Fabricworm Tuesday Giveaway! Alexander Henry Griffith Park in Fat Quarters

Alexander Henry Griffith Park in Fat Quarters

Hello Fabricworms!

We are going to try something new. We are proud to announce a weekly giveaway @ www.fabricworm.com! Every Tuesday we will announce a giveaway. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post and you will be entered to win. The Giveaway will end at 7am PST, Monday, March 22nd. We will announce the winner later that same day. (The winner will be chosen by random.org)

This week, please tell us what your first sewing project for Spring will be!

You can get 3 bonus entries by doing the following:

  • 1. Tweet the giveaway! Copy this: 

Win fabric, enter the Fabricworm weekly giveaway here: http://bit.ly/elfNvy @fabricworm #giveaway

Then make sure to add an additional comment to this post with your twitter ID

  • 2. Facebook the giveaway! Copy this:

Win fabric, enter the Fabricworm weekly giveaway here: http://bit.ly/elfNvy @fabricworm #giveaway

Then make sure to add an additional comment with your facebook ID

and post an additional comment that you joined the mailing list

That's it! Let's see what you are sewing!

The Fabricworm Girls


Cameron H said…
I'm so in love with this new collection, especially the yellow hills!
Anonymous said…
What a great idea :) I love free fabric. Great bundle.
Alicia said…
I love the birds! Love the FW custom bundles too!
Toni said…
I love these prints! Thanks so much!
Mylinh said…
Beautiful fabric!
Joy said…
I love the yellow hills print! Thanks for the chance...
Tara Celeste said…
I love this collection! Thanks for the chance to win!
Stephanie said…
Lovely fabric... thanks for a chance to win it!
Sarah said…
Beautiful collection!
Kim O. said…
I'm doing a swap, so my first project will be some trivets!
Shann said…
I am loving this fabric....great choice!

Shannon Margaret
Shann said…
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/_ShannaMBrott_
Emily said…
Alright... so My first project is going to be a bunting for holiday's and birthdays around here! This fabric would be PERFECT, I think!
Emily said…
I tweeted you! @seventeenandem
Jess said…
Oh, I love these! I already have plans for a baby quilt swirling in my head.
Jess said…
I just tweeted about this! @jdekzoo
Emily said…
AND, I joined the mailing list!
Carolyn said…
Dresses, dresses, and more dresses. Can't stop sewing dresses!
Shann said…
I posted on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Shannon.Margaret.Brott

Shannon Margaret
debra lynn said…
I have a Oliver + S pattern that I should make for my daughter for spring and I need to make a tooth fairy pillow for my son! Love the fabrics!
Shann said…
I am on the mailing list!

Shannon Margaret
Anonymous said…
My daughter's 3rd birthday party dress; that's the first project of Spring, and then almost a dozen JonJons for my quickly growing 7 month old boy. Thanks for the opportunity (her birthday is the 22nd, so that would be a cool gift... fabric to make her more cute stuff!).
Stevens Family said…
Love the fabric! My first spring project will be a picnic quilt.
vanessa said…
i'm having a baby girl in july, i think i could make her an entire wardrobe from this!
tracy_a said…
what a cute collection!
Unknown said…
One word came to my mind looking at these beautiful fabrics: spring !!
Besides, I'm in a desperate need to make myself a purse! This fabric would be perfect!
Thanks for this giveaway!
Jenny said…
AH does it again. what a burden to my wallet this collection will be!
plan on making a fabric basket for my daughters teacher...trying to get ahead! also need to clean the sewing room!thanks, love the idea of giveaway tuesday!
tracy_a said…
and I joined your mailing list.
Belinda said…
Spring Sewing project - baby quilt for a very special, soon to be born nephew.
Country Mouse said…
I'd love to actually make something - anything for myself for a change! Perhaps some new pillows for the entryway bench. Thanks for the giveaway!
Marisa said…
How cute! I tweeted this (brynnmacflynn) and I'm already on the mailing list. Can't wait to see!
LiahonaGirl said…
Awesome! Fabric is always a great giveaway.
LT said…
So pretty! I'm on your mailing list. Thanks for starting this weekly giveaway!
Anzouya said…
What a great and generous idea! Thank you so much for hosting this! I love these fabrics!
jlolano said…
Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway! My first spring project will be an attempt at my very first quilt.
Ladybug said…
The fabric looks great. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
I am currently working on some shopping bags as a birthday/Mother's day present for my mom. (Her birthday is May 10th).
nono said…
I love the birds. Such great springy colors. I'm planning on making a skirt for spring.
Molly said…
Sweet giveaway! I love Alexander Henry :) My first spring project is to organize and clean my sewing area ... then make a purse with tons of inside pockets.
KD-Quilts said…
My first spring project is going to be a new quilt for my couch!
Rebecca said…
Love these prints ~ fresh and modern! THANKS for the chance!
Rebecca said…
I tweeted (ourbusybunch)
9patchnurse said…
Ooooo so pretty! This spring I am making birght and cheerful wonky churndash block for a 'just because' quilt. It will go right on my bed.
KD-Quilts said…
I tweeted at @kdquilts
Rebecca said…
I joined the mailing list :)
Martina said…
Lovely giv away! Thanks so much. My first project for spring will be a chicken tablerunner.
Karen said…
I love the fabric!!
Karen said…
I signed up for the mailing list! Also, I would make a baby quilt with the fabric.
Hillary said…
how exciting! They look like fantastic prints.
So beautiful! I'll probably work on some baby bibs in a few weeks.
Steff said…
Perfect for nursery curtains!
EG said…
I just got some Joel Dewberry charm squares so I'll be quilting something from those! Maybe a Tumbler quilt.
Sunnybec said…
Thanks for the giveway. I am making cushion covers and wall hangings at the moment for my holiday accommodation.
EG said…
I tweeted, I'm vt_ellen
EG said…
I signed up for the newsletter.
syocom said…
I am going to be making an easter dress.
Margaret said…
Wow, I LOVE this fabric line. First thing for spring is baby quilts....6 coworkers expecting.
Margaret said…
I am already a subscriber!
Anonymous said…
Free fabric rocks! love it all! crossing my fingers!
I need more fabric like a hole in the head, but I'm working on a quilt for our new baby due in August, and heck, there is no such thing as too much fabric, right?
Sarah said…
I will be sewing up somethings for baby because I am due with #2 in May.

Michele said…
my first spring project will be a super simple layer cake pattern in Dream On. All those vintage prints just scream 'spring' to me! Can't wait for the finished product. I hadn't seen this fabric line before - really loving this one! Thanks for sharing.
Michele said…
I'm subscribed to the mailing list.
Melissa said…
Love this collection! I'm making dresses for my daughter and hopefully a quilt for my son.
Jan said…
I'm planning a boy quilt as my next project.
Jan said…
I posted on FB: https://www.facebook.com/janiceprytz
Jan said…
I'm already on the mailing list. Thanks for the chance to win.
Christina said…
love this idea. you make the most beautiful fabric bundles:) I signed up to your mailing list.
Anonymous said…
I do love this fabric! I am starting to view fabrics with new skirts on my mind - that counts as spring sewing, right?
Lindsay said…
I am working on a HST quilt :)
Christina said…
I posted on facebook,

Kelly said…
I have too many projects to count! :) I'm sure there will be a quilt and a bag!
Charlotte said…
I'm in the middle of a single girl quilt :-)
Charlotte said…
and I already subscribe to the newsletter
Unknown said…
Pretty fat quarters! My first Spring project is a big one (that's why I've been putting it off!) - stitch some loose covers for the play room sofa!
Eleanor said…
Lovely, lovely prints! My spring project is going to be a quilt for a baby due in May! Thanks for a chance to win

jenny said…
My first project will be a tea towel and apron for myself. The fabrics are lovely!
Janna said…
Dresses for my girls age 4,2,& 2.
LeeAnn said…
I just finished prepping the fabric and pattern for Simplicity 2217!
Lisa said…
My first spring project will be making a Barcelona skirt. I'm a new sewer so it's time for me to tackle the zipper!
Em said…
What fun! Who doesn't love fabric? First project for spring? PJ's for my ever-growing girl
Em said…
I get your newsletter. :-)
Cathy said…
I think every single one of the fabrics are my favorite
Em said…
I posted your giveaway on facebook. I know I have some fellow fabric lover friends.

(Em Komiskey)
Cathy said…
I joined the mailing list.
~Michelle~ said…
My project this spring is a quilt top from one of the bees I participate in - just waiting for all of the blocks to come back, and then I will have a lovely Parisville quilt top!
~Michelle~ said…
I've been on the mailing list for a while now!
~Michelle~ said…
tweeted from @mpfox223
Jessica said…
What a great giveaway! Thanks for sharing!
Jessica said…
I signed up for the mailing list. Thanks!
b*lota said…
yay, weekly giveaway! fingers crossed!!
b*lota said…
I also tweeted!
My first spring project will be a baby quilt for our newest little girl. :D
Marci Girl said…
Well I guess that depends on when "spring" starts! I need to make my son an Easter outfit...yeah I will stick with that!
Pilgrim Days said…
I already made one Easter dress and 3 to go!
Kate said…
I'm going to quilt the quilt for my daughter's bed. After that - make a quilt for my other daughter! (and finish... next spring, probably)
steeplechaser29 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Pilgrim Days said…
joined the mailing list
April said…
Such loves fat quarters, I would love to add this to my collection.
Chelsea said…
Thanks for the chance to win!
I would love to make a sundress for my niece with some of this!!!
Me and My Brain said…
My first sewing project this spring would be a baby quilt... Or baby skirt... it's still up in the air. but probably the skirt.
kevnjacks said…
Still working on some stuff for bean #4 and I feel like I running out of time! So I am working on a quilt and some quick change pants this spring! :)
Catherine said…
My first project will be an Easter dress for my daughter.
Catherine said…
And I'm on your mailing list!
Clover said…
Finally get to make all the spring and summer dresses I have been collecting for!

Love this fabric
Clover said…
I am on your mailing list
Anonymous said…
My first spring project is some kids' caps and summer hats. These fabrics would be great. Thanks! kristie_keely(at)yahoo(d0t)com
Brenis said…
Gorgeous fabrics! I'm in the middle of making a new quilt, and after that I'll be trying to finish up some ufo's! :)
Brenis said…
I'm already on your mailing list :)
Lisa said…
That yellow one is lovely. My first project is an easter dress for my 6 month old daughter.
Lisa said…
Tweeted as @lharsma
Jessica said…
Love this fabric!

jessica (at) homfamily (dot) com
Jessica said…
I'm on the mailing list!

jessica (at) homfamily (dot) com
katy gray said…
oh i love it - perfect for a quilt top!
katy gray said…
facebooked - http://www.facebook.com/katyparinsgray
katy gray said…
I should already be on the mailing list - ktpjh (at) hotmail(dot)com
katy gray said…
tweeted as @katygray - thanks for the great contest!
Avree said…
Love it! My first project will be a baby blanket.
RWL said…
Love it! My first project for spring will be a new bag. :)
Diane H said…
Next project for me is a table topper for my sisters bday gift in June. Thanks for the great giveaway.
memmens said…
My first project for spring will be something for me (I think if I say it enough times I might actually do it!) as I'm always sewing for everyone else!
Gorgeous fabrics - thanks for the giveaway.
memmens said…
I signed up for the mailing list too.
namoo said…
love the collection! one of Spring projects is making stroller quilts!
namoo said…
I put it on my Twitter too!
ID: namoo19
Rebecca Merry said…
if that doesn't scream "spring" I don't know what does!! Thanks for the chance!
Kristy said…
Love that collection. I'm in the midst of many baby quilts.
Kristy said…
And I get the newsletter :)
Unknown said…
My first spring task is making my two little boys some new pants
My first sewing project for spring will be a spring table runner for the coffee table
Posted on facebook from Victoria Paige Dorsett
Karin said…
EEK! I've been drooling over these very fabrics and dreaming up a small curtain valance in my kitchen, a dress for my almost two-yr-old daughter, and some pot holders!!
Karin said…
I'm on the mailing list!
Rosa Forino said…
partecipo volentieri al tuo blog candy non mi resta che incrociare le dita e sperare...
ciao rosa
blog creativo: http://kreattiva.blogspot.com/
Jen S said…
I'm planning a nice bright quilt....spring colors with white to make them really pop out!
maeve said…
I am on your mailing list. I don't tweet or facebook, etc. But I would love to win this collection. I would use it when I sew a quilt for Japan with my granddaughter (she loves to sew). Thank you!
mokkakissa said…
Jaha, I have to try this... Need the birds...
Unknown said…
I'm going to make some baby stuff for my cousin's twins!! :)
jenashford said…
I want to win!

Jenashford at swbell dot net
Unknown said…
I posted on my fb page.
Tong said…
I'm working on our wedding quilt (getting married to my wonderful boyfriend of 6 years in September) with some lovely Dream On fabrics, perfect to welcome spring!
Unknown said…
I joined your newsletter
Tong said…
just tweeted the giveaway! tingtongnthings
Anonymous said…
Yes, please. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Tong said…
just joined the mailing list!
Jenn said…
my first project will be a baby/toddler quilt
Traci Holloway said…
My first spring project will be fabric hanging baskets!! I can't wait to get started!
Jenn said…
I also joined the newsletter :)
Carol said…
it's my birthday tomorrow! pick me!
Unknown said…
Oh, these fabrics are yummy! I am contemplating either a quilt (not very spring-ish, I know) or a skirt for my daughter... probably the skirt :)
Unknown said…
I facebook-ed it!

Unknown said…
I plan on making a peasant dress for myself and a cape!
Maya, Mo and Me said…
Thanks so much for the give-away! I think my first project is going to be a teepee for my daughter to play in
Maya, Mo and Me said…
joined the mailing list
Christine said…
Oh, I'm so in love with that fabric. Thanks for doing a giveaway!
Unknown said…
I twittered about the giveaway.
Linda K said…
Love them! Pick me..Pick me.. :)
Nikky said…
My first project for spring will likely be a fun spring dress! :)


Kekibird said…
Love a new bundle. I have a baby blanket to make from a Pooh Bear bundle this Spring!
Heather said…
I posted on Facebook!
rae miranda said…
Bunting for my daughter's first birthday!!
Kekibird said…
Tweet this giveaway @Kekibird.
Heather said…
I'm working on a St. Patrick's Day table runner at the moment and then I've got an Easter Dress to make.
Kate said…
My first spring project for me and not my business will be finishing up my clothespin apron I cut out ages ago. It will come in handy while hanging clothes out on the line this spring and summer!
rae miranda said…
Joined the mailing list!!
Kate said…
Just posted on Facebook! User name: Kate Flores Secondo
Kate said…
Joined the mailing list too!
Katie said…
My fav spring project will be making baby things like diaper covers

CarolinaKate02 at hotmail dot comta
Karen said…
My first sewing project for Spring is making a felt Easter basket with felt eggs and peeps for my friends newly adopted Korean toddler.
Trinity said…
I love this new line, thanks for the giveaway!
Trinity said…
And I joined your mailing list, too. :)
PJ said…
Bunting will make our new house a bit more festive! Thanks for the giveaway!
PJ said…
Facebooked on my page: mabel & daisy.
Karen said…
I shared on FB, my name on FB is Karen Pedrick Cook.
Sarah said…
Great giveaway! I've got some quilts and some more quilts planned, but I'd also like to get some clothes done for the doll I made last year...
Anonymous said…
Twittered from @sarahfielke
Sarah said…
I'm also signed up for the newsletter...
Anonymous said…
FB'ed my name is Sarah Fielke
Jodie said…
That fabric is adorable! My first Spring project will be a baby quilt or two. :)
Audrey said…
Dresses for some lil' girls.
Anonymous said…
I'm signed up to the newsletter to, I think I already was :)
Unknown said…
I'll be making a project bag next so I actually have somewhere to store my ongoing sewing projects :)
Anonymous said…
I LOVE this collection, Alexander Henry is awesome :)
Kate S. said…
Weekly giveaway is a great idea!
Linnea said…
Newborn diapers are my upcoming project!
Kate S. said…
And I'm tweeting now! Thanks for the chance to enter!
Nicole said…
First new project planned for spring are clutch bags.
twitter @nicoleleedesign
Normajean said…
I would love to make a baby quilt this spring. I also FB'd this.
Ok so this would be totally awesome. My stash is looking a little dry right now!
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
I have FB'd

Unknown said…
I put the link on my facebook -
Sarah Pierce Graham
I have Tweeted @LittleCreatable ^_^
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