Fabricworm Giveaway! Weekend Custom Bundle!

Hey Fabricworms,
This week we're giving away 12 Weekend Inspired Fat Quarters. Everyone has a chance to win, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post answering the question below and you will be entered to win. The giveaway will end at 8:30am PST, Monday, January 16th. We will announce the winner later that same day. The winner will be chosen by random.org.

This week we wanna know:
What's your favorite weekend activity?

But don't forget you get 4 bonus entries by doing the following:
  • 1. Tweet the giveaway! Copy this:
Check out the @Fabricworm Giveaway! #giveaway #fabric: http://bit.ly/wJ0JK2

Then make sure to add an additional comment to this post with your twitter ID
  • 2. Facebook the giveaway! Copy this:
Check out the @Fabricworm Giveaway!:http://bit.ly/wJ0JK2
Then make sure to add an additional comment with your facebook ID

and post an additional comment that you joined the mailing list.

  • 4. "Pin" your favorite bundle on your Pinterest Board. Just click "add" on yourPinterestaccount. Then add the link to, and add "Fabricworm" as the description.
    Don't forget to leave an additional comment with the link from the pin.


chimes said…
also posted on FB — facebook.com/chimesdesignofficial
chimes said…
pinned: https://pinterest.com/pin/21814379414762484/
Allison said…
I took my kids to the library this weekend. They love it there!
Amber said…
Coffee and reading in bed with my hubby.
Amber said…
On the mailing list.
Amber said…
Lisa C in GA. said…
Have posted to facebook here:

Lisa C in GA. said…
I've signed up for the newsletter...I think I was already, but added just to be sure :) Thanks for the giveaway!

Lisa C in GA. said…
Pinned my fave bundle here: :)

Lisa C in GA. said…
My favorite farm animal is a miniature cow...just big enough to provide milk, cheese and butter to our family of 8. As of now all we have is chickens. But I'm lobbying hard to my husband for a mini-cow!!

Lisa C in GA. said…
tweeted here: https://twitter.com/#!/barzibo/status/157172156780908544

Anonymous said…
Favorite weekend activity is spoiling my kids rotten, of course!
Anonymous said…
also, I'm on the mailing list! :)
Alli said…
I love being able to stay up later into the morning to sew. :)
Alli said…
I subscribe to your newsletter in my hotmail account. Thanks for the giveaway!
PersimonDreams said…
favorite weekend activity - sewing of course!
Anonymous said…
Lately, my favorite weekend activity is sewing with my new machine.
Michele T said…
Favourite weekend activity??? Housework... hahahahahaha I enjoy doing anything that I please especially when there is nothing on our agenda!! But I do have to say that there is no better satisfaction than looking around a clean house!!
Anke said…
Going to the beach! Love the giveaway, thanks!
ELNM said…
I love to bake when I have extra time on the weekends!
ELNM said…
I am on the email list!
Favorite weekend activity is sleeping in! Even if it's only until 8 :)
And I'm already on the mailing list!!
Jessica said…
I love all of the projects that I get done, so sewing!

jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
Jessica said…
i am already signed up for the newsletter

jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
Jessica said…

I tweeted

jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
Jessica said…
I shared on facebook too


jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
Karin said…
What a silly question! Sewing, of course!!
Karin said…
I'm on the mailing list
Quilting is always my favorite activity, whether it is the weekend or during the week. Great giveaway!
Heidi Staples said…
My favorite weekend activity is doing something fun with my husband and 3 girls.

heidster7 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Heidi Staples said…
I'm on the mailing list too!
I pinned a fabric bundle.
rsteussy said…
favorite weekend activity is sewing of course!!!
Binks said…
I love to just get out of the house and soak up some rays and fresh air. But I'm not too picky as to where, as long as I'm out. Afterwards, though, I'm all about crafting. I absolutely love crafting on the weekends.
Binks said…
...tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet...

Binks said…
i'm all signed up for the mailing list
Danielle said…
hiking with my husband and kids
Danielle said…
i'm on your mailing list
I think my favorite activity is sleeping in! ...though reading, sewing and cooking also are near the top of the list
Donna said…
Relaxing with my family or sewing on a project.
Donna said…
I'm on your mailing list.
Alicia G said…
Since my husband is a EMT and works a 24hour shift on Saturdays, my current favorite weekend activity is crafting and visiting with friends!
Alicia G said…
I just signed up for the mailing list! Fabric worm is the best, hope I win those darling prints!
Alicia G said…
Totally spreading the word on FB! Alicia Renae Peifer-Galbraith!
Chiska said…
It depends on the weekend and the weather. Sometimes I love just being home and reading or sewing. Other times I love getting outside and stomping around with my family. Especially somewhere new.
Nancy said…
favorite weekend activity is going to auctions with the hubby...we are looking to find some pieces for him to refinish and resell...He does AMAZING work with antiques...
Anita Van Hal said…
My favorite weekend activity is doing something creative! Thanks for the chance to win!
Cass said…
I love gardening. :)
Cass said…
I'm on the mailing list.
Diane said…
My fav weekend activity is sewing, sewing & more sewing! :) Thanks for the chance.
cindi said…
My favorite weekend activity is spending time with family and friends, especially if crafting is involved. Unless it's summer, and then add in baseball :-)
Carolyn said…
my favorite weekend activity is my Saturday morning knit group, them spending the rest of the weekend quilting and sewing in my craft room.
Alina said…
My favorite weekend activity is antique shopping. Yes, it tells you something about my age, doesn't it? LOL

Thank you for the generous giveaway and the chance.
Needled Mom said…
I love a little weekend sewing.
Needled Mom said…
I'm on the mailing list.
Annmarie said…
In the summer I like to work in my garden on the weekends. In the winter I snowshoe and/or cross country ski or shovel! Thanks for the chance to win some cool weekend fabric because of course I sew on the weekends too!
Annmarie said…
I subscribe to your newsletter. Thanks for the chance to win some great FQs.
carrie said…
I've subscribed to your mailing list!
rockgranny said…
My favorite weekend activity is spending time with my husband
Kathy S. said…
I posted about in on my facebook wall -- Kathy Schaller Snider.
Kathy S. said…
My favorite weekend activity starts out with Friday night date night with my husband and son. Then on Saturday morning my son and I go to our local YMCA and participate in activities.
Kathy S. said…
I tweeted about it today
Kathy S. said…
I am already on the mailing list. Thanks for the extra chance to win!
Tara said…
fave activity is just a lazy Sunday with the family. the rest of the week is so busy, it's just nice to relax.
taraz9 at excite dot com
Susan said…
Favorite weekend activity is the same as the other 5 days of the week! Quilting in some form from embroidering blocks to stitching them. Sunday is the only day I don't quilt. =)

Thanks for the chance to win!
Tara said…
taraz9 at excite dot com
Tara said…
joined the mailing list
taraz9 at excite dot com
Kylie Carlson said…
I love getting time to sew and I love singing in my church choir! kcarlson1152[at]hotmail.com
Kylie Carlson said…
I tweeted- https://twitter.com/#!/kcarlson1152/status/157879095491960833
Melissa Corry said…
I love to go to the cabin and play with the kids on the weekend :)
Melissa Corry said…
I am on the mailing list :)
Katie said…
I love putting a record on, pouring myself a large cup of coffee, and diving into the Sunday NY Times.
Janet said…
Staying up late and sleeping in. It messes me up for the week, but what can I say? I'm a "late" girl.
Katie said…
I just added myself to your mailing list!
Deb said…
Quilting! Or Legoland.
Prodriguez said…
Super cute bundle! Love the theme.
Mary said…
spending time with family and crafting
ruth said…
My favorite weekend activity is doing anything with my family.
Szappanbubi said…
Hanging out with friends and my boyfriend and go on a trip or just wandering somewhere we've never been before to explore and learn:) also love reading a book next to the fireplace while all of our cats and dogs running around or jump on us to have a rest on our lap:)
Mary said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lucy said…
My favourite weekend activity is napping with my cat, Oliver in the middle of the day just because I felt sleepy!
Lucy said…
I'm on the FabricWorm mailing list!
Alicia Wyatt said…
I just like to hang out with my family. We usually do a few craft projects
Mhairi said…
Does sleep count. If not it is going to fabric shops while my husband looks after our children. Fabric from floor to ceiling, friendly staff and no distractions!!! Got to love Hettie's Patch!
Habibti at Home said…
My favorite weekend activity is brunch with my husband. It is one of our dates that we shoot for every other week and always have a good time. After church if you ever go out for a long brunch, you know the happiness I'm talking about. Thanks for the opportunity!
amye said…
i love sleeping in, spending two whole days with my husband and hanging out all together with our boys. can't wait for the morning actually!
amye said…
joined the mailing list :)

amy (dot) edwards (at) mac (dot) com
free indeed said…
Favorite weekend activity if hubby is home is either breakfast out or breakfast in...but I love a breakfast with my special someone!
Jennyroo said…
I love sleeping in! I haven't done it for a long time, although fingers crossed that when my kids are finally old enough to pour themselves a bowl of cereal and turn on Saturday cartoons that I will still remember how!
Jennyroo said…
And I tweeted the giveaway! @Jennyroo1
Jennyroo said…
And of course I am on the mailing list!
Sophia said…
My favourite weekend activity is Jetskiing with my family and friends when its hot and sewing when its a rainy day.
Slovenka said…
Favorite weekend activity is going for walks that are longer than 60 minutes.I call them also exploration walks since we love to explore new places and nature.
Jeanne Gwin said…
Fav weekend activity during the winter is watching NFL football
Fav weekend activity during summer is being at the lake, relaxing on the boat, drinking a good cold beer and being with friends.
Jeanne Gwin said…
I tweeted your giveaway http://twitter.com/JeanneGwin/status/158040161383485440
Jeanne Gwin said…
I posted your giveaway on my facebook page http://www.facebook.com/JeanneGwin/posts/3080904822773
Jeanne Gwin said…
I already am signed into your mailiing list
Jeanne Gwin said…
I love love love, "City Of Love". and I pinned it to my pinterest board

Tara said…
posted on FB - tara elias
taraz9 at excite dot com
Diana Z said…
My favorite weekend activity is just taking down time. Taking time to watch a movie or read or when the weather is nice take time for my cats and dogs outside.
goldiez at hotmail dot com
Diana Z said…
Tweeted. My twitter id is @goldiez.
goldiez at hotmail dot com
Diana Z said…
Shared on my facebook wall as Diana Z
goldiez at hotmail dot com
Diana Z said…
Joined your mailing list.
goldiez at hotmail dot com
Lisa Corbett said…
My favourite thing to do on the weekend at the moment is to go for an early morning walk with the family, followed by a swim. Followed by a bit of pottering around our home, then an afternoon of sewing. Seriously I can't get enough of it!
Lisa Corbett said…
I'm on the mailing list :-)
I dont see my posts! I posted them yesterday! So, Ill try one more and see if it appears! This is my pinned bundle
I see my pinned post, so asume the others got lost in space!
I love sewing at weekends! I get all the time I want, not just the two hours in the middle of the night during weekdays!
memmens said…
Favourite weekend activity is taking it easy, drinking coffee and some time to sew! That's more than one - sorry!
memmens said…
I'm on the mailing list
memmens said…
I've pinned:
memmens said…
I shared on my facebook page: Handmade by Mary Emmens
mine is lazy breakfast!
mine is a lazy breakfast
JoyceLM said…
My favorite weekend activity is sleeping in. During the week I get up at 5:30 a.m., so it's great to get up late. Thanks for the chance to win the beautiful fabrics.
Lisa C said…
It is most certainly NOT grocery shopping! Why do I save it for the weekend? I truly enjoy going to church every Sunday morning and worshipping. Also, I enjoy the few hours each Saturday morning either quilting or piddling while the house is all nice and quiet.
Rachel said…
My favourite weekend activity is shopping for fabric.
Amy said…
Hanging out with my kids followed closely by quilting!
Retrogirl said…
weekends I love heading outside to one of the lakes and hanging out with my family {and getting some sewing in, too!}. =)
Retrogirl said…
Tweeted it and added a comment @retrogirl02. I'm about to pin under the same name.
Thanks for the bonus chances!!
Retrogirl said…
I just pinned a couple bundles (what?? who could choose just one!?) LOL...one has already been repinned.

I'm new to pinterest--the address is http://pinterest.com/retrogirl02/

Anonymous said…
Sewing of course!
Anonymous said…
Tweeted at @askmissgeek
Retrogirl said…
I don't FB, but did sign up for the newsletter.
Sis-O said…
Fave weekend activity is to spend leisure time with my husband. That may be as simple as grocery shopping. We have fun together.
Amber said…
Well since my husband is self-employed and chooses his own hours, and I'm a stay-at-home-mom, weekends aren't so different from weekdays for me. But my favorite thing to do when husband has a day off is to simply go out as a family. To the zoo, the park, museum, mall, indoor playground, etc. Love when we're all together!
Sis-O said…
I pinned this bundle http://pinterest.com/pin/140948663307586235/
Sis-O said…
posted on fb
Barbara said…
Sewing is my favorite all-the-time activity.
Sis-O said…
I follow and I joined the mail list. thank you for the give away.
red in oz said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
red in oz said…
What a lovely bundle, my favorite weekend activity is an adventure to the zoo with my little ones.
red in oz said…
I'm on the mailing list too.
Tannis said…
my fave weekend activity is sleeping in, then having a relaxing sit with my coffee!
tannis_z at excite dot com
Tannis said…
tannis_z at excite dot com
Tannis said…
posted on facebook
Tannis Wiebe
tannis_z at excite dot com
empathyimpact said…
My favorite weekend activity is curling up with my kiddos and drinking a warm cup of coffee as I dream about what I will sew next, while I knit. Creative Bliss!
Bossymamma said…
My favourite weekend activity is reading - the paper, a book, anything...
M said…
My favorite weekend activity is creating! :)
Karen said…
I like to work on my quilts, craft projects, and paintings, IF my family doesn't plan something...I always love to be with them!
Anonymous said…
Just relaxing! Sometimes gardening, sometimes crafts with kids.
Anonymous said…
I am on the mailing list, thank you.
My favorite weekend activity watching my grandson when my son and his family is in town. Three out of four Saturdays I have different classes, quilting, embroidery and hand piecing all of which I love. Sunday mornings I love to sleep in late.

Thank you for the giveaway and a chance to win.

I'm already on Fabricworm's mailing list.

Thanks again for a chance to win.

Vickie said…
Quilting, Sewing, Embroidery
Carla G said…
I like spending time with the whole family on weekends. Usually we just have a relaxing day at home. But in the summer, we go for alot of bike rides (when the weather is nice).
Carla G said…
I'm on the mailing list! :)
missyjane said…
Old school roller skating!
Christine E. said…
I enjoy cooking with my boyfriend and playing music together. And watching British comedy shows!
WandaFish said…
I enjoy taking my little girl swimming :)
suemac said…
I love fat quarter bundles. My husband and I noodle around or work in our garden plot on Saturday. On Sundays I usually spend part of my day in my sewing room.
WandaFish said…
Thanks for the lovely giveaway! I'm on your mailing list.
Lyanna L. said…
My favorite weekend activity is sewing/designing/going on drives
Rhyannon Y said…
Fave weekend activity: Working on my novel when I'm lucky enough for my five month old to sleep in a bit. It's so nice to sit in the quiet and have the house to myself for a little while :)
tusen said…
My favourite weekend activity is sewing, especially as recently I cannot really find time to do it during the week. It's also a great time for just being together with my husband or for meeting friends.
tusen said…
I'm on your mailing list, too.
My favorite activity, weekend or anytime, is babysitting grandbabies!!! Hands down, no contest!!!
Sew,ray,me said…
I'd love a chance to win please!

Weekends are nice filled with family walks, lots of home cooked meals and snuggling up to watch tv in the evenings :) (oh and a little bit of sewing thrown in too of course!)
My favorite weekend activity has to be relaxing at home knitting or sewing, or if it's nice out, going to local forest preserve :)
ColiBee said…
A perfect weekend is to have the time to sew, cook, bake yummy stuff and have the people I love around me!
ColiBee said…
just joined the meiling list!
ColiBee said…
...and pinned my favourite Bundle:

xsteen21 said…
In the summer, I love to swim in the ocean! And, at night, I feel like a rolling wave!
Talin's Corner said…
I would love to be able to sew, but I end up doing chores and running errands. But I do love to go out to dinner on Fri. or Sat. night, it's the only day I don't have to cook.
2lovebirds said…
I love stay home and read a great book... when I'm not too busy chasing after my boys or planing newest sewing project :-)
Momma Bear said…
Favorite activity: Discover a new park for my daughter to explore!
Amanda said…
I love quilting and playing with my son Taj!
Amanda said…
I am on the mailing list!
Donna G. said…
Just signed up! What beautiful fabric!
Donna G. said…
Favorite weekend activity: being outdoors! And when not outdoors, being in my sewing studio :-)
Zark and Larue said…
Laying in the "sun spot"!
Charlotte E said…
Quilting of course :-)
Carla Belyea said…
My favorite weekend activity is SEWING! Cute little girls dresses, curtains, zippered bags, and the like. Creating with pretty fabric is always fun.
Carla Belyea said…
Tweeted the comment through @carlasinspirati
Carla Belyea said…
Posted on facebook to my friends
http://www.facebook.com/carla.belyea and http://www.facebook.com/CarlasInspirations
Carla Belyea said…
Signed up for the newsletter too!
Carla Belyea said…
And my favorite bundle
Gretchen said…
Adding to pinterest, already a follower everywhere else!!
And favorite weekend activity, is sitting...after all the running around with the kids, sitting with a good book, or perusing fabric online and pinning it to my sewing board!!!
Lianne said…
My favorite weekend activity is craft shows!!
Patty said…
I love to work outside in the garden and in the flower beds.
Patty said…
I am on the mailing list!
Anya said…
Right now....hot cocoa by the fire...it's freezing out!
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Sleeping in!
VeronicaMade said…
Sleeping in. And, of course, sewing!
Frances said…
Braving the cold for a winter walk
ThreadArtist said…
I work every other weekend so I really enjoy doing "whatever I want" on the weekends I'm off! Sometimes that means spending time with friends and family or just lounging around the house reading, watching sewing shows on TV or renting a movie.
mle said…
Weekends are great for eating out and NOT doing housework!
Thank you!
bks015 said…
Favorite weekend activity = spending a day at the barn.
B said…
Fave weekend activity is to stay home and quilt.
Dolores said…
Having my husband home to help out with the kids and hang out as a family. Thanks for the giveaway.
Tranquilgirl said…
Favourite weekend pastime - sleep (not often possible with 3 little ones though!)

Jessica Pierre'auguste
I love having lunch with my family on Sundays. This Sunday is my birthday lunch; extra special!