Fabricworm Giveaway! Jay-Cyn Designs!

Hey Fabricworms,
Since the Jay-Cyn Design's bundle was so popular, we decided to give another one away! This time we have 10 Fat Quarters of the complete collection Commute. Everyone has a chance to win, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post answering the question below and you will be entered to win. The giveaway will end at 8:30am PST, Monday, February 27th. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced later that day.

This week we wanna know:
What's your favorite way to commute? 
But don't forget you get 4 bonus entries by doing the following:
  • 1. Tweet the giveaway! Copy this:
Check out the @Fabricworm Giveaway! #giveaway #fabric: http://bit.ly/xRIQO0
Then make sure to add an additional comment to this post with your twitter ID

  • 2. Facebook the giveaway! Copy this:
Check out the @Fabricworm Giveaway! #giveaway #fabric: http://bit.ly/xRIQO0
Then make sure to add an additional comment with your facebook ID

  • 3. Join the mailing list by submitting your email address on our homepage where it says: "sign up" and post an additional comment that you joined the mailing list.

  • 4. "Pin" your favorite bundle or fabric on your Pinterest Board. Just click "add" on your Pinterest account. Then add the link to, and add "Fabricworm" as the description.
Don't forget to leave an additional comment with the link from the pin.


Emily said…
I am one of the lucky ducks that don't have a commute!!!
Emily said…
posted to facebook!
Michelle said…
I love biking but have to drive due to the distance.
Michelle said…
I'm signed up for your newsletter
Unknown said…
I signed up for the newsletter and pinned my favorite fabric on Pinterest.
Nancy said…
I only have to commute one day a week and can only get there by car...would love to have the stamina to bike ride though...
memmens said…
I don't commute anywhere! But used to love cycling to work, in fact used to go the long round - now I miss the exercise!
memmens said…
I'm signed up to the newsletter - thanks
memmens said…
I shared this on Facebook on my business page: Splendid Calm Textiles.
ktsblog said…
The best commute has a little sightseeing along the way! It doesn't matter how you get there, enjoy the journey...
Heidi Staples said…
I have to admit that I love driving my car.
larry f. said…
I walk, run and take the local transit bus services!
Jeri Phillips said…
With my sister and a cup of coffee!
isabel f. said…
already in the mailing list :)
isabel f. said…
shared on FB https://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=123211331138112&id=1236755571 :)
Michelle said…
I love these! I hope its not too late to enter!
Lee said…
i like to bike or walk! thanks!
Lee said…
I get fabricworm newsletter also! thanks again!
Helene said…
My favourite way to commute is to go by train, especially in Tokyo or Chicago :)
moira said…
tweeted @moirap x
moira said…
facebooked :) moira.petrie
tusen said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
moira said…
Currently I like the bus because I cause havoc with my pram!
tusen said…
My favourite way of commuting is by train (especially if you consider the alternative - a much more crowded bus or very occasional carpooling which also means getting stuck in a traffic jam). Actually trains are great - you can read, sleep, talk or even sew :)
tusen said…
I'm on your mailing list already :)
colesworth said…
I used to like the train, but no trains in my current city (but I often pick up a work friend on the way)
cwhitnell said…
I love to walk, we live in Rio so that is easiest way to get around.
colesworth said…
And I'm on the mailing list ;o)
BrooklynLove said…
by horseback! haha well to my friends houses nearby ... :)
hamudale said…
my car or by foot.
hamudale said…
i'm on your mailing list
Chelc said…
I love my bike! Sadly our area has some very steep hills, so usually I end up in my car.
Sallie said…
Fly. Thanks for the giveaway!
We love riding our bikes as a family, but the only way to comute from where we live is by car.
I posted on FB - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Scrappy-n-Happy/358824424141950?sk=info#!/pages/Scrappy-n-Happy/358824424141950?sk=wall
I pinned here - http://pinterest.com/pin/66780006944528598/
Chelc said…
I pinned!
Zoe said…
I'm a bus girl myself - can't stand trains!
Zoe said…
I'm on your mailing list :)
MaryBeth said…
My favorite way is to take the train, but mostly I have to drive.
MaryBeth said…
I'm on the mailing list!
Kim said…
I would love a job within cycling distance! However, right now automobile is the way for me....
nightowl said…
If given the choice, I would commute via horse. Thanks for the giveaway!
nightowl said…
Posted on Twitter. nightowl7395
nightowl said…
Posted on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/korie.traver
nightowl said…
Pinned the Commute bundle, just love it!

GranChris said…
I'm retired so I don't have to commute anymore but when I did it was a carpool.
Martine said…
I love biking and baking .
I am on the mailing list ; Thanks for a chance to win.
SassyCathy said…
Riding - in the passenger seat - so I can relax and sew or read or do something
Cathy Byrd
Vea McDonald said…
I love to bike ride. But I live too far from anywhere for it to be practical. But I would if I could.
Jess & Dave said…
joined the mailing list
jshipp said…
I just joined the email list.
Tanya said…
I drive, as I live in a remote area, takes 40 minutes to drive the kids to school :)
I am on the mailing list
I have tweeted TanyaKitto
I have shared on FB Tanya Kitto
I have pinned http://pinterest.com/pin/22236591880139667/
Love the colour of this bundle :)
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