Fabricworm Tuesday Giveaway! Monaluna Beach Mod Fat Quarters!

Hello Fabricworms!

As most of your have notice us tell you last week, every Tuesday we will announce a giveaway. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post and you will be entered to win. The Giveaway will end at 7am PST, Monday, March 28th. We will announce the winner later that same day. (The winner will be chosen by random.org)

This week simply tell us what your favorite project you've done!

You can get 3 bonus entries by doing the following:

  • 1. Tweet the giveaway! Copy this:

Well @fabricworm is having another fun giveaway, check it out: http://tinyurl.com/4vvwyav #giveaway

Then make sure to add an additional comment to this post with your twitter ID

  • 2. Facebook the giveaway! Copy this:

Well @fabricworm is having another fun giveaway,check it out
http://tinyurl.com/4vvwyav @fabricworm #giveaway

Then make sure to add an additional comment with your facebook ID

and post an additional comment that you joined the mailing list

Let us know what your favorite project has been so far! Happy Sewing!

The Fabricworm Girls


Christie said…
Trying my hand a quilting this week for the first time. Hopefully it will be my favorite. :)
Marci Girl said…
I think every new project is my favorite, but I guess my favorite thing is handbags!
Moni said…
I love organinc fabric! These prints are wonderful.
Anonymous said…
my first quilt was my favorite! love those fabrics.
jenny said…
My favorite project is a quilt I made for my mom. It has the remnants of all of the Hawaiian shirts she has made herself over the last 30 years or so, as well as remnants of many of the clothing items she made for me over the years.
tracy_a said…
cute mix! favorite project is an i-spy quilt - fun fabrics and I FINALLY learned how to do a binding - it wasn't hard at all!
tracy_a said…
ps - I'm on the mailing list :)
Anonymous said…
Great selection for the giveaway!

Right now, my favorite project is the pincushion organizer (from Oh, Fransson!'s blog) that I made. My favorite project always seems to be the most recent one... :)
Susanne said…
My last favourite project were my Union Jack and Argyle Mug Rugs :)
LT said…
Favorite project, that's easy when you only have a handful of projects done. I really love my first quilt, a sunshine and shadow pattern.
Jen S said…
I made stuffed monsters for the kids...I think I had the most fun with that project!
LT said…
I receive the newsletters. Thanks for the opportunity to win such great fabric.
Marisa said…
My favorite project so far has been working with my sister on handbags. It got her going on sewing, and will hopefully result in another quilter in the family I can drag to shows!
This fabric is amazing!!! Thanks for the chance to win!
Karin said…
I made a play mat with peek-a-boo flaps for my niece for Christmas. I designed it myself and was thrilled with how it turned out.
Karin said…
And I'm on your mailing list!
epban said…
My favorite project I've done so far is my mini Flea Market Fancy Quilt.
Kelly said…
My Child of the 80s quilt made with Remix has been my favorite project.
epban said…
I'm on the mailing list
Kelly said…
I'm on the mailing list!
Jill said…
My favorite project is a quilt for my bed made out of Seaside Rose. It is organized yet scrappy looking at the same time. It really lightens up the room and we sleep under it regularly.
Jess said…
My favorite project was taking a pattern entitled "Winter Garden" and making it in an assortment of brightly colored batiks to combat my winter blues.
Jess said…
Posted the giveaway on Twitter. @jdekzoo
Christina said…
my favourite project is baby quilts. i love this fabric bundle, i already bought it from your shop but would love more:) The perfect material for camping quilts.
Tanya said…
My favorite project is probably the 1st dress I ever made my daughter, it was green with a matching hat, that was 5 years ago. I love to make her hair accessories too!
Julie Weaver said…
I love all of your fabric. Hope I win!!
Jeanne said…
Love these fabrics! My favorite projects are the hand quilted baby quilts for my grandbabies!
Janna said…
My favorite project so far is a crib bedding set I made for my son. Using the blues and yellows from the good folks anna maria horner collection. I still have to make the crib skirt before I post pictures!!
Janna said…
i'm on the mailing list, too!
Avree said…
My favorite project is a baby blanket I made for my little boy.
Unknown said…
I'm sewing up some pillowcase dresses for the charity Dress a Girl Around the world! And then a springy tablecloth for my kitchen table.
Unknown said…
I signed up for your newsletter, too :)
Anonymous said…
I am in love with this collection.
Haven't got a favorite project yet- it is usually the one I am currently working on.
Hillary said…
I just finished a quilt for my baby and I LOVE IT!!! He's due in 2 weeks and I can't wait to snuggle him up in it.
Cammie said…
Ohhhh would love this yummy fabric! My favorite things are anything for my kiddos. Thanks for the giveaway! :)
Cammie said…
Tweeted it!!! :) My ID is flutterbysfrogs :)
Martina said…
My favourite project is the flower garden quilt I am working on.Slow, but ...!Thanks for the give away!
Cammie said…
FB'ed it, flutterbys & frogs is the user name
Jenny said…
just loved making my kids valentine day dolls this year!
TeawithFrodo said…
I'd love this. We're moving to NC and the patterns would make a great new bag.
TeawithFrodo said…
tweeted @teawithfrodo
TeawithFrodo said…
Facebooked by The Crafting Hobbit
H said…
I think that the quilt I've just finished is my favourite...until I make the next one! I used a Me & My Sister scrappy bag and lots of scraps of white-on-white...the quilt is so fresh and very 'me'. I love curling up under it! Thanks for the giveaway!
Unknown said…
So many favorites....but my current favorite is the quilt that I just finished for Modern Quilt Guild Challenge #2, a monochromatic study. Thank you for the giveaway!
BFree said…
It is hard to chose but I recently made a ball my son plays with all the time!
EG said…
Even though I'm not a clothing-maker, I'm pretty pleased with a dinosaur costume I made. Part of me wants to go back and fix the rookie mistake I wouldn't make if I were to do it now. But it's all part of learning, right?
EG said…
I tweeted, I'm vt_ellen
EG said…
I'm on the mailing list.
Steff said…
Patchwork kitchen curtains!
Steff said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meg Ring said…
My favorite project is... anything I make for my baby girl! I never sewed until she was born and became my inspiration. Of course, I do things for my self or friends here and there, but the majority is for ze baby. Always so much fun to see how they react to their new things. :) Children always seem so much more thankful sometimes! :D
Sara said…
I'm new to sewing :) I made a purse out of some upholstery material and it held up to months of use before the seem let go. I learned a lot :)
Thank you for the chance.
lianeka said…
my favourites are always clothes I make for my son. It is much harder to be creative than for my girl.
Kekibird said…
I finished a "teddy bear" quilt for my son's bear and I'll soon be finishing a matching quilt for him so he and his buddy can having twin quilts!
Kekibird said…
Shared on Facebook (Katie Lawrence)
Kekibird said…
Retweeted the giveaway on Twitter (@Kekibird)
I would love to get my hands on some of this fabric! Very cute!!
Lisa said…
My fave project is usually the one I've most recently finished. I just made a super cute tea cozy with some beautiful Etsuko fabric.
Andrea said…
My favorite project right now is a work in progress, a little dress and bloomer set for my sweet baby girl :)
Andrea said…
I am a newsletter subscriber :)
kevnjacks said…
My favorite has to be these mooshy bunnies that I've been making for the kiddies...the fact that they really love it makes it my fave. :)
Trinity said…
My favorite project ever is a mei tai baby carrier that I made for my son. I'll love it even when he outgrows it!
Trinity said…
I also posted it on facebook--name is Trinitylou :)
Trinity said…
And I'm already a follower. Thanks for the great giveaway!
freakadoodles said…
My favorite project that I've done is the reversible shopper from Amy Butler's Style Stitches book. It's a great bag that holds TONS of stuff. (PS: That Monaluna Mod Gulls is my all-time favorite fabric on Fabricworm)
freakadoodles said…
Also tweeted! @freaknoodles
Andrea said…
I posted on FB :)
andrea woods
freakadoodles said…
And I'm on the mailing list. :)
Country Mouse said…
A unicorn costume for my daughter.
Valerie said…
I am so in love with this fabric. It's spring time in Florida. Someone needs a new beach bag...
Margaret said…
Am already on mailing list and a facebook follower! Great giveaway :)
Missy said…
My fave project was a bunch of dinner napkins I just made in this gorgeous yellow floral print. So springy! I'm having Easter dinner at my house just so I have an excuse to use them!
Colette said…
This has to be one of my favorite fabric stacks ever! So fun and would bring some sunshine to this cold New England spring.
Jess said…
This week I made some cute coffee cozies and mini quilt top!
Jess said…
Tweeted from milky_robot
Jess said…
Also joined the mailing list and FB posted: Jess Rollar
Unknown said…
woo! love it! cant wait to tweet and fb about it:P
Megan said…
I made a knitting needle rollup for a friend that was really cute and also very functional!
miranda said…
I recently made my girls each the Gracie dress with the Alexander Henry Storybook fabric which they just love. These are probably my favorites since they love them so much.
Johanna said…
My favorite project is a baby quilt that I have been working on for a long time and which isn't finished yet. It has a side with stars and the moon on it and another side with the sun and a cloud on it :)
deborah said…
My favorite project this year (so far) was a sofa-sized tumbler quilt.
deborah said…
I shared this on facebook (deborah kitts)
Kristy said…
My favorite project is probably the central park postage stamp quilt that I did earlier this year. so very fun.
Kristy said…
And I get the newsletter already :)
B said…
My fav project is making clothes for my children :)
Nikky said…
Made my very first quilt for my best friend's baby girl! Turned out fantastic and I am HOOKED! :D

Sarah said…
Probably, a pillow case dress for my daughter. I love making things for her.

Nikky said…
Aaaannnddd.... I joined the mailing list. :D
B said…
i shared on FB and joined mailing list,
i just shared my fav too-its making clothes :)
LOVE love love the orange and blue together!!
Colette said…
Shared on facebook
Colette said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
~Michelle~ said…
My fav project is always whatever I've finished most recently!
~Michelle~ said…
I tweeted from @mpfox223 :)
Millie said…
My favourite project so far has been two cot quilts for my twin girls, machine pieced and hand quilted. I used a Snippets jelly roll and white sashing.
Colette said…
My favorite project has to be the Waldorf doll and doll clothes I made my little girl. Oh, and I am on your mailing list.
Hmmm... Favorite project. That would have to be the quilts that I have made for my niece's.
I just tweeted about it @renegadequilter
jenn said…
mmmm - i LOVE monaluna. and with 2 lil beans - they would love some new sping digs <3
Just posted on FB - Ann Skelton
jenn said…
facebook note left too
Just signed up for your newsletter - I think I already get it but I can't remember forsure.
bprinz said…
my favorite project is a baby quilt I made for my nephew - so soft and cozy, sigh!
Toni said…
My favorite thing that I have made so far is the nursery decor for our third boy. Just simple curtains, crib skirt and several sheets, but I love it. Thanks!
Toni said…
On the mailing list! Thanks!
Aja Reeser said…
my favorite project that i have done so far is pants for my little girl. so cute!

thanks for the chance to win!
Rita E in AZ said…
My favorite project I have done is the fall quilt on our bed.
Rita E in AZ
requilt (at) yahoo (dot) com
Rita E in AZ said…
I signed up for the mailing list
Rita E in AZ
requilt (at) yahoo (dot) com
ChrisC said…
Oh, great giveaway! I've totally been eying this fabric to make a quilt for a friend whose baby is due soon! My favorite project I've ever made is either my first Amy Butler Birdie Sling or the quilt I'm working on right now (Heather Ross Mendocino fabric mixed with some other yellows and browns).
ChrisC said…
Also, I'm on the mailing list.
Jan said…
My dogs wearing shoes quilt is my favorite.
Jaclyn said…
Oh I love these patterns! I used the orange dots recently to do a baby quilt!
Kristina said…
My first quilt which was made from monaluna fabric with the rocket ships! Would be great to win. Thanks!
Alexandra P. said…
My favorit project was a colourfull, big but cute monster for my little cute nephew.
Jessica said…
Beautiful Fabric!
Jessica said…
I'm on the mailing list!
Kristy said…
LOVE this fabric!!! Hmmmm....favorite project....probably lil' overalls for my lil' fella since he loved them so much! :)
Thanks for the fun!
The Fam said…
Making a quilt for my first niece, priceless!

shannoncarman at yahoo dot com
The Fam said…


shannoncarman at yahoo dot com
Angie said…
Hi there. These fabrics are so cute, and this is my "I'm Entering" comment :)
Teresa said…
My favorite project was in the
70's I sewed pastel squares together to make a long wrap around shirt. It is now a favorite of my daughter to wear.
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches.
Karen. said…
I'm in.. i love the ducks, the gitars and carfabric!
Em said…
These fabrics are wonderful and will make a great project!!
Tammy said…
Oh I have been drooling over this collection for along time!!! Anyway, my favorite project has been a quilt for my future daughter in law in Paso Robles...I made her a quilt with Authentic. It was so hard to mail....but it got there!
Tammy said…
I already receive your newsletter!
WandaFish said…
My favourite project has been my first baby quilt - a disappearing 9 patch in Cloud 9's gorgeous My Happy Garden organic fabrics.
Thanks for the giveaway! I love Monaluna designs :)
WandaFish said…
I'm on your mailing list :)
Shorty said…
My favorite project has been making an apron for a little girl. The fabrics were super cute, and the variety that I used really added a hip, modern element to it.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Shorty said…
My favorite project has been a little girl's apron.
I've tweeted about the giveaway @shortyssutures
Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite project is the swap quilt I just finished for DQS10. It is Hope Valley mini interlocking whirly gigs that are hand quilted!
Shorty said…
My favorite project was a little girl's apron. I've posted on FB about your giveaway on my ShortysSutures page!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Gwyneth said…
i recently finished my newborn son's baby quilt. i love it and him!
I just tweeted about the FabricWorm giveaway and my name is Mary on Lake Pulaski on Twitter.
I have already signed up and receive the FabricWorm newsletter!
I'm working on a 3D pattern right now that's pretty darn cool!
LittleBook said…
My favorite project was a windmill quilt that I made with reproduction fabrics I bought while on vacation in Amsterdam. It makes me happy every time I look at it!
Crystal Hendrix said…
Awesome fabric!! I love the little cars!!!
Crystal Hendrix said…
Just signed up for the newsletter....although I thought I already was, but did it again anyway!!
Crystal Hendrix said…
I just tweeted about the giveaway!

nmommy02 is my Twitter Id
Crystal Hendrix said…
Just blogged about your giveaway on Facebook....my id, or what I am known on facebook is Crystal Longan Hendrix

Thanks for the chances to win!!!
Lindsay said…
My favorite project so far was when I figured out how to sew bedding for my ferrets. It is such a fun simple project and saves me a ton of money :)
Katie B said…
My first quilt! I've made many since then, but my first will always be my favorite.
Tracy G. said…
My favorite project is the stuffed minky cat I made for my daughter
Tracy G. said…
I'm on the mailing list too :)
Heather said…
At the moment my favorite project is a pinafore shirt I just finished for my daughter.

Joel Binkley said…
My favorite project recently has been my 1800's silhouette pillows!
Clover said…
I love making my kids clothes!
Clover said…
I am on the mailing list too!
Olive Owl Art said…
My favorite project recently has been my 1800s silhouette pillows!
Heather said…
I shared on FB!

Unknown said…
My favourite project is the crib quilt I made for number 2 son from scraps of baby wraps.
Kristin said…
I just finished a super quick and super cute diaper bag. Yeah for instant gratification!
Sara said…
Cute! My favorite project is the pillow seats I made for the kids using one of Amy Butler's patterns. They turned out wonderfully!
Melanie said…
My favorite project I have made is a Dr. Seuss quilt for my new son! Thanks for the chance at winning the cute fabrics!
Melissa said…
OMG!! I absolutely love that fabric....wish I could buy it by the bolts!! Like Like!!
Unknown said…
I love these Monaluna Beach fabrics ... I'm a bit fickle, my favourite project is always the one I'm currently working on! So, for the moment it's my Charley Harper block ...

thanks for the chance to win
Anonymous said…
I loved making my apron! It's cute and I get to wear it everyday :)
PJ said…
I'm most proud of things I use often like the baby quilt I made for #2.
Naomi said…
My current favorite is the Wall-E quilt I am working on for my daughter. I made the design/pattern myself and it is my first time trying to applique. I love how it is turning out and really want to make more quilts!
Em said…
Working making toddler dresses! they all ahve crazy pockets, nad my girl loves her pockets!
Mama said…
My favorite is Amy Butler Birdie Bag!
tiffany said…
my favorite so far: pieced linen pillows, with zipper closures. nothing fancy, but exactly what i wanted (plus i'm very new to sewing, so every finished project is a little victory). thanks for the chance!
Molly said…
My favorite project. Hmmmm.... that's a toughie. I guess it's a quilt I made years ago for my oldest son. It was a ridiculous mess but he recently told me his favorite childhood memory was coming home from school and having me wrap that finished quilt around his shoulders. That's what I'm going for with quilting ... showing the love ....
Molly said…
I just tweeted ( twittered??) and I'm BaileyGirl_5 on there too.
Molly said…
I'm already on your mailing list!!
Catherine said…
I've been wanting this bundle! My favorite projects are always dresses for my daughter.
Rebecca said…
My favorite project was a toddler quilt with a quilt-along and some beautiful fabric for my daughter. It was my first time quilting a minky backing and doing a scallop edge. That quilt has some imperfections but I LOVE it!
Rebecca said…
I tweeted (ourbusybunch)
Rebecca said…
I signed up!
My favorite is a tie between the first quilt I ever made and the travel bags I made for my kids this past summer.
Tammy Robbins said…
I'm on the mailing list, too!
AnneMarie said…
Hmm. All time favorite project? Has to be my christmas poinsettia quilt. Thanks for the fun chance!
Heather A said…
After not doing any quilting for over 25 years, I just finished a wedding quilt for my nephew and can't wait to get going on more!
Adele said…
So many favorites, it's too hard to pick. Love the fabrics!
AmyL said…
my fav project - tshirt quilt.
already signed up on mailing list.
Adele said…
Just joined the list, too.
Unknown said…
Super cute! I love these prints. My favorite project is shopping bags - practical, cute & easy!
Chelsea said…
Lovely collection! My favorite project so far? My single girl, though it's on hiatus until we move.
Tong said…
i'm making our wedding quilt right now that will be used as backdrop for the DIY photo booth. it's not yet done but i'm already in love!
Tong said…
just tweeted the giveaway: http://twitter.com/tingtongnthings/status/50333738600640512
Tong said…
i'm already on the mailing list!
Unknown said…
I mentioned it on my facebook:

Belinda said…
Favorite project this year has to be helping my 24 yr old son learn to sew so he could make an apron for his girl friend - here's a picture http://www.flickr.com/photos/54482836@N03/5047697943/
Jennifer said…
my favorite project lately has been making my laptop case--you can see it: http://monkeyseemonkeydo-jennifer.blogspot.com/2011/02/laptop-case-tutorial-part-2.html

But sometimes EVERY new project I start is a favorite!
Jennifer said…
I just tweeted your giveaway (Twitter ID: jvturbo)
Debbie said…
Very cute fabric line....I would love to win! Thanks for the chance.
Deb Baker said…
my favorite project is the one i am working on now, an Amy Butler Raincoat made with laminated fabric. So fun!
Unknown said…
let's try that again when I am actually signed in!

my favorite project is the one i am working on now, an Amy Butler Raincoat made with laminated fabric. So fun!
My favorite project is the one I'm working right now. It's a baby quilt I'm calling it Sprinkles. : )
I tweeted it. Or is that twittered it?
Unknown said…
Facebooked ya!

bea langeweg said…
Those are earth colors great .
Love to win this Thanks for this giveaway .Bea from Canada
robin said…
I love the Thimbleberries wallhanging I did.
robin said…
I Tweeted about your giveaway @birdie00000
robin said…
I posted this on Facebook. Robin Mohr Janz
robin said…
I signed up for your newsletter.
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