Moving Day!!

Hi Everyone! Today was such an exciting day! We moved into the store! Andrea, my trusty helper jumped right in to cutting orders, you can see her in the photos with her husband, Patrick. They helped immensely today to pull the store together. We had a nice pizza lunch to celebrate. Check out my little Honda Element stuffed with fabric! I was so worried last night that there wasn't going to be enough shelving for all of the fabric, but as you can see in the photos there is plenty of room for more. Good thing, because with all the Awesome Summer Collections that are on their way I really need that space!! I hope you like the photos, and I as I get farther along in decorating, I'll send more.
Many Thanks to you all for your kind words as you've followed me along on this Wild Adventure!!
Good Luck!!!!!
Lucky for me I am on the otherside of the world
Enjoy a cool one tonight! You & Jason deserve it.
Your Momma!