up for mailing list :)

aka frothie51@gmail.com

sorry, I always have my facebook on look down :(
Kate said…
i cant pick. Grey and turquoise. its a tie. :)
Deb said…
I've always loved Alexander Henry's birds...and the same goes for his owls!
Deb said…
I just signed up for the newsletter.
Margaret said…
Wow, favorite color....green. Thanks for the chance to win.
Sarah said…
I'm loving the muted blue/green/gray color right now. Not exactly sure on the name of it though :)

Thanks for the chance!
sbennettdesigns at gmail dot com
Jamie said…
My favorite color is purple!
Jamie said…
I also signed up to be on your mailing list!
Green. Definitely and without a doubt.
StephKThomas said…
My favorite color is pink!
Glenys said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angela D. said…
My favorite color is red! thanks.
Glenys said…
I like all the colours! But if I have to pick it would be blue. Thanks! Sorry about the other comment.
Glenys said…
I've signed up for your mailing list.
Angela D. said…
I joined the mailing list!
Melissa said…
Hard to say... I like red, blue, purple and orange, but the one colour I consistently love is green.
Jen S said…
I love this fabric line! Have been looking for something to make this year's Xmas quilt with. This might be it!
Fran said…
My favorite color is purple, every shade of purple are my fave.
Fran said…
I just signed up to your mailing list.
Clover said…
I always used to say blue but now that I have a little girl I cant help but love pink.
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