Fabricworm Celebrates 1 Year Anniversary with a Giveaway!!

I know, it's about time right? Well I've been meaning to have a Giveaway for quite some time, and now is the Perfect Excuse! Fabricworm has just completed it's first year in business, and Wow how we've grown!!
Fabricworm started out as just a small Etsy store selling Fabric, now we have our website: www.fabricworm.com
On July 1st, the Fabricworm Corp opened our first Brick and Mortar store: Birch Fabrics in Paso Robles, CA
We at Fabricworm have been busily plugging along on our next venture, the newest branch of Fabricworm, our Manufacturing Division, Birch Fabrics, 100% Organic Cotton
Jennifer Moore of Monaluna and I have been working together on the designs, and they were just finalized last week, so stay tuned for updates on that:) I'll be sharing pics just as soon as we have strike-offs, should be a month or so. I know what a tease, right?
Okay, so now for the good stuff!
Please tell me "What do you Love most about Fabricworm?"
Leave your comment to this post. Drawing closes on Sunday, July 19th, at 10pm PST! I will do a random drawing to determine the winners, Monday morning. The Winners will be announced at 10am PST on Monday July 20th.
There will be 3 prizes.
1st Prize: 1/2 Yard Set of Patty Young's Mezzanine Collection (15 prints total, 2 of the prints have not arrived yet)
2nd Prize: A Collection of Holiday Fat Quarters, including Michael Miller's Funky Christmas and the New Alexander Henry Christmas prints (17 Fat Quarters in all)
3rd Place: A large selection of Heather Ross Mendocino Scraps, (4 Yards by weight)
Good Luck Everyone! And Thank You so Much for all of your ongoing support!! I anticipate another Fabulous Year ahead!
cutoutcollect (at) gmail (dot) com
Lucy x
I hope I win-I never do!!!!
I still have to send you a customer appreciation photo of some curtains I made for my friend's nursery out of fabric I purchased from you.
hwoodbury (at) gmail.com
Lese bon temp roule-sha'!
I love your selection, such great fabrics! I don't remember seeing anything I really didn't like in the shop.
christina, considerthecoffee (at) gmail.com
Congratulations on the your success and thanks so much for the chance to win and awesome prize!!
Also I love your variety bundles, for poor saps like me who are craning around at the screen trying to figure out which colors actually go together and which are burn patches on the monitor.
Carry on! Happy anniversary!
Thanks for a chance to win your giveaway.
I think your website is laid out very well. Depending on what I'm looking for, I use various ways to search and you have a lot of the categories already. So much variety too!
Good luck on year #2!
thanks for a chance to win!!
Krousegirl2 at aol dot com
jamie dot moilanen at cox dot net
amylynnthx (at) hotmail(dot)com
Thank you for hosting this great giveaway.
candy.shop. (AKA: fabric shop)
Best wishes,
I love all the funky fabrics and so much choice!!! I also love the name FABRICWORM. ☺
Pick me. Choose me. Please!
You have excellent collections, reasonable prices and fast delivery. That about all a shop needs? PS. And those what-you-call-them piles of small pieces of fabric!
Love you!
and congrats on your milestone :)
Thanks a lot!
And congrats on your 1 year!!!
You always seem to have the hard-to-find, as well as the popular prints in stock.
Also, fabric? what's not to LOVE!
Wish I lived close enough to visit the store!
Most of all, I would have to say I love the website and blog, because I always get inspiration from them for my sewing.
What I love is that even though you are creating a very succesful business that I still feel very connected to you. You keep it real! I like that!
Congratulations and I wish you lots and lots of continued success.
Congrats on the new b&m store! I'm so excited for you!
I love your color pallette. I'm seeing a lot of clear colors, as opposed to the muddied tones.
And, I'm actually thinking about getting into a bit of quilting. (Do you hear the garment sewing world gasping?)
Your tremendously speedy service. Your super-cute selection of fabrics. And the fact that visiting your store always makes me happy!
ashley (underscore) heher (at) yahoo (dot) com
Cidell sent me.
jennifereladd at yahoo dot com
However, I have enjoyed reading on your blog. Keep sharing more about how you run your biz. I loved seeing how you set up your B&M store!
Also like your bundles of collections.
Best wishes and Continued success!
I love your awesome selection of fabrics. I always go to you first when I see something really chic and design-y somewhere online.
graphicalee (at) gmail (dot) com
Best thing has to be your wonderful taste in fabrics. I love browsing the site and seeing all of the awesome colours and combos.
I really like the huge variety that you have available. Your selection is amazing.
Thanks for entering me in the drawing!
Also, I have to say the worm is pretty darn cute!