Fabricworm Weekly Giveaway! Dear Stella Bundle!

Hey Fabricworms,

This week you can win 12 Fat Quarters of Dear Stella Lanakai! Everyone has a chance to win, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post answering the question below and you will be entered to win. The giveaway will end at 8:30am PST, Monday, November 14th. We will announce the winner later that same day. The winner will be chosen by random.org.

This week we wanna know:
What is your favorite color?

But don't forget you get 4 bonus entries by doing the following:

  • 1. Tweet the giveaway! Copy this:
Check out this week's @Fabricworm giveaway! #giveaway #fabric: http://bit.ly/

Then make sure to add an additional comment to this post with your twitter ID
  • 2. Facebook the giveaway! Copy this:
Check out this week's @Fabricworm giveaway! :http://bit.ly/t1nhoB

Then make sure to add an additional comment with your facebook ID

and post an additional comment that you joined the mailing list.

  • 4. "Pin It" on your Pinterest Board. Just click "add" on your Pinterest account. Then add the link the this bundle, and add "Dear Stella Bundle from Fabricworm" as the description.
    Don't forget to leave an additional comment with the link from the pin.

Please no more than 5 comments/entries per contest post. Also leave an email or account ID so we can contact you when if you are a winner.

Happy Sewing!
The Fabricworm Girls


britt said…
I love all the jewel tones, Navy/Sapphire Blue, Royal Purple and Forest Green
Jane said…
I always used to say red or aqua were my favourite colours.... but right at the moment I can't get enough of orange. Go figure!

WandaFish said…
I've always loved blues but find that purple seems to nudge it out of the way more and more these days when I'm making a choice :)
Thanks for the delicious giveaway!
WandaFish said…
Of course I'm on your mailing list!
SewSuzie said…
Blues in all shades and intensities especially those with a hint of green.
Gemma said…
Purple! No contest!
Gemma said…
Signed up to the mailing list. :-)
Heather said…
I am on the mailing list
Tina O. said…
I posted to FB and Twitter, signed up for the NL and my favorite color is white, I know not very imaginative but it goes with everything.
katie@stvital said…
This collection of fabric is perfect for me. My favourite colour is blue! Love it, all shades.
Tia said…
I love the color blue.
Peggy said…
I enjoy the muted shades of green and sometimes blue.
Peggy said…
I have blogged about your contest on my blog.
Oh, Dear Stella! How I love BLUE!!!
Grammy25 said…
Red is my favorite! Love it combination with black.
April and Nick said…
Blue - I just love it and can't get enough of it!
Kim Reid said…
Blue is my favorite color - Always!!
Thanks :)
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
JustPam said…
Coral is my favorite color
JustPam said…
I posted on FB. 1024942702
JustPam said…
I get the newsletter
JustPam said…
I pinned. http://pinterest.com/pin/102175485265564276/
Lefkothea said…
Nancy D. said…
Purple is my favorite color.
Nancy D. said…
I get the newsletter
Nancy D. said…
I shared it on Pinterest
charlotte said…
Yellow, always, any shade.
Also on your mailing list under yridge2 (at) yahoo (dot) ca
Unknown said…
I get your newsletter,thanks for the giveaway.
Unknown said…
My stash says Green!
my favorite color is seafoam green.

thanks for the chance! i'm really excited about this new collection. i can't wait to see it in person!
Ashlyn said…
Purple, always has been!
Allyson said…
Pink all the way!!!
Ms. Bookwalter said…
Favorite color is teal or seafoam
Jennyroo said…
My favourite colour is orange, hands down!
Jennyroo said…
I tweeted the giveaway! (@Jennyroo1)
Jennyroo said…
I am on the mailing list!
Margaret said…
My current favorite is navy blue. Ask me in a few months and it may be different.
Gillian said…
Love cranberry... and these blue fabrics!
KellyBlackwelly said…
Red! My favourite colour is RED!
Ã…se said…
My favourite colour is blue / aqua! :)
Ã…se said…
I'm on your mailing list. :)
Anonymous said…
Pink! It's pretty, it's girly, it's happy, it comes in so many brilliant shades, it's perfect to me!
Michelle said…
my favourite colour is green!
Marsha said…
My favorite color would be blue!
Marsha said…
Fabric Worm is on my FB
dudrear said…
green is my favorite color, followed closely by blue.
Joelle said…
Blue is my favorite color and yet I don't have much blue stash- weird.
Anna said…
Orange is my favorite....thanks for a chance to win
Anna said…
I receive the newsletter.....thanks for a chance to win
Mini MNM's said…
Purple is my favorite color! Typical girl!
Mini MNM's said…
I am already on the mailing list!
Anita said…
Blue. Makes me happy.
cindi said…
Green! But now that's I'm learning to quilt, every color is my favorite!
MC said…
Orange is my favourite colour, but my latest project is made with browns, blacks, and reds which work so well together.
Eva said…
it's a tie between red and aqua, combined they're gorgeous, too! :-)
MC said…
I've just signed up for the newsletter!
corina said…
Taupe is my favorite color. When I'm feeling a little crazy bright lime green is my fave.
Jocelyn said…
My favorite color is pink, but I use a lot of blue in most of my quilting. Thanks for the very generous giveaway!
Green is my favorite color, but I also love browns and oranges and I am falling in love with neutrals!
marylouc said…
I've always loved teal and other shades of blue-green.
marylouc said…
Pinned: http://pinterest.com/marylouc/stylin/
marylouc said…
Facebooked at id MaryLou Corrigan
Snoodles said…
Blue has always been my special favorite....oooh, hope I win that Stella! Thanks for the chance to win!
Snoodles said…
I'm ever so happy to already be on your mailing list! Yay! Thanks for the chance to win!
Snoodles said…
I posted your giveaway on my facebook page ---
Thanks for the chance to win!
Thearica said…
Blue used to be my favorite color and I still love it but I have found a new love in pink for some odd reason!
Thearica said…
I posted on FB!!

Thearica said…
I am now signed up for your newsletter!

Love your fabrics and thanks for the chance to win these awesome blues!
Tarnyia said…
Oh lime green would have to be my all time favourite... so fresh and crisp and I do like touches of grey too xxx
Kathinca said…
My favourite colour is orange.
Kathinca said…
I am already a follower
bwk058 said…
my favorite color is fuscia!
bwk058 said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
B3Dbaby said…
My favorite color has always been gray. There are so many beautiful shades and it just makes me feel warm and cozy!!
Alina said…
My favorite color is blue, any kind of blue, but mostly, pastel blue.

Thanks for the chance.
LethargicLass said…
Strangely brown :) It throws a lot of people off lol
quiltzyx said…
Anything in the blue range, from aqua to teal to royal to sky to turquoise to navy.....!
quiltzyx said…
I pinned to my board too:
Deb said…
Red is my favorite color - but only if it's the right red!
A said…
Dark Purple is my favorite colour!
MaryBeth said…
blue is certainly my favorite too.
MaryBeth said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
MaryBeth said…
I commented on Facebook about your giveaway. I'm MaryBeth Little on Facebook
MaryBeth said…
I tweeted your giveaway. I'm "mbquilter" on twitter.
MaryBeth said…
I "pinned" your giveaway. Thanks for the directions how to do that - it was my first pin.
MaryBeth said…
I've signed up for your newsletter.
astitch said…
Pinky shades are the colours that I like to wear at the moment and that I am working with at present
Courtney Coburn said…
Red is my go to color for everything !!! Love it ;]
Anonymous said…
My favorite color is Marigold yellow right now!
Anonymous said…
I tweeted here: https://twitter.com/#!/Lealee33/status/135449915152285696
Anonymous said…
I shared the giveaway on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=274205965955947&id=1392606405
Anonymous said…
I'm alreadu pn the mailing list!
Anonymous said…
I pinned here: http://pinterest.com/pin/508477055/
BabyD said…
purple is my favorite color!! (:
BabyD said…
I'm already a newsletter subscriber--just joined last week! (:
Carla G said…
My favorite color is blue! :)
Carla G said…
I'm subscribed to the mailing list! :)
Christine said…
I think that Eggplant is my favorite color to wear, but I am always drawn to deep reds and teals as well.
Binks said…
since i was a kid my favorite color has always been violet. but now, i really appreciate all shades of violet, especially lilac and plum.
Binks said…
Tweeted the giveaway @binkiege
Binks said…
im on the mailing list
ElfRenee said…
Purple is my favorite color!
Kayla K said…
Green is my favorite color! I love almost all greens, except really pine-y ones! :)
Kayla K said…
I joined your mailing list. :)

Kaylakerley [at] hotmail [dot] com
Jessica said…
My favorite color is red

jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
Jessica said…
I Tweeted about this giveaway!


jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
Jessica said…
I shared on facebook


jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
Jessica said…
I am already signed up for your mailing list

jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
Jessica said…
I pinned this post


jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
Heartsdesire said…
I've always loved the colour green, especially the apple greens.
Heartsdesire said…
I receive your emails.
It's got to be blue - the sea, the sky, and the rug in my lounge!!!! :)
And I've facebooked the link to my profile!
And I've joined your mailing list!
Paula Lemos said…
Red is my favorite color but blue is a close second; thanks for the chance!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Paula Lemos said…
I tweeted (http://twitter.com/#!/ap_lemos)
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Paula Lemos said…
I shared this giveaway on FB (Paula Lemos)
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Paula Lemos said…
I shared this giveaway on FB (Paula Lemos)
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Paula Lemos said…
I shared this giveaway on FB (Paula Lemos)
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Paula Lemos said…
I joined the mailing list - ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Karen said…
Green is my favorite. it can be earthy or it can be bright and playful. most anything will go well with a little green :)
It seems I always gravitate toward blues..remind me of the ocean.
I love the color peacock blue. I have always been a fan of the beautiful colors in peacock feathers, but the blue stands out so much to me. It's gorgeous!

~Shynea msshadiggy@gmail.com
I have joined the mailing list.

~Shynea msshadiggy@gmail.com
quilary said…
I'm not really sure what my favourite colour is - I have more greens in my stash than any other colour, but I love working with blues as well and those one's pictured look fantastic.
The Chics said…
I am all about the green tones lately, but my faves seem to change frequently now that I am a fabric addict!
Anonymous said…
Blue is definitely my favourite colour, although Red is a close second.

twitter: prussiasstar
Kathleen C said…
Like so many other quilters, blue is my favorite. But closely followed by red and red/orange. Quilters love to combine colors!
The giveaway fabrics are lovely; I smiled when i saw the name because Stella is the name of my daughter's cat :).
Thanks very much. I don't do the other things like blog or tweet, but my number might be chosen!
sew nel said…
Blue...always been my pick. It makes me feel happy! :)
sew nel said…
I signed up for your wonderful newsletter!
Malia said…
And I'm on your mailing list!
Megan said…
Blue is my favorite color, which is why I love love love this bundle!
Megan said…
Also, I'm already signed up for the mailing list!
Michelle said…
I love blues. Especially when they are on the turquoise side.
rads said…
am already on the mailing list
Lex said…
Pink has always been my favorite! Though in quilting I tend to want to use grey
B said…
dark, dark red
Chiska said…
I can never pick a favorite. I love color. I try to narrow it down, but feel almost as if I'm undermining a friend if I say I like one color better than the other. It's silly, but that's what it is.
Nonni in Barr said…
Stained glass aqua. Love the detail
Nonni in Barr said…
Aqua stained glass. Love the detail
Tiara said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carol said…
Blue-greens, and purplish blues but lately I'm finding myself attracted to a lot of reds....
Kirsten said…
My favourite colour is green!
blue, but there are beautiful shades of every color that I love. thanks!
Teresa F. said…
I love blue, any shade of blue will do!!!
Teresa F. said…
I'm already on your mailing list...Of course!
Mommybug said…
I always seem to fall for greens:) Love teals, turquoise and browns as well!

Andrea said…
When quilting, I'm torn between blue and green as my favorite colors. Love them both!
Andrea said…
And I'm already on the mailing list!
rebecca said…
amy favorite color is blue and this bundle would be perfect!
Eve said…
My favorite color is blue. You'd be surprised how hard it is to find blue shoes!
Laura said…
I'm on the mailing list!
Laura said…
Blue, but lately I've been loving purple.
kbzelazny said…
Pink,pink,pink!!!!! Thanks!
how lovely and nice . beverley roberts
abbiejoy said…
i've always loved green, but lately I am really enjoying RED!
Nancy said…
My favorite color is red. Thanks for the giveaway - love this line!
Anonymous said…
I've been very into a midnight bluish grey lately. Love your fabrics! Hope I get chosen!! :D
Calikisses said…
I'm already on your mailing list :)
Unknown said…
Used to be green, but now definitely pink...but definitely need these blues...putting together a string quilt in all blues!
Unknown said…
Bonus entry #1..twitter ID is @PinkBunnySuit..sent out to the whole world.
Unknown said…
2. Facebook...ID is LifeInAPinkBunnySuit...shared with everyone!
Unknown said…
3. Mailing List...already get your e-mails...love to see them, as all your fabric is awesome!
kfr14819 said…
Yellow is my favorite color. The older I get, however, the more I LOVE orange and purple too. Thx.
Unknown said…
Definitely Blue....and green, and yellow always makes quilts pop, and, and, and....
Unknown said…
I am on your mailing list!
Laura said…
I'm on the mailing list!
Laura said…
Posted it on pinterest :)
Laura said…
Posted on facebook
Laura said…
Twittered! :) thanks
My favorite color is "PURPLE"! Why? Because it's the color of Royalty
Just signed up for the mailing list.
Pinned to Pinterest using "pin it". Pinned the purple color way as well.
My favorite color is green, at least for today.
I already receive the newsletter
Cecilia said…
well, it's not really a colour, but black is mine!
Amanda said…
Yellow. Always cheerful and life-affirming!
My favorite color is green.

sivan said…
purple is my favorite color!!
Katarina said…
I can't decide between purple and turquoise.. maybe purple :-)
meli B said…
I would say red is my favourite colour to wear but how can I choose a favourite colour of all! Too hard. Love them all.
meli B said…
I tweeted your giveaway @melib59 but I don't have many followers! Hope I win though.