Drum Roll Please......

The Winners of Fabricworm's Anniversary Giveaway are:

1st Place:


2nd Place:


3rd Place:

SarahC (#8)

Please e-mail me your addresses so I can ship out your prizes! e-mail: fabricworm@gmail.com

Thank You so much for all of your Lovely and Kind Comments! I've read every single one of them. And it is just so Wonderful to hear how we all share the Love of Modern, Unique Fabrics! I will keep doing my Best to Uphold the Reputation:)

Kindest Regards.


Deb C. said…
I just want to congratulate your winners and remark that if they decided they just have too much fabric and feel ashamed to accept it, I will gladly pay the shipping for them to forward their winnings to me. LOL!
amylouwhosews said…
My winning game is on! Yeah! Thanks! I'll email you.
I needed a little pickmeup today!
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy doing the happy dance over here!!!